Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dharma everywhere

Tooling around London we passed this dry cleaner.
And then in Hawaii I saw this in the ground. 
But it was just a sprinkler head. 


  1. I like the sprinkler head, it looks like the frozen donkey wheel too :)

  2. The one on the sign is just weird. Tell the truth. You stuck it there didn't you?

    By the way, I recently got a new tattoo (my eighth), and my new artist is a HUGE LOST freak. He brewedhis own beer, and made up Dharma labels for it; he has the hieroglyphics from the Swan Hatch on the wall of his tattoo room, and he's currently drawing up some LOST tattoos. :) :)

  3. Jorge,

    There is some deep subliminal message in this post. First, a dry cleaner with a Dharma logo. Second, a sprinkler head of the same design. AHHA the meaning is clear. I'm to go to the fridge and get a beer and ponder the numerous contingencies of such symbols occurring randomly. Now if I only had a fridge and beer to put in said fridge.

  4. The sprinkler head is a hexagon. o_O

  5. The Dry Cleaner sign is a wee bit freaky. But the DHARMA logo looks like an afterthought, so I am guessing someone is a fan.

    The sprinkler head, though, is only a hexagonal shape - so, while unusual, it isn't DHARMA enough. *G*

    Did you know that the DHARMA sign is suspiciously like the Korean flag:

    Even more so like the ancient Korean flag:

    What I DON'T understand is why Yunjin and Daniel's characters haven't SAID anything about it! LOL

    : ) P

  6. hahaha i see those everywhere too.

    er, in chinatown!

  7. LOL Jorge this reminds me of when I'm watching the news and they mention numbers like 42,23,108... Watching TV is not the same since Lost started lol.We are sooo obsessed...

  8. So what have we learned today, people? That Damon and Carlton got the idea for the Dharma logo from a sprinkler head! LOL

  9. just to be sure, you could dig up the sprinkler head. then you could blow it up. :)

  10. I've had the numbers printed off an stuck to my monitor since Season 2. I'm afraid taking them down would be bad luck.

  11. All I can say is...OMG!
    It is everywhere!

  12. it's just geektastically awesome that you noticed that... and took pictures... and blogged about it.

  13. I'm suspicious! That sign is covering up some dots and now there are dots appearing on the Dharma Wants You site! LOL

  14. intresting.... its a CONSPIRACY!!!!

  15. Ha! I work at a chocolate store, and one day a couple of guys came in wearing shirts that said "Cerberus Security System." I assume that was the name of the company they worked for, but it was hard not to laugh.

  16. Are you sure theres not a hatch under the sprinkler head ??

  17. ¡JA! Take a look to this ones Jorge... made by a friend of mine from Argentina.


  18. Wow..the first one is way too wierd. Maybe they're avid Lost fans? :D

  19. i think i need a trip down to london to check that out.

    Got me looking around now lol

  20. I remember the first time I got my friend to sit and watch LOST with me and as soon as he saw the Dharma Logo he said, "Why do they have a Taoist symbol there?" Then he went on to explain what the symbol meant (I made him wait until the commercial to tell me though, haha) but after he told me about it I kept seeing it everywhere!!

  21. I love your blog!!!!
    Big kiss for you.

  22. Well, I'm sure Dharma wants you to help them, Jorge :D

  23. For the people that don't know, that's a ba gua mirror the dry cleaner is using. I used to have one on my front door too. It wards away bad energy (or 'sha', as it's known in Feng Shui.


  24. The sprinkler head is close, but I have a "Termite tracking station" or something like that is pretty close- I don't think I can upload photos though. Totally enjoying the blog thanks Jorge.

  25. I'm afraid man, I'm completely afraid!!

    If you have time, you'll have to visit a place in Barcelona called "BHARMA". A place friendly for you, I'm sure...

    Bye bye!!!

  26. Hi again! A link to Bharma's fotolog

  27. Ha, funny that... :) Yesterday a friend told me how he called his Internet provider to complain about their service and the woman who answered said her name was Dharma... :)

    He collapsed in a fit of giggles and asked if she watches Lost much... unfortunately it was her name and she does not watch Lost at all...... tsssss honestly!

  28. Oh no!! Dharma it's now in the Dry Cleanner's Business too...

    It's all a conspirancy to made us wash our clothes in our houses...

    A lot of kisses.

  29. Hola!!! De casualidad encontre esta pag y me puso muy contenta al ver que era tuya. Aprovecho para felicitarte por tus trabajos!!! soy una fanatica de lost y me encanta Hugo Reyes.

  30. Its an underground movement...signs of places that are safe for those of us in the know...oooo like Fight Club!!


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Wow - you must watch WAY too much TV... Oh, wait. Never mind ;)

  33. I just posted something on my blog recently that looked like a dharma symbol too! You have to scroll down to almost the bottom, but you'll see it.

  34. jeje, the second one doesnt look like dharma... jejeje :p

  35. Dude!! Seems that DHARMA really is everywhere! Awesome!! :P

  36. wow, what's up with that symbol all over. my neighbor hid them all over his yard too. So Jorge, I'm moving out of my place in Kailua, do you want a roommate???

  37. Hey Dude.. Why you erase my comment?... :(

  38. How funny! When DH and I were on vacation at Put-in-Bay, OH, we saw a Dharma Initiative sticker on an electrical panel in a cave that we toured. We were so tickled to find it. It made us smile to think there are other LOST fans out there with a roll of Dharma stickers, posting them in random places for the benefit of other LOST fans.

    Here's the pic. Sorry it's blurry.

    or tinyurl'ed
