A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sorry been busy

My mom reminded me today that I haven't blogged in a while. 
I got back to Hawaii. Moved. Turned around went back to the mainland for the ALMA Awards. Won it. Came back to Hawaii to start working on LOST the same day. So between work and trying to settle in to my new digs I've been busy. I should be catching up on emails but I'm going to do this instead. 


Carolate said...

Take it easy...

I hope that everything will be fine in this new beggining.


Smart Boy said...

Sure.. Everything will be fine......

TheUnity (Siv) said...

Working on Lost already?!


I seriously can't wait for the next Season! :D

Jodi said...

Congrats on winning the ALMA!! I hope you guys are very happy in your new digs!!

Good luck with filming the new season too!

Apex Zombie said...

Congrats. Hope all filming goes well.

redelf said...

Moving is always hard.

Looking forward to Lost though!!

Melissa Markham said...

Congrats on winning the well deserved award. Enjoy your new place. Can't wait to see what Season 5 brings!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the ALMA Award.
Can´t wait for the new season!

Erik said...

Congrats on the award! It's well-deserved!

Crystalia said...

Congrats on your ALMA!! Very well deserved! Good luck filming, and I absolutely can't wait until the new season starts!

groovymom said...

GREAT to hear from you again. Hope your move went well. I'm just a little sad and will miss seeing your garden shots from the old house. Can't wait to see your new place (and new plants!)

How is Nunu settling in to the new place?

LOVED the fish candy! Japan always has some interesting / unexpected things - like Green Tea kit kats....why???

Best wishes with filming.
Thanks again for sharing!

Topanga said...

Congratulations on your victory at the ALMAs.

Tell your Mom, thanks from me for reminding you to blog. I was beginning to feel neglected. ;-)

Jessica said...

Congrats on the Alma award. I will be missing your fun posts from all over Europe (I grew up in Holland), but it should be fun to read how the taping is going too.

Nate said...

Good to have you back. I hope you've gotten yourself back into a good rhythm after all the traveling.

IslandPearl said...

Great to see you back!

And congratulations on the ALMA...

Stufsocker said...

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Mazel tov on the Alma! And the move!

Unknown said...

Missed your posts Jorge, hope you are settling in fine.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your ALMA award. Great way to represent!

Rachel Snyder said...

Well, it's not like you owe us anything. I just enjoy reading your new posts whenever they appear :)

lostinphilly said...

We missed you, welcome back! Congrats on the ALMA, you really deserve it! Lots of luck settling in at your new place.

WendyWings said...

Congrats on the award. Glad to see some updates ( I can't talk I haven't updated in weeks lol)
Have fun working on the new season.

WendyWings said...

Congrats on the award. Glad to see some updates ( I can't talk I haven't updated in weeks lol)
Have fun working on the new season.

James Hernandez said...


Congratulations on your award! Don't worry I've been busy as well!

Satu said...

Great to hear you have started shooting again. We are veryanxious to see the next season, wonder when it comes to Finland..

And of course congrat on your award!

DrDegroot said...

Congratulations on the ALMA! Very much deserved for your excellent work-Season 4 really showed us your range, which you pulled off brilliantly.

twisby said...

congrats on the ALMA award!!!

Please Type Legibly said...

Congratulations on the award, Jorge. And welcome back. It's good to hear from you.

Betsy said...

Congratulations on your ALMA Award! Certainly not a surprise, but what an fantastic thing to be honored with!

I was wondering where you'd been. Not that checking the blog and being graced with that awesome photo of you performing with Band From TV was anything to complain about. :)

I hope you're settling in well at the new place, and that your working has been even half as fun for you as it will be for us!

TakesaVillage said...

ALMAsious Jorge.
It would look really great standing next to an Emmy.
Break a leg.

Nick said...

Love the blog. Love the photos. Love Lost and Hugo. Take care, man!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award!!

& thank you to your mom for reminding you to blog :-P We missed you, but understand you are busy