Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Load of Crepe

The other day I got to go behind the counter at Crepes No Ka Oi.
They let me work the dowel. 
AND the wooden paddle.

I got to make my favorite crepe, lemon and sugar. 
Keep folding...

I got better with my second crepe. It was rounder and had no holes in it.


  1. Well I guess you have a future as a crepe-maker if you ever leave acting.

  2. Great! Now I am hungry for crepes! Yummy.

  3. I love crepes. Had some yummy ones when I visited France. The sugar one was my favorite by far!

  4. Mmm.. crepes.. I just had lunch, but I'll make room for crepes.

  5. Haha, great title. Lemon and sugar is very british way to eat crepes. The best one I've ever had was with nutella and banana. Yum.

  6. Mmmm I love crepes! The most fun part of making them at home has got to be flipping them! They've only hit the floor a couple times...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. All I want is to be you doing that forever. EPJ

  9. Yum! I've never seen crepes made, but that looks like a lot of work. Totally worth it for the deliciousness, though.

  10. i heart crepes!
    i also heart your blog - you never know what you're going to get. love it dude.
    gonna go make some lemon sugar crepes now.

  11. I've never had a crepe in all my life. But I have had chocolate gravy for breakfast!

  12. mmmm...
    Ive never had lemon crepes before. I love anything lemon, Im going to have to try them sometime-thanks for the info

  13. Ohhh Crepes!!!

    All about the nutella!

    BTW, <3 you!

  14. Oh how I love me some crepes! Spread some grape jelly inside and a little butter on top. Oh my goodness! Delicious.

  15. Yum. You look very interested in making a perfect crepe. Lemon and sugar would be de-lish.

  16. I'd love to learn how to make a crepe. Yet another thing for the list.

  17. Haha, crepes are awesome!! Good job on making that crepe, I always screw mine up. :P

  18. one of the most delicious aspects of french culture! yum!

  19. You should really come to Fargo. We'll show you how to make lefse (which appears to be a lot like making crepes. But more Scandinavian).

  20. Great - now I'm hungry... :P

    Fortunately, there are many great crepe places in Montreal.

  21. Ah the benefits of being famous :) You get to do all sorts of fun things!!

  22. OW..I'm so craving a crepe right now. My fav is one with Nutella.

  23. Different Pam here....LOL....

    Nice! There really is an art to making crepes, not that I pretend to have the secret of it. But it looked like fun to me.

  24. Being of Scandinavian decent, I usually make Swedish pancakes, but this just made me want some schmancy crepes... maybe I will make them Saturday. Thank you for the inspiration. :)

  25. Dessert crepes are so yummy.
    I also suggest trying your fave sandwich using a crepe instead of bread. Trust me, it's dang good.

  26. That takes me back to Freshman year of college when my work study had me in the kitchen making crepes for professors. Only difference was the hairnet...

  27. Cool! They sound and look really good too.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I love mine with honey and nuts!!

    Hmmm great to learn how to do we say in Greece "mathe tehni ki astine ki ama pinasis piastine" (learn an art and then leave it...if you get hungry you'll go back to it:-)

    Take care
    peace and love

  30. looks like you had fun, I love these wee insights into your life
    greetings from a very wet Scotland

  31. Lemon and sugar crepes are the best ever. Good choice!

  32. OOH-la-la! Making ze crepes, no? Very cute. And making me hungry. Damn.

  33. Oooh, that looks so yummy! I love crepes with cheese and stawberries. :)

  34. Mmmmm. My dad makes the best crepes ever. Sometimes I miss being little and living at home!

  35. Lottery Ticket, it's no ka oi and it seems to mean "is the best".

  36. No are so talented. As someone that was born and raised on the islands, No Ka Oi means "da bestest" or "numbah one"


  37. clever title. I love cinnamon and sugar ;-)

  38. Oooh, yummy. Lemon and sugar, huh? What gives it the lemon flavor? Is it in the batter or is it lemon curd? I love lemon curd with scones. Now I'm hungry. Check out my latest Top Ten Tuesday- it involves my favorite foods!

  39. Jorge those look really good.
    Is your new Dharma job going to be Hurley Cookman?
    Your blog is always fun,and very entertaining.
    PS,I think that Smurfy guy would just crepe me out.

  40. Lemon and sugar...I know what I'm having for dinner! Thanks for the tip.

  41. Lemon and sugar. That sounds yummy!

  42. Crepes of Wrath.

    I had to say that.

