Friday, January 2, 2009

It's good to be home


  1. yeah, it's always good to be home. your doggie is super cute =D

  2. AND ALSO...

    home sweet home

    my home is my castle

    and...ah well that is all I have!

    happy new year Jorge! Health, love, peace and all the nice things in this world!

    Love and kisses from Greece
    thank you for everything

  3. No place like home!

    Gotta say your legs look pretty puffed in that photo.

    Your doggy really is cute in a chihuahua kind of way (having a big (friendly!) dog, we jokingly refer to dogs of that demeanor as "appetizers"), love you on the show, and your blog is amusing/entertaining/interesting.

  4. This is one of those times a picture says a thousand words. :o) Happy New Year, Jorge, Beth and Nunu!

  5. Hrm. That's an unusual growth, there. :U

  6. Isn't that the best thing in the world? My cat does that to me too. Actually he falls asleep on the arch of my foot.

    You can tell how much Nunu loves you. Too sweet!

  7. Awwww! That is so sweet. My dauchsand likes to lay like that too, or off the arm of the chair.

  8. My cat does that too!!! And when it's cold he also tries to get under the blankets at night!!!

    ...Jodi, my cat's black and white too!!!

  9. Do you take Nunu with you guys when you travel to LA?

    Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year!!!

    That's what I gotta do--put my feet up after a long day. Ahhhhhh.

  11. Jorge, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR from France!

    I have a question for you : are you coming in Paris on April 25th for Festival Jules Verne?

    I'd love to see you ^^


  12. Jorge, i hope you had a very nice christmas and a rreally happy new year. Wish you all the best, you're awsome on Lost, i'm counting the days for the fifth to start!
    Anyway, greetings from Argentina!

  13. now that's just one of the sweetest pictures i've ever seen :)

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