Friday, January 9, 2009

I did it myself

This past Christmas I baked and glazed the sugar cookies myself.

Okay let's try one where I don't look creepy.

That's better.


  1. Cool. You are the cookie man. I made barley wine (strong beer) and pizza. The beer took longer.

  2. That first picture could pass you off as the Michael Jackson of gingerbread children...

  3. "what I hold in my hand, is the last holiday themed baked good you will ever consume. Muh Ha Ha!"(villain strokes beard)

  4. Ha! That first picture makes you look like you should be in an after school special. "Hey kid, come here, I have a cookie for you!"

  5. Creepy??? You've been haning out with Michael Emerson too much...LOL Have a good weekend.


  6. Sorry, but that's two different looks of creepy. That's okay, though- you do it well!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. (oops - typo caused me to delete)

    Great job! I always avoid sugar cookies, because actual talent is kind of required. (Without talent you can end up with some sad me I know!)

    Very nice! Now you just needed your chef's hat & apron to complete the moment!

  9. least you are capable of taking a good picture (even a decent creepy one!). It's not one of my talents. Mine never look like the DMV took it instead of myself or a friend. I need a beating with the modeling stick.

  10. Hi, Jorge!I am afraid You not read my previous comment. Therefore I shall write ones again (Excuse me... won't write it again. I promise)
    I'm Russian. I saw spoilers from shootings of LOST. A scene about Russia. There is a typing error ("Красная пАощадь")on the tablet "Red Square" It will be correct so: "Красная площадь" Just want to LOST became better. I ask you for GREAT HELP !!! Inform directors, please, if you can.
    In any case, thank you for attention! Respect man!

  11. haha! Your cookies turned out nice looking, at least! My brother and sister (who are 17 and 20, mind!) made what they call "Drive By Reindeer" where they stuck about fifty of those cinnamon hearts all over them, and I swear they made a gingerbread man with a hole in his head. :(

    ...however, you've got them both beat when it comes to the evil-cookie-face. Second picture makes me smile though. :)

  12. My oven broke this year so I didn't get to finish my baking ... so can you send me some of those????

  13. I LOVE the creepy photo; it's hilarious! It's the only thing I've laughed about all day. Thanks!

  14. My husband always makes that face in photos when he's trying to smile. I always yell at him.

    the second photo is much better, but the cookie looks equally delicious in both photos!

  15. jorge... You rock. I have been a fan for a while now. Saw "Becker" after LOST, and you were great on both. In an older post you said that you would send an autograph to any one who asked for one.

    How does one go about doing this without leaving personal information on here?

  16. IM a spanish fan Im not speak english but this only say Good job Hurley.


  17. You look good in all of your pictures, you are very photogenic! Great cookie, looks delicious. Wish I could make a cookie that well. Peace.

  18. Your fight between "pat" and "pad" of butter is a shared one. I went with "pat," too. If you're interested in reading about the best way to eat corn-on-the-cob, come check out the blog.

  19. The creepy one should totally be your Christmas card next year. XD

  20. Dude, you've got to find a way to get that creepy look into the show somehow!

    And thanks for doing this sort of personal one-on-one with the fans. It's always a kick in the ass.

  21. Very good! Mine don't look that nice. But they taste good.

  22. lol you're so cute and funny in the same time, you're cookie man, great i'm not lol so congrat for what you made :)

  23. I noticed those in Bethany's blog. They look delicious.

  24. You're right. Pic #1 = creepy. Pic #2 = cuddly like a teddy bear.
