Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Starting Wet

Those two words, spoke to me by the AD last night are why I'm feeling slight dread about going to work today. 

I can handle waking up at 4:30 to make the 6am call. 
And usually only two scenes to shoot in one day is a breeze. 
But "starting wet" messes the whole thing up. 

Why did I even shower today? (Well I guess I showered because that is my routine. So was putting on deodorant when I know "starting wet" is going to wash it off anyway.)

What I did not do however, is put on underwear. On a day that I "start wet" I pack it in bag to put on at the end of my day. A small comfort that I will be looking forward to I assure you.

Remember to vote folks. 


  1. I voted. 5 minutes. 8:23 am. Voter number 122. Small town, USA.

    and, yes, my underwear were intact upon voting. Hope yours were, as well. :)

  2. that's so interesting! for some reason, i guess i thought being an actor would be awesome every day and that you would never feel the dread the rest of us poor working folk do on a sometimes frequent basis. well, good luck and hope it goes well!

  3. ew. "starting wet" just sounds cold and clammy and uncomfortable. i got thrown into a swimming pool with my clothes on at a party last summer, and i spent the rest of the party peeling my clothes away from my body and just being miserable... and i was wishing like hell i hadn't worn underwear.

    think dry thoughts, jorge. my thoughts are with you. we're all counting on you...

  4. oh, and p.s. already voted, too.

  5. ick - what a way to start the day! (I'm thiking water park sticky - FUN!) Good thinkg you took along your "dry bag"...

    Thanks for the "vote" shout out! I hope we get some good news today!

    All the best!

  6. Hi Jorge,
    I would have skipped the shower. But hey, that's how I roll. lol! You gotta always have clean undies, my friend. At least at the end of the day, no matter how wet it starts out, you have your clean, dry undies ;D
    I hope you packed your deodorant too! You gotta replace what washes off.

    Have a great day!!
    Big Hugs,

    PS: Voting is my priority today :)

  7. Key Jorge..

    kinda lousy when you have to get up that early and you have to start out being wet, but guess in the long run it'll be all worth it in the end. reading some of the small tidbit spoilers that that come on darkufo and spoilerfix sounds like season 5 is going to be very intersting and cant wait till the season starts, still can't believe we have to wait for 2.5 months for it, but glad to have season 4 coming out dvd in about a months time, so im sure alot of us will be buying it that day it comes out and watching it like crazy till the new season starts. So do you ever watch the past seasons on dvd? GOOD LUCK in the voting polls and hope the right "man" gets in, i'd know who i'd be voting for if i was an american (im canadian).

  8. Underwear & deodorant would be packed for me as well.

    I just thought of something...you'll probably have sand attached to your feet all day! Ugh! I hate that feeling. I don't blame you for dreading it.

  9. Whoops! I forgot to say - I voted already too :)

  10. Here's hoping that the wet is also warm. Of course, in Hawaii, it is bound to be warmer than here! LOL.

    Thanks for the teeny tiny look into your LOST world, Jorge. It will make the wait for Season 5 a little easier!

    : ) P

  11. Here's a bright side -- at least you aren't filming in Alaska?

  12. So now, whenever I see scenes of Hurley in water, I'll know you're going commando.


    Happy Election Day! (At least, I hope it ends up being happy...)


    Be a part of a historical election!

    Thanks for that insight into the wonderful world of acting, Jorge! Keep warm!

  14. if you are shooting in the "rain" and your pants are all soaking wet, and you aren't wearing underpants. wont we all see what is going on? you know, down south.

  15. Saw the film trucks headed to the north shore about 4:30 am today, wonder if it is for your "wet" shoot, or something with those left behind... hard to tell with shooting going on sometimes simultaneously. I feel for you. I work outside and nothing is worse than getting wet and having to wear those clothes for the rest of the night. (yes I work all night) Just got home and will definitely vote!

  16. Starting wet. Not the way to start the day.

    I was up at 5:30 am and down at the polls at 5.55 am ready to vote!!

