Saturday, December 27, 2008

Man it's cold

I'm not having a contest here with the people back east, but for California it is freaking freezing at my parent's house.


  1. At least you have power.

    It wasn't cold here last night but it shore was dark!

  2. Here in the frozen north we've seen enough below zero weather to last us the entire winter!

  3. Isn't it crazy? It's so cold in CA I can't stand it. I heard it actually snowed in Berkeley earlier this season.

  4. i love che frozen and the winter *_*

  5. ahhh warmth. it's good to be home.

    i never want to be at disneyland on a 48 degree day again.

  6. Greetings from Sweden!
    Man you look scary on that picture. You look like a Viking with a football helmet.
    And you should be happy that its cold, Due to the global warming, it barely gets cold in Sweden on the winters anymore. We get winter like one month before christmas, then only for a week, then its gone during the winter, and then abit snow in the beginning of the spring.
    // Daniel

  7. LOL! Yeah that pic might give some kids a nightmare. I don't know much about California weather, except that it is supposed to be warm but it is 62 degrees in NYC right now - 4 days till New Years - crAZy!!!

  8. I live in was 70 yesterday!!!!

    Course today its back to 45...I dont get it either.

  9. Just looking at that picture gives me the chills. Brrrr! Believe it or NJ today, it is 55 degrees!! Weird. The other day it was 14 degrees.

  10. Are you still in SoCal? If you want to see how popular you are, come by my place in Irvine. I have a bunch of friends, neighbors and relatives that are all big fans!

  11. My family and I just came back from a 5 day trip to Disneyland where 3 of the days were very cold and very rainy. Even though we were physically miserable, the lines were so short! It was worth it.

  12. It's cold in Italy as well... O_o

  13. Here in Philly it's 65 degrees! Freakin' crazy. In a few days it'll go down to probably 30s or 40s. Nuts! But you do look scary in that football helmet! Like you're waiting for Sasquatch to join you.

  14. @Daniel Fahl: At least you have a (short winter). Here in the Netherlands we get all ecited if it's freezing for maibe 4-5 days in a row (which is the case right now), so that we can maibe ice skate on natural ice.

    And that is probably the only winter we get :( Last year, we didn't even had ice, only wet snow and stuff.

    Too bad :( I'm actually a bit shocked because I thought Scandinavia still had decent winters, unlike (mostly) the rest of Europe.

    @Jorge: what a creepy photo!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jorge, I'm over in Ventura County, close to the LA county line, and my grass was frozen for the last couple of days. I think it got down to 30 two days ago? All I know is I was out working out in it at 6:30 in the morning and it went right through my leather jacket and gloves. On the other hand, I'll have a bumper crop of blueberries, come spring....

  17. I'm in Houston and I'm almost as far south as you can get without havin' to be fluent in Spanish, thought livin' in my neighborhood, it does help...and we had about 4 inches of snow two weeks ago...I couldn't even see the top of my car...just the sides and's been in the 30's and down to the 20's and then Christmas Eve and Day it was's nuts down here!!

  18. It was actually unseasonably warm in DC this past weekend. I would rather have had the cold. :( Wish I could have traded with you.

  19. I was totally shocked to see a friend post a picture of snow caps in the LA area not too long ago. Then again, I know many SoCal people balk at 60 degrees. :-P

  20. I spent THIS Christmas in Australia and I got sun-burnt. We had a water-pistol fight = kids versus adults...

    Also I introduced OUTBURST to the Ozzies...a fantastic game if you have a big crowd of loud people...

    The ladies won!

  21. lol dude your totally funny... I really enjoy your blog...

