Saturday, January 3, 2009

oh great

a picture of me holding a burger.

awesome. thanks a lot guys.


  1. At least it wasn't Dharma Ranch Dressing. I was getting a little sick of that stuff myself.

  2. Was it a good burger, at least?

  3. haha i like your face aswell It's like
    "Ohh noes, the island moved".
    And now i gotta go buy myself a burger :/.

  4. Looks like Carl Jr.'s, too... well, Hardee's on my side of the land.

  5. Ha. This is going to be on some Burger Blogs!

  6. It could've been worse, Jorge - they could have stuck one of those god-awful flashback wigs on you....on the other hand, let's not give them any ideas.... ;o)

  7. At least they didn't get it in your mouth with the sauce dripping down! That's how they always catch me! Mmm gracious!@

  8. Screw them.

    Jorge Garcia > Lifeless Photoshoppers

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  11. Hello Jorge Garcia!
    My sister, Whitney Butcher, is a big fan of yours and I've heard her talk about your blogs quite a lot. Her 18th birthday is tomorrow (january the 4th). I understand that you have an incredibly busy schedule and people like this annoy you all the time...
    I was REALLY hoping if that you would give some sort of shout out or happy birthday wish to her on your blog. I know it would mean a lot to her and she'd probably go crazy over it... I want to make this a very special birthday. It would really be the best thing ever if you could do this.

    I hope I haven't annoyed you :/!

    By the way--great work on LOST!

    Katelyn Butcher

  12. unoriginal. they're all over the place. just a crop of your face would have been cool. your expressions carry the show most days. you're talented and handsome, and you don't need them to show you that in a photo. neither do we.

    be wary of your comments out in the world's view though, dude. they might kill you off choking on a burger!

  13. Oh great, a Burly, Hurley, having a burgie... hmmm whats wrong wid dat??????????????

  14. Well it looks good! But my New Years resolution is to become a vegetarian, so THANKS ALOT! It looks soo yummy!! :(

  15. you look pretty heroic though...

  16. The look on you face is priceless! Its like you're saying, "Oh crap, you got me with the burger again."

  17. Dude, really, have you ever taken a picture where you looked HALF that religious and reverent?


  18. am i the only one that thinks that looks like a hot dog? and i'm pretty sure i know my delicious fast foods...

  19. when I saw that the first time, I was like great, why do that to the guy...

    I feel ya buddy

  20. You look like you are in costume. This raises the question: Does the burger play a minor role this season, or were you having lunch?

  21. The burger was fine. It just made us hungary. I was just wondering why you had to wear a shitzu shirt? Totally not the right kind of dog for you!

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