Sunday, January 18, 2009

Man I got pissed... for a second.

I was looking at stuff that came up on  my google alerts and I found this.

When I got to number three, I noticed the ad right next to the Hurley-related mystery, was for $1 Sausage McGriddles. 

I got pissed. But then I reloaded the page and I got something else in the ad window. So I cooled off. 

Which is good. Otherwise this blog entry would have been called, "Is it me or is this person being a dick?"


  1. {{JG}}

    I got an ad for fashion merchandising school. Does that make you feel better? Or worse?

    Relax...I think that any "order" to those ads is pretty much random generation within a selected demographic parameter.

    And face it, fans of Lost are likely to be fast food consumers either by choice or economic necessity.

    I'm totally jazzed about the new season, and after following your blog for the last few months and coming to "know" what a terrific person you are IRL, I will be enjoying Hurley's story arc more than ever.

  2. I reloaded 5 times and got the same ad... :-\

    I wouldn't sweat it, though... depending on the ad provider, generally they're either extremely random, or the pick up and match words and wording from the entire page. And of course it's McDonald's; they have the money to spare to advertise all OVER the place.

    So yeah. I wouldn't sweat it. I despise McDonald's and therefore wasn't moved.

  3. Well, I've got "Harris-Stowe State University" as an ad. It's completelly random. Don't take it personally.

    P.S. Can't wait to see you next week :-)

  4. I got the McDonalds add too. I'm sure it switches up though. Don't sweat it...with these talks. I don't think they did it on purpose.

  5. I got an ice-cream advert- they change depending on where geographicall you're viewing the site from and essentially stalk your internet history to choose adverts. It's very complicated.

    But never mind, don't be sad, you have work to do! Hurry up and get back to that island, I'm pretty sure that weird shit's going down that only Hurley can solve.

  6. hey its from St. Louis, thats where Im from! sorry about that confusion.

  7. *sigh* I probably would have reacted the same way...

    I can't believe these long 8 months are now almost over! I hear "The Lie" is a Hurley-centric. Can't wait!

  8. Dude they have it out for you! Mine was for Estee Lauder wrinkle cream! Or maybe its big brother and that is really an ad aimed at me! Hmmmmmmmmm :) I'll be in Hawaii next week maybe I'll run into you and we can go for McGriddles!

  9. Heh...that's the website of my hometown's newspaper (St. Louis, MO). Yes. I assure you all of the ads are random. :)

  10. Carl's Jr. Hand-Scooped Shakes here. Actually, that was the second time I clicked the link. The first time, I hadn't even read your whole posting. Didn't even notice there was an ad there, so, that tells ya something. I'm more interested in Lost theory then what they're trying to sell me anyway.
    It's still mostly guesswork as to who and what are key at this point. Looking greatly forward to the new season. I still say it's all about Hurley. I have now posted my (loose) theory on my blog spot here if yer interested.....

  11. well, I got a Hertz rent a car but like someone else said, it's all random. Your looking great in the previews and sneak peeks, I can't wait till Wednesday. It must be fun being a part of something that is so well known and will be for many many years.

  12. Hi! Jorge, how are you? I hope you and your family are well. I wanted to know if there is a reason you do not want to be friends with me. I hope everyday there would be a comment from you on my blog, but there is not. This makes me very sad. Please make a comment to me on my blog at

    This would mean soooooo much to me. I would really like to be friends(close close like boyfriend girlfriend close!)


  13. I got a Breakfast Deal at the Hilton Garden Inn....

  14. Ok well I love Lost...and I'm excited you have a blog...and that you will possibly read something I wrote. Can you tell I've never met anyone famous? Ha ha! Can't wait for the season premiere!

  15. I've got Firefox with the AdBlock addon so I don't have to deal with pesky ad's. You should check it out!

  16. I guess you don't like McGriddles. Try one, you might like it. They are actually pretty good. I didn't think I would like them the first time but I did.

    BTW....What DO the numbers mean?


  17. i got hand scooped shakes from carl's jr!

    my question is, what is the alternative to a hand-scooped shake?

  18. hehe thats the paper across the river from me. I got a different ad than McDonalds.

  19. Oh and the St. Louis post dispatch sucks anyway!!

  20. The ad I got says..

    "Use steroids.
    Get caught.
    Be labeled

    don't be an *"

    then it has the olympic rings symbol on it.

    ps> Can't wait till Wednesday! :)

  21. Could have been worse, I got an add for Jenny Craig!

  22. I got an ad for eDiets. Those things are totally randomly generated, don't worry.

  23. mmm Jacob confesses you are ..

    :) good morning

    Trieste Italy

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. "I can't believe your giving him Australia, Australia's the key to the whole game." I just watched that scene, hilarious.

  26. I also got the Harris-Stowe University ad. We should take a poll to see who got what.

    Can't wait to see what goodies Season 5 delivers!

  27. LOL - I just went back on this page to see what the ad would be. It's sausage Item #1. Does someone over there read this blog?

  28. I totally sympathize. There's a local grocery store that I shop at a lot and it always prints of a coupon for Depends for me. I always thought the coupons were generated by what you purchased before (data accessed by your little key fob discount card) but I've never bought adult diapers so it always confuses me.

  29. This is the new account, the other hacked.
    However I have got some strange things as well.

  30. While I set my new page and decide my blog, I came up wit this riddle Do ya know the answer?
    or anyone?

    I can sizzle like bacon,
    I am made with an egg,
    I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
    I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
    I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole,
    What am I?

  31. Jorge-good luck with the new season! I cannot wait! Hope you have fun with it.

  32. Me encanta el trabajo que haces en LOST!!! mi personaje favorito felicidades!

  33. I refreshed that site about 10 times. Never got the same ad and never one of McDonald's ^^ guess you were just unlucky. Locke would probably say it was your destiny so you were able to amuse us with another blog entry ;)

  34. My man, you need to install Firefox and the "Ad Block Plus" extension--it gets rid of most of those annoying ads.

  35. I got a consultant who had my last name, but wasn't me.

    I'm really looking forward to the show, and I'm so glad there's gong to be a Hurley-centric episode! I can't wait!

  36. Okay, I'm getting older and the neural synapses don't form as quickly or last as long as they did in my youth. Will someone please tell me why this would piss Jorge off? Thanks.

  37. Could I be any more excited about finding your blog?? Looks like I've got lost, oops I mean lots of catching up to do :)

  38. I got pancakes the first time too. Then I got an ad for adoption. Maybe they are trying to tell you to make pancakes and the give them to the kid you will adopt?

    I'm a big Lost fan and the only time I am a consumer of fast food is when I'm traveling... not by choice or economic necessity but rather time constraints. Your fans come from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds. Your popularity is universal. :-)

  39. Bravo!! Wonderful performance in the premiere. My wife was crying with you. (I don't cry, I had my tear ducts surgically removed to be more manly)

  40. Some day you should write something real, something really real, about how you feel about your celebrity (aka the character that your agent is selling), your mind and your body.

    Because posts like this scratch the surface of something that is undoubtedly meaningful for you, but also meaningful for those of us who spent school "being someone" amongst their friends based on fleeting physical attributes.

    (which is to say in Jr High I was the funny big guy and then dropped 25 lbs when I got a job mowing lawns and people thought my personality changed when it hadn't)

  41. Mozilla Firefox + Adblock Plus = Commercial Free Net :-)

  42. And, this is the reason I don't have ads on my blog. I am scared about what might come up.