  43. You wear many hats my friend. Thanks alot though because now I want a crepe. LOL!

  44. i wish i could say that i liked crepes, but i can't and i don't...let's chalk it up to working at a german/swiss/dutch inspired restaurant with all different types of crepes: chicken and cheese crepes, seafood crepes, beef crepes w/mushrooms...yuck...and the list goes on. Glad you got a chance to experience crepe-making firsthand! missed you guys tonight, but i'll definitely be in front of the tv next wednesday...

  45. Lemon and sugar is my favorite too, I like the crepes at Acadie here in Santa Monica, you will have to give them a try next time you are in LA and craving some of the lemony sugary goodness!

  46. That's pretty fun. Me and my little crepe pan are jealous.

  47. When Im alone with the kids at night, we sometimes have crepes for dinner... only we call them pancakes here - and we eat them with jam and sugar.... Not exactly the most healthy dinner, but it only happens a couple of times a year, and the kids needs a treat once in a while.

  48. Lemon and sugar? I have never tasted it. To me, the perfect crepe is with LOTS of Nutella :P

  49. OOO I love crepes!!! That looks like it would be a lot of fun to do!

  50. I love lemon and sugar crepes! I think Nutella is overkill.

  51. oooo those look delish! Now I need to figure out where to get crepes!

    Great photos!

  52. Dude crepe making is harder then it looks! I have a friend who did it at crepes Ala carte in Breckenridge.

  53. Hello Jorge!

    I make the best crepes in the world! Russian crepes. I can learn you and share the secret ;) It is so easy! Just let me know ;)

  54. Lemon Sugar crepes= Heaven, next to Lingonberry crepes, which are extremely hard to find, let alone done well.

  55. There was a little stand in Rehobeth Beach, DE when I used to go there - the woman was French and she had a little crepe business. Orange marmalade was her standard fare - they were so good. I can't even make pancakes.

  56. i have made my own at home for years now. i just love them with just grape jelly rolled up in them and a sprinkle of powder suger on top for breakfast in the morning or a late night snack. yum!

  57. Hey ,can ya leave your email ad in my cat's blog please,please,please? if not no problem. need to ask a ? with answers in reply. thanks man. please leave in a comments or email it thanks :)

  58. you have to try bananas & honey next time you have crepes. They are delish!!!

  59. Yum. You've totally inspired me to break out my circa 1972 crepe pan this weekend. I'm partial to the savory ones myself.

  60. Oh god yum! I love crepes. My favorite ones are filled with berries, Nutella and goat cheese. *moans*

  61. I've just discovered this blog today and am tremendously enjoying reading it. Jorge, you and Beth seem like smart, funny, lovely people, and I'm particularly enjoying your exploits out there in exotic Hawaii. And let's not forget Nanu, a heckuva cute dog. Thanks for this, and I look forward to catching up with your continuing adventures. Still wondering why Hawaiian fruit is so misshapen....

  62. M and HealthyFamily thanks for the translation. I will use with reckless abandonment, as in,

    "Jorge's Dispatches are no ka oi with lemon and sugar!

  63. I just had a crepe party last month. My family is french and it's tradition to make crepes on February 2nd (it has nothing to do with groundhogs day:)) My mom always emphasizes that the crepes must be see-through thin and she gets them that way too. Me, not so much. I'm gonna have to find me one of those wooden dowels to spread the batter out. I didn't know they made such a thing! I can't tell my mom, the purist though, she'd certainly give me her best french sneer...

  64. That looks really yummy! Make me one, please!

  65. It always seems like you're having so much fun! You always get to do such interesting things. You enjoy the little things in life and that's awesome!

  66. *yummy* I´m so hungry now :S

  67. Mark Bittman says to "bear in mind that the first crepe almost never works, even for professionals."

  68. I love me some crepes. I'm suddenly jealous. Yet one more reason for me to move to Hawaii. As if I needed an excuse!

  69. i'm super-impressed, jorge!
    also, for the record, your post title made me guffaw. in fact, i'm still chuckling. :)

  70. Man, I thought I had finally talked myself out of making another Aeggekage when I came across this post. Fail. But, yum! :)

  71. Been reading your blog for quite some time, but this is my first comment. I live on Schofield Barracks, and after you posted about The Counter a friend and I tried it out. Now anyone who comes to visit me wants to go get a burger there (and then they find their own locations at home).

    So when my parents came this past week we finally made it to No Ka Oi. (It was hard to find). I'm sure Beth was glad not to be there that night, we had 3 adults and 4 kids...huge order. It was really good, and everyone working was super friendly. Even my kids loved them, and that's huge. I'm going to make sure to visit again with my husband when he gets back from Iraq.

    My mom really liked her paradise crepe...the one with the apples. And my s'more was great!

  72. After the chicken at Mr.Cluks, here's the Crepes ! Nice blog btw :)

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