Saturday, July 5, 2008

More Monte Carlo

I thought it'd feel more cushiony...
This was a mural on the first aid station at a circus ground. That elephant doesn't know what's coming.
Okay... I get it. 
You don't like the Natalie Portman Squatting statue.
But the dirt clod? Real mature guy.


  1. lol

    there's no way to burn that image off my brain now.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love the first and the last one!!! jajaja Just great! :)

  4. That elephant has a great butt!! WOW! It must be all that walking and the vegetarian diet.

  5. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah

  6. :snort: Isnt Natalie Portman a dude?

    You should go to St. Charles, MO to see the HUGE and very SCARY Lewis and Clark statue..with dog.

  7. ok, now you have made my morning a good one. hahahahahhahahaha

  8. Come on, fess up, Jorge. Did you put the dirt clod on the Natalie Portman statue? We all know about the poop humor....LOL

  9. You actually looked close enough to determine it was a clod of dirt???

    Jorge, my man, walk away...just walk away! =:)

  10. Hahahaha!

    With all your previous poop-related posts, I suspect a set-up! LOL

  11. Oh c'mon Jorge, given your history, do you expect any of us to believe someone ELSE put that dirt clod there? ;)

  12. Jorge,

    Looks like the elephant is taking a leak, as well as getting a proctology lesson, so why shouldn't Marta take a crap!

  13. Hi man.
    I write to ask for a favor. A friend and I have a "fotonovela" (a kind of comic using real pictures) which is obviously based on the LOST universe, from a humoristic view point of the life in a university and the resemblances of the island and our faculty.
    The page, if you are interested, is

    The thing is that we are planning a third season, and we wanted to use some of the photographs you've published some time ago in this blog, the ones in which you are in the window of an airplane screaming or something like that.

    We would really appreciate your consent on this. (and any comments of course)

    We are planning to use this fotonovela in a paper we have to write by the end of the semester. Your sponsor would be extremely helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

  14. Hey dude, nice pics!.

    I'm from Chile, do you remember it? I adore lost, man. I have a movies'blog and i've written a couple of posts about Lost and its hidden approaches. If you pass by and leave a few words i'll be extremely grateful.

    You rock, man!
    keep the good work!

    Greetings from a huge fan from Valparaíso, Chile.

  15. I just discovered 'dispatches from the island' and even before the Natalie Portman thing I was thinking man, this guy mentions poop a lot. Is that the secret to remaining down to earth in spite of fame and fortune? Is poop to Jorge what Mr Cluck's chicken is to Hurley?

  16. That is the sickest mural ever! That poor elephant!
    I wonder if the artist did it on like a dare from his buddy or something.

    Is that first guy Bob Barker?

  17. Actually, that's a sculpture made by ane Italian artist, Giuseppe Bergomi - not to be confused with the homonymous Italian soccer player.
    You can have a look at some of his pieces here:

  18. Also, the title of the statue, "Marta accovacciata", simply means "Marta, squatting" ;-))
