Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorry Noon

But it's that time of month again.


  1. i always wondered how we'd spell her shortened name.

  2. Awwww, you are such a good Daddy to her. Nunu is adorable.

  3. Jorge you are the man.... here in Brazil, a lot of people loves you! Oh, the blog is real funny .....

  4. Hey, Jorge....
    When are you coming to Brazil?
    We want to see you, man.

    And congratulations for the blog, it's very nice when a star like you share your moments with the fans.

    Love you, Dude!

  5. poor nunu!!!

    a full frontal junk-shot posted on the internet!

  6. That's not the first time that crotch photos of a dog have appeared on the internet. Didn't Britney Spears get snapped by the paparazzi?

  7. don't you hate that "what the H are you doing to me, don't you love me?" look they give you???

  8. Doesn't that class as doggy porn? Still better a clean dog than a smelly one!

    I'm getting Chinchillas in a few weeks. I've had pet withdrawal since our 18 year old dog Cody died last month - RIP Cody! x

  9. LOL - Poor Nunu.....better hide your shoes somewhere safe, Jorge and Bethany, before she decides to leave you a little gift in them....

  10. Aww! Poor Nunu!! My pups give me approximately the same expression. Unfortunately, it's accompanied by much clawing and splashing... :/

  11. Hee hee, THOSE EARS! If Nunu and my Boston Terrier had babies they'd be tiny little Dumbos.

  12. Our pup Nani is in desperate need of a bath and nail clipping; are you opening a service?!

  13. That's a big basin. She's small enough that you could probably wash her in a bowl. Hehehe.

  14. My dog looks like that when she gets a bath. And she's a hairball so it's pretty sad. She starts vibrating and everything.

  15. For a moment, I thought I was looking at

  16. Nunu is very cute!!!

    Nice pics...Dude!!!

    Kiss Gabry ;)

  17. Barnabas always gets his bath in the kitchen sink. He has that same look.

  18. Anything that can be seriously injured by a mouse trap isn't really a dog.

  19. Jorge,
    You're a very good daddy.

    How can Nunu NOT love a bath?
    It's very refreshing!

    My Rosie hates bath time. But she loves the doggie bacon treat she gets after :)


  20. A couple of weeks ago at 10:00pm at night my mothers big hairy dog got sprayed by a skunk right outside her front door The dog is on a 20' rope so the skunk was probably no more than 25' from the front door when it left loose. It was my first experience with up-close skunk spray and can I just say... OMG! The air was so thick with stench you could taste it. I had to cut through the stench with a carving knife just to see the dog standing at the door, drooling and looking pitiful. Biological warfare!! I changed into some old clothes (clever me to remember to do that) and brought her directly into the bathroom and washed her with the only thing I had.. Sunlight dish soap. it worked marginally well for that hour of the night. I threw my old clothes directly outside on the front porch because they reeked from holding the dog. The next day I had to bath her again with a peroxide/baking soda/Sunlight soap concoction I found on the internet. She still smelled a little gamy but passable with caution.

  21. Jorge,

    Washing a dog sucks. I know, I had a 45 kg German Shepherd who became apoplectic whenever she heard the hose run.

  22. Que linda ela tomando banho... Não dá trabalho! Bem diferente da minha Rottweiler Hanna! Ela faz a maior bagunça... Só no calor, que ela gosta de água, rsrsrs... Kisses!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi Jorge,

    She is really cute. I take it she doesn't like baths?

    My little girl Bessie LOVES them:

    Bessie's Bathtime

  25. When I got my dog I asked the vet how often to bathe him. The vet said "Bathe him?! Don't bathe him! You want to bathe him because he smells but he doesn't want to be bathed."

    I guess they don't get bathed in the wild and they do ok...

    Oh and James, 45 kg? That's a 100 lb German Shepherd. And I thought mine was big!

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