Thursday, January 29, 2009

Have to pause to show you this:


  1. i was just gonna write "awww, she's the best" but then realized that at this very moment she is tearing up some piece of paper into tiny little bits all over the floor.

  2. Aw, it's her little radar-bat-ears that get me!

  3. This makes me miss my dog, who is currently 6,000 miles away from me. Sadness.

  4. He's really sweet.
    I like you have used him in your fuselage-userpic.

    best "dude"-regards from russian-japanese Germany, you know :-)

    Merzmensch aka kosmopol

  5. Very cute!!

    Thanks for joining us on the podcast it was an awesome time!! :)

  6. She's adorable...and she's a real star!!!

  7. Awwww...See, she should get a role on the show. Nunu loves the camera!
    PS: The other day was a blast. Thank you so much!

  8. She is such a cutie ! And I must say Jorge, you are totally awesome on Lost ! This year is fantastic and your role just gets better and better.

  9. AWWWWW. Everytime my dog does something like that I know for sure they have done something bad and are trying to distract me.

  10. You guys are never going to lack for entertainment with Nunu around. :-) Thanks for sharing your smiles with us!

  11. Nunu should be a model. She's got all of the moves down. Girl knows how to work it haha!

  12. I only hope that one day I can be as happy as Nunu cleary is in that picture!

  13. She'll be ready for the catwalk soon....(Sorry, Jorge and Beth. I had to.) LOL

  14. Awwwww, she's so cute! My dogs likes to do that too, usually when it's just snowed.

  15. I like the third one. "I will now imitate 'The Scream by Edvard Munch '" ahhhh!

  16. Such a cutie!!!!!
    Love the yawn!

  17. Absolute cuteness!

    Since work has been slow today, I felt a slice of random creativity...

  18. I'm a dog.
    I'm a lucky dog.
    Scratch my back.
    oh yah right there.
    that feels good.
    Im a lucky dog.

  19. is she as sweet as she looks???

  20. You're gonna have to warn us the next time so much CUTE is coming!!! :)

  21. You see, the benefit to having a small dog is knowing that it can jump into your bed and sleep with you without making your limbs fall asleep unlike the two huge ones I have. Not to mention, if they have an accident in the house, how bad can it really be? If mine have an accident, it takes three grown men to clean the mess and then fumigate.
    On another note, and the real reason i came on here, I have been trying to find out the name of the actress who plays the young's driving me insane bc I know I have seen this actress before and I can't place her.Sorry to use up your comment space for a simple question but can you tell me what the actress's name is? I've searched everywhere...and Dude, you need a Myspace page!!

  22. oh my!!!! he's not spoiled!!!!! LOL!!!! ;)
    gotta heart little dogs!!!! :)

  23. A pause for the paws
    Cute dog. My mum had one the same colour and called him Amigo

    jennc98 The actress who plays young Eloise is Alexandra Krosney

  24. She's too adorable. Just love to give her a belly rub ...

    Thanks for sharing

  25. I told you Jorge. Nunu needs her own blog. That's too much cute.

  26. How adorable! I love the yawn one! It is the dog version of me! LOL!

  27. OMG -- Nunu is the bomb!I have to agree with Miss M on the cuteness factor.

  28. awwww! They're so sweet when they're in that attitude, Though my little dog Pepe sometimes seems the Maya Desnuda and she glance with fawn-looking eyes. lol Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating...

  29. I kinda felt like doing the same thing after all the rain and cold weather! Only there's now way I'd be as cute and utterly, fabulously contented. Sunshine on the inside from the pics!

  30. AWE, she's SMILING!!!!

  31. Very cute!! Loved the podcast with The ODI and ~Karen~, thank you for taking time to do that. Nunu is really a sweet dog. She is just loving life.

  32. It's creatures like these that make me realize that my chihuahua isn't as cute as I once thought. Bravo, brown and black chihuahua. Bravo. You win this round.

    Oh, and Hurley better not be dying on us or I'll be pissed!

    Check out my own blog at

  33. I listened to the ODI interview today which was great and thanks for answering my question,,,,but i loved hearing nunu barking in the background!! lol

  34. I just love him!!! I know those moments that you just have to catch.

  35. Am I the only one who got the fact that she's acting out "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.... and then just dead"?

  36. Jorge,

    Almost makes me want to get a dog!

  37. i like her little tongue sticking out - so cute! she looks so happeeee!!!

  38. It´s sooooo cute. Can I take it for me? *smiiile*

  39. Aw what a cutie!

    My chihuahua is just weird, in fact she is currently in the next room making weird noises in her sleep >.>

    Probably dreaming of ways to assassinate me lol XD

  40. My chihuahua does that too. It cracks me up every time--especially if she's doing it with her toy pig in her mouth.

  41. Yes m so much call me 6260166687
