Monday, March 23, 2009


I've had this frame for years. And for years it's been empty. I kept trying to figure out what would be the most appropriate photo to go in that frame. 

Well I figured the only picture that would be right in this frame is one that I take myself. 

So here it is.


  1. Dude... that is fucking AWESOME. And I'm the first poster. SWEET.

  2. LOL - you are truly one strange dude. :-)

  3. Well, it’s certainly a very ‘unique’ (coughs politely) picture frame!

    But kudos for redeeming it with a creative photograph!

  4. no, I really think you should put the Dharma New Recruits 1977 photo :P

  5. That is so cool. What were you really holding? I have to know.

  6. I am bowled over by the win! And I totally need to know where you purchased such awesome.

  7. That is great! How the heck did you make your hand the same size? Who gave you that white elephant gift?

  8. That is absolutely hysterical! Awesome photo.

  9. Nice! That made me giggle :)

  10. That was a great chuckle to start my day with. You are either very clever or have way to much time on your hands LOL

  11. Good grief, how long did it take you to get that right? lol

  12. That is hilarious ... you are so clever!

  13. That kicks ass. Creative person, you is!

  14. LOL Too cool. I'm with Becky though. I wanna know how you did it to make the picture hand the same size as the "white hand"?

  15. OMG!!!! That's something Dustin Watchman would do??? LOL


  16. Too funny! I bet it took a while to get "just the right shot"

  17. That is so awesome and clever! Love it!

  18. HAHAHA - I thought it was going to be a close-up shot of one of your tomatoes or maybe Nunu, so it would look like you were holding either of those. But that is great.

  19. Great idea! Your blog ALWAYS makes me smile. Thank you!

  20. I like it too. It definitely catches the eye without going overboard.

  21. I'm so glad I found this blog - you always make me laugh. BTW I just turned 40 and my friends turned my office into the Lost island at work. Every detail from the plane to the little baggies of heroin LOL.

  22. Awesome. Great job lining it up, too.

  23. How many attempts did it take to get it just right?

  24. I also want to know how many attempts that took. :) Love it!!

  25. Wow, love it! Now I NEED to know where you got the frame - it's scary and funny all at the same time.

    Thanks for the laugh / artistic masterpiece.

  26. I'm in awe of how the heck you got the picture to match up exactly to the hand sculpture??????

  27. Duplicate that and sell 'em. I'll supply my PayPal information pronto!

  28. Looks like you've got a lot of spare time on your hand!

  29. that is an awesome frame...where did you get it?

  30. Creative but strangely eerie at the same time. I like it. It's interesting

  31. ROFL!!! That is hilarious! And only you would come up with that!

  32. genius among mere mortals jorge.
    very clever.

  33. I really have to hand it to knuckled down and put your finger on exactly what the frame needed. No one's going to palm off substandard art on you!

  34. Your very clever creation!!!
    muy ingeniosa tu creación!!!

  35. First dude took the words right outta my mouth. Except I was going to use the word "friggen" even though I actually thought the word "fuckin". That's cuz I'm a lady.

  36. I love that! So much cooler than a smiling-face pic. Nice job matching it all up.

  37. Jorge,

    Good thinking dude. Awesome picture frame!

  38. another awesome guy taken by another lovely gal..

    man, i wish you were single.. but only for my own selfish reasons! of course, who's to say you'd be interested?

    go geeky, funny, intellectual fat boys.. right on.. now, how do i get two photos autographed? one for my ten year old and one for (blush) me?

    best wishes.. keep gardening.. love your blog - fills me with hope for humankind.


  39. that is AWESOME! Post a blog on how you did it!!

  40. jajaja is your hand really??? It had to be difficult... "encajar" the pic of the hand??? Oh god... im forgetting my english :p

  41. Hmm...ever thought of taking a picture of area of the back of your left hand and put it in there? Would look strange I bet...

  42. Jorge - That's very reminiscent of making a Sleeveface using an old album cover. Have you ever seen one? Photographer that you are, you'd love them! There's a website of the same name out there. Nice job! Nice blog :)

  43. Nice job!
    I'd have gone for the Hamburger Helper look, but yours is superior.

  44. That's amazing, Jorge! Absolutely awetastic!

  45. You know, that frame sorta looks like something that came from the set of Beetlejuice (maybe something from one of Otho's garage sales).

    That said, it's great!

  46. That's freaking awesome. I had a towel rack for the bathroom that was two fists. Wonder where that went.

  47. That is one cool frame

  48. Thought you might like to see this:
    The way BSG should end...starring YOU.

  49. My brother used to walk around with a fake hand sticking out from under his sleeve. Every once in a while, he would drop the fake hand just to shock people. That's what he did when he wasn't running into street signs while slapping them loudly and falling to the ground as if he had hit his head.

  50. And how many tries did it take for you to get this right?

  51. Do you twitter? You need to twitter!

  52. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    OK, that totally cracked me up.

  53. hello Jorge. My name is Sebastian, I am from Uruguay. I am a great fan of Lost and you. Y hope this series never end.

  54. Really Clever. Love your imagination

  55. Dude you are so funny! : )

  56. That is hilarious, and so genius all in one!!

  57. That's awesome You are truly artistic and creative. Maybe when Lost ends, you can try a career in Art (seriously)!!You really are talented!

  58. Te quedó de puta madre, colega ;)

  59. Love it -

    And love the fact that I'm not the only one who keeps empty photo frames sitting around...

  60. that's PERFECT
    omg I have some empty ones too

  61. This is hysterical and brilliant at the same time.

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