A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Band From TV

I had a blast last night. I sang with the Band From TV. The stage was awesome. The crowd was great. A lot of fun. I hope to do it again.


sassa1971 said...

Hello Jorge,

Is there gonna be a CD or a video of this show? Or can we here you singing somewhere? I mean I have heard that in the past you made a CD singing songs yourself. Is this true or just wrong info. ?

Stay cool and be well buddy!

Your LOST fun from Greece,


sassa1971 said...

wrong spelling here = hear :-)

IslandPearl said...

Okay -- gotta know: what did you sing?

Anonymous said...

Someone posted a clip from youtube on myspace a while ago with you singing - I think it was for some movie-thing..?! but you are actually a great singer !!!!! I love your voice when you sing, its kinda sexy ;o) I tried to find the clip again, but Ive lost the link.

Anonymous said...

Rock on dude, rock on!

Jodi said...

How cool is that?? Good for you! You looked like a natural.

Crashinews said...

Please, let us listen!!!

Honeybell said...

Off to search Youtube!!

FinoBlogger said...

Jorge superstar!!!!!

jen said...

A friend of mine was there and reported back to me that you were fantastic!! What an awesome thing to do. :D

Anonymous said...

AWE MAN! I'd LOVE to hear you sing!

Surely it will be on YouTube later...

Carolate said...

And I missed it...

Well at least you have pics, but... Wait!! Maybe Youtube is ready now.



redelf said...

nothing hotter than a rock star!!! except a philosopher!

Adeline said...

Band From TV = best thing ever. I'm so glad you sang with them and had a blast doing so! You sounded totally awesome, too, and I'll join you in hoping you get to perform with them again. ^^

Mike said...

Woohoo for youtube:
RIDE, SALLY, RIDE! you were great!

chefmom said...

How cool!!!! I wish we could hear it!

maven said...

I was there, too, Jorge! You were totally awesome! Never knew you had such a great talent. Everyone looked like they were having a blast!

It was so exciting to see you in person. And watching you on the media line was great, too. You seemed to spend the most time there of anyone!

Thanks for a great night.
Here are personal pictures of that performance and a short video!.

Irishcoda said...

Hey, good for you! You look like you can really rock out!

Unknown said...

I need to see that!!!!!

You lock so rockstar there. What were you singing?

White Rabbit said...

What??? No Hugh Laurie???

Rock on, Jorge!

Anonymous said...

he is the man

Janelle said...

Hi Jorge,

I'm a huge fan of Lost, and I also happen to be the editor of the Intelligent Travel blog at National Geographic Traveler. I' enjoy your blog and would love to feature it on a post, or have you write a guest blog if you're interested. Shoot me an email at intelligenttravel[at]ngs.org if you're interested. Thanks!


James Hernandez said...


Didn't catch that one, I hardly watch TV anymore. I'm sure you rocked!

Please Type Legibly said...

Wow - go, Jorge, GO! You rocked! Great job....

Apex Zombie said...

Dang, pretty decent vocals. Nicely done.

lostinphilly said...

Rock on, Jorge, rock on! You look like you had an awesome time.

Dolphin Boy said...

Now you can sing at Dukes on Sunday with Henry Kapono!! LOL!!

Lissa101 said...

awesome performance! hope they have you back too. looked like loads of fun!

Thomas said...

nice show, man! :)

Topanga said...

Oh DAYUM!! It was Mustang Sally!!?? That's my favourite a HOT song!! You do a great job with it Jorge!!

TakesaVillage said...

Great singing Jorge.
Are you going to put out a Things I Did,And Places I Visited, World Tour 2008 tee-shirt?

Petra said...

Hey Jorge,

Looks like tomorrow is the one year anniversary of your blog! Happy Anniversary, Dude!

I hear through the grapevine that you start back to work soon. Looking forward to more hilarious non-stories from the set. Like your big sneak, spoiler from season four (there will be rain).


: ) P

Debra said...

You look like you're totally in your element and having the time of your life in the second picture----awesome!

Cri & Bru said...

Hi, Jorge !
But when will u arrive in Italy ??? My girlfriend is waiting this moment 'couse she wants to meet u somewhere ! Should I worry about this ???
See you in Italy !
Cristian & Brunella

Guinevere said...

I saw the video, Jorge, and was blown away at how well you did!! It looked like you were having a blast.

the girl with pointy sticks said...

Am I just so out of the loop that I have no idea who these people are.....?


Unknown said...

that is great! they must be such fun people, Band from TV rocks! and so do you Jorge!

~Karen~ said...


Maestra said...

You should post a video I would love to hear your voice

Kelley said...

You were amazing! I had no idea you could sing like that! I told my bosses (who know you from way back when, "Old School" I think) and they didn't know you could sing like that either. I told them you have a very soulful and layered voice and that you were really sexy on stage. First they were excited for you and glad for me that I saw you. Then they were mad that I didn't invite them to the concert ;)

Ralph- said...

Denton is part owner of the Orange County Flyers baseball team. Those dude perform at the games every year!

Gabriella said...

Winners of the 2008 ALMA Awards
Supporting actor in a television series, drama: JORGE GARCIA, "Lost," ABC.

I love you!
Sono veramente felice che tu abbia vinto!!!
Gabriella – Turin - Italy

NamesnotAnnie said...

Off-topic but... Congrats for the win at the Alma Awards!!! You absolutely deserved it. (:

hromaki said...


drahcir said...

Congrats on your ALMA!!! WoooHoooo!

Aise said...

You're my favourite actor in lost series, now I find out you're a singer... I want to meet you!

ly said...

Yes, iknow this band!!
now you could sing amog house MD band hehe!!

mamba said...

there's THE PILOT too!!!

Lauren said...

dude, rock on.

have you seen this?

some people will do crazy and/or cruel things to make money. i wonder how much the foot pad-scam people made from making people's feet sticky for no good reason. assholes.

elainemarieg said...

Congratulations Jorge!!

We need links to videos of you singing, and let us know when & where you will be singing again!

www.kate06.skyblog.com said...

Hey Jorge!

Just wanted to congratulate you for your ALMA Award =D
Hope next time it will be an Emmy ;D

Lots of love, Eva, France.

rakel said...

Congrats with your success on Lost... is an album in order ;)

Anonymous said...

