Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year my costume is:
A Triceratops
I made it with an apron that I kept painting with starch and styrofoam cones. 


  1. That is an awesome costume! You would fit in nicely on State Street in Madison (Wisconsin). There are thousands of people down there in costume.

    You can check out my blog so you can see my little pirate-skull pumpkin. It took me a few hours. It's not nearly as cool as your pumpkins, but it was the first time I tried doing it like that.

    Have a GREAT Halloween!

    (my blog is:

  2. Great costume Jorge. I love all the pumpkins. You're the master of carving.......HUGS from Chicago


  3. kewl costume !! Hope you had fun. do they still give out the candy to us older folks ? lol

  4. you look like something from the LOST island!

  5. Nice costume, Jorge!
    I have some pics and vids of me in character from earlier today on my blog, if you're interested.

  6. That is so rad.
    Forget LOST, you should become a professional Pumpkin Carver.
    (kidding, please don't forget LOST).

  7. Your talents never cease to amaze!

    You know with all your Ireland travels you may have learned Halloween orginated in Ireland!

  8. Excellent costume!!! Very creative.

  9. =)))))))))))))))

    Jorge, sorry for my laugh, but it is really scary! ;)
    Actually, the costume is very fun and creative!

  10. VERY resourcefull!

    My boys loved it!

  11. awesome costume! My little one just let out his biggest dinosaur ROAAAR!

  12. BWAHAHAHA! I love it. I am, as aways, amazed at your creativity!

    You'll take over my kids next year, right? I've been schlepping around a ninja, the grim reaper, and cutest little mouse you ever did see. All while wearing a Little Red Riding Hood costume. Mommy needs a drink.

  13. *David Attenborough voice*
    And over here we have the Hurleytops. Of the same family as the Triceratops, the Hurleytops' distinguishing features are it's hand-like feet, and facial hair.

    The Hurleytops' mating call is quite strange indeed. Somewhat suspiciously, it sounds like the word "Dude". Zoologists have been baffled by this discovery.

  14. Wow Jorge, great costume and pumpkin carving - wish I could click the pics to see the detail! What did Beth dress up as? I am having a major crash after an all-night sugar high. This year was only the third time I ever carved a pumpkin (we don't do it in Australia typically) and I messed up so bad three times that I had to think of a design where I could cut big massive holes to hide my disasters - so I ended up doing a Pac-man chasing dots and a ghost chasing him. I was so proud - then the pumpkin warped already after only a day and now Pac-man looks like he doesn't have his dentures in as his mouth is all crumpled up. Happy Harvest to you both :)

  15. WOOOW!!!........d(O.O)b

    Happy Halloween to you!

  16. It is very fun, but LOL, my first thought on seeing the picture was..... a snail??? great pumpkins, too. I love your Dia De Los Muertos one, i have an obsession with Day of the Dead stuff.... AND Lost. :)

  17. OK, OK, I'll fork over a full-sized candy bar...cute costume. Hope you and Beth had a great night.

  18. Jorge,

    I hate to say it but it looks more like an ant then a triceratops. Have you ever seen Ant Story?

  19. That could be the original costume of the Others! I hope you all enjoyed a great Halloween.

    Cheers from Italy!

  20. Hi Jorge! Great costume, blends right in with the island on Lost! All of your Halloween pumpkins were just fantastic. What was Beth for Halloween? Do you have a picture?

  21. Jorge, I have to tell you. I absolutely adore your homey and creative tendencies. You remind me so much of my son, that whenever I read a new post I always think this guy would fit right into our strange little family. Your posts are funny, a bit demented and they always make me smile. I'm so happy you and Bethany are enjoying your life and living in the moment. If you ever want to visit Phoenix, I'd be hapry to show you around so you don't get 'lost'. lol..That was really bad , huh?? Yeah I thought so too. Only catch is you have to bring tomatoes. :)
    Keep blogging so I can keep laughing!

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