  17. You should think it worths because people who watches Lost enjoy sooooo much....

    Thank you!!!!

  18. Haha! Thanx for the glimpse into your routine as an actor. Good to know.

    By chance could you tell us what episode/scene (however vague you wanna be of course) so when it airs we can enjoy it all the more with that "behind the scenes" knowledge?

    You rock! :D

  19. Acordar cedo é chato as vezes, e ficar molhado por um bom tempo também, rs... Mas o bom da sua vida, que com certeza você tem uma profissão que gosta! filmar, atuar deve ser bem divertido. Aposto que várias pessoas gostariam de estar em seu lugar, e trabalhar na área que ama. Beijinhos Jorge, linda semana! =)

  20. by the end of the day you will see what wonderful comando joys i have been enjoying for years now.

  21. Americans, please don't vote unless you're voting Obama.

  22. I voted...small town in Wisconsin...1043 at 9:30am.
    Exciting day!


  23. I voted. I stood in line an hour, almost to the minute. It was before lunch. My husband met me for lunch, then went to vote. He walked right up, cast his ballot, and was out in less than 5 minutes. That's how my luck goes.

    And isn't commando uncomfortable in that situation? Not being a man, I have no experience with that. But it sounds like it would make the "starting wet" part worse.

    Hope you got through it ok.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Jeez...I'm fairly new as a visitor here. Already feel like I know a little too much about the two of you, Jorge and Beth. ;-)
    Happy to be here and enjoying reading the psotings and comments. I may even one day soon post my Lost theory. It's ALL about Hurley.

    Although I am a SoCal resident, I am Canadian and a Permanent Resident. I cannot vote.

  26. So now we know that whenever you're "wet" you're also "going commando." Great. That will add a whole new aspect to the show. ;-)

  27. Hang in there, Jorge! (Uh, no pun intended)

  28. Oh, Dude - how yucky!
    Is that why you looked kinda sad at the store yesterday in Kahala?
    Glad most folks left you alone to your thoughts. Do love your work, and what your character reps, though.
    Saw you on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' was Larry David cool to work with?

  29. "Start wet"? sounds like AD Schro saying!!

    I voted secret ballot!

  30. Is it possible to take comfort in the fact that not all occupations work well with the whole "starting wet" ideal?

    Well, I tried.

    And I voted. And with close to 4 hours left to sleep before I have to get up to go to work, I'm still quite exhilarated after tonight's events!

  31. Ah, you are so lucky to be where you are (even if you "start wet"). I get so excited when you write about working on set, because that is where I want to be eventually. So break a leg on set and I will be looking forward to your future posts!


  32. That reminds me of when my "Movie Star" was an extra and stand-in during filming of Public Enemies (out next July). (That is how I got my name, by the way.)

    He did some overnight shoots where they started at 5:00 pm and he would get home at 8:00am. Then he had to go to his "real job". It was a bit crazy.

    But he didn't go commando. Tee Hee.

  33. I cannot verbalize how close I felt to you last season knowing the state of your underwear during wet scenes. Just to reciprocate, you should know I am currently wearing underwear. They have skulls on them.

    You know, I type this stuff, and really hope you know I'm joking . . .

  34. Jorge,

    Has anyone told you 'your all wet'. Oh wait the director did! Hee Hee :-)

  35. Heheh, I remember your first post about wet underwear. X-D

    Wise man.

  36. alrightie then, now when we see you wet on the show we'll know you weren't wearing any undies and that's what we'll be thinking about LOL

  37. Hola Jorge,

    Hey man, I love the show!!!! more addicting than crack (not that I've ever done it).. I love your character and the whole shabang!!! I'm a 4th year medical student and I live in Los Angeles, CA. I read that you are 1/2 Chileno!! I was born in Chile (cool). I came to the States back in '86 during Pinochet's regime (not as bad as people said it was). Well bro I wish you the best and I hope your getting some Empanadas somewhere in Hawai'i. Your blog is really awesome for Lost fans, since we get a glimpse of the show from a true insider... take care and God bless!!! Viva CHILE.

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