A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This is my new Desktop

And together we will RULE THE WORLD!!!!!


Nallaah said...


Oh, that just made the whole evening. ~g~

Unknown said...

Wow - awesome pic!

Sweet Caroline said...

ooooh...very Orson Welles-ish...lol. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wouldnt want to meet that face in the dark....

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

this looks like an even scarier version of the "no jacket required" album cover

maven said...

Sweet Caroline is right: First thing I thought was Orson Welles! LOL

Dolphin Boy said...

Is that Jacob?

Mandi said...

LOL...if I have a nightmare tonight, that'll be in it.

Magic & Goofy said...

hahahaha...that is AWESOME...my first thought was...Orson Welles too, lol.

Pablo said...

dude!! that is so creepy...



Kaileigh Blue said...

My first thought was Wookie. Then I snorted.

Captain Billy said...

Whoa. I swear that thing jumped out the screen.

Unknown said...

oh you make a good evil genius!

Laura said...

uuuhh!! you scare me!!...Jacob??

Unknown said...


Looby_Loo said...

Can I join you? :D


Mara said...

Jajaja, it's great :) Ive just discovered your blog... Ill keep coming back ;) Besos desde España :)

Anonymous said...

haha awesome!

Outburst said...

Looks like Orson Welles.

Anonymous said...

Cool man

FinoBlogger said...


Jorge and a Photo Booth effect!!!

Topanga said...

Except for Canada, of course because I'll be ruling that. I'll have control of the world's largest fresh water resource. We'll just see how long your empire lasts once there is no more Aquafina sold in stores. bwaahahaha! :::evil rubbing of hands together:::

Julie said...

Oooh that is awesome!

redelf said...

Mauahahahaha!!! My husband has always said he wanted to be Emperor of the Northern Hemisphere...we can let you be Emperor of the Southern Hemisphere.

Helen the Felon said...

Hey Jorge, we have a friend in common. Daniel Mustard, from your acting classes back in the day, asked me to tell you hello. So, uh...hello.

Please Type Legibly said...

You can rule the world, your girlfriend can be your grand vizier, and Nunu your chief executioner! LOL Very cute....take care of you, Jorge...

chefmom said...

A little creepy....but in a cool sorta way!

Kevin Miller said...

Long time reader, first time commenter... you look exactly like John Travolta in Battlefield Earth. Or one of his buddies.

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

Are you the new coming of Sauron???

Great Pic Jorge

Anonymous said...

Hola Jorge, te escribo desde Argentina, por aca hay rumores de que estas o estuviste en el pais. Prefiero no hacerles caso, pero sera posible????

En fin, buen blog...

saludos, besos y abrazos


Son of Red said...


Debra said...

If anyone needs me, I'll be hiding under my bed from the transformation from Mr. Adorable to Dr. Doom! ;)

turki said...

scary.. and great at the same time LOL

James Hernandez said...


I agree with Caroline's assesment that it looks like Orson Welles! Maybe he looks that way because he didn't get accepted in the mile high club.

Captain Mustapha said...

:) Does your desktop speak in a deep thundering voice now?

Unknown said...


MG said...

I just finished watching the last episode! Wooooooo

ricardator said...

Kinda dark, but it's cool.

I still dunno if you can understand spanish because your chilean roots, but anyway, very nice blog and i'll be, as many people around the world, waiting for 5th season

regards from chile.

Shadow Huntah said...

Hey Jorge! Greetings from Montevideo, Uruguay.
Just wanted to say hi and congratulate you and everybody else in the Lost crew. You guys are awesome. My fave series of all time.
Hope you visit my blog. See ya! *waves*

Yovanna said...

One ring to rule them all...

White Rabbit said...

That's pretty creepy, Jorge...

Unknown said...

Hola Jorge! esta buenisimo tu blog, no me pierdo la serie. estan super chistosas tus fotos!
Cuidate harto
Saludos desde Chile
José Miguel Guerrero

Unknown said...

Jorge!!!!!! JOrge!!!!
¿Cuando empieza la 5º temporada??
When doe's the 5 season begins??

Steph said...

What did you name it? :)

Peppermint Twist said...

Muah! btw, I would love to make the picture of the baby Aarons you posted in a previous blog my desktop but, alas, my workplace (which is where my computer resides) has disabled our ability to express even a sliver of creativity and individuality by customizing our desktop/background, even if the picture is chock-full-o-Aarons, which I feel should be a mitigating factor. Oh well.

Rock on wit' your "bad self" (as expressed in your new desktop *lol*), Jorge!

Our Crooked Tree said...

Like Patrick I wondered if that was Jacob.

Loca xq sí said...

so evil!!!!

Irishcoda said...

Wow, just like Orson Welles! Duuuuuuude!

Sue Wacvet said...
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suave flor judoca said...

the best!!!
sos el mejor! saludos desde Argentina de una enferma por loooooost!

Topanga said...

Okay... this picture is starting to freak me out. It jumps right out at me whenever I open your blog. It's got supernatural 3D powers.

Lissa101 said...

Dude! Awesome! :o)
Enjoy seeing that everyday!

Holly's Hawaii updates said...


Jan said...

Last image in the story that is LOST????? Is this the man behind the curtain???

johaxxiunera said...

hola!soy de Argentina y me encantó esa imagen es super expresiva

un grito de furia diria yo

espero q no moleste el comentario


Sunnyflowfers said...

That's awesome!!

Jason DeMars said...

YOU'RE the Sovereign? I thought the Sovereign was David Bowie... wait, are you telling us that you're actually David Bowie!?!?

Watch the Venture Brothers much, Jorge? ;-)

Lynn Faruque said...

I want one!!

Pablo said...

Hey, man!!!
Greetings from Argentina...
Seems that you are such a funny guy!!
Here is a stunt double for you, right here in Argentina: http://perrosblog.com/?p=25 (no ofense!)

Un abrazo, amigo!

Sarah Lynn Knowles said...


Gonzalo Rossello said...


I can´t believe it!!!
U rock Hugo!

5º season, 5º season!!!

Ralph- said...

you look like Viggo at the end of Ghostbusters 2

slathrop said...

Aloha Jorge! Ive had the pleasure of working with many of the other cast members in flashback episodes and hope to eventually work with you on episodes this next season. Doing a great job on the show, and I wish you lots of success in your career!

Audra said...

Jorge, Saw you today at Disney, looked like you were having a good time after the parade in California Adventures, it was my wife's birthday today, and it made it a little bit cooler seeing you!

Maestra said...

scary. Maybe in a different color? :)

Unknown said...
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christa said...

so i just saw that you're narrating peter in the wolff in december. this face is haw! perfect for that...

Anonymous said...

hi Jorge
Love your site, keep up the great work.
You look just like the actor Orson Wells, think Radio show of War of the Worlds many years ago.

missing you and Lost already!!! Going to be a long ,hot, summer.

silvia said...

also I want a thing like this....how can i dooo????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hope you are fine, I'm a big fan of you and the show, my friends are worried, they think I'm becomieng Lostadict. I don't know what I'm going to do until season 5, I'm getting crazy.
Good job!
see you in an other life bro!
From Argentina
Matu Perez!
ps: yake Mate Mr. Hugo

Topanga said...

You're keeping Mr. Spooky here just to freak me out, aren't you.

CaRo said...

Hi Jorge!
I think maybe if I talk in spanish will be better, because my english is not so good, and I think that you understand me, but I really don't know. So I try to do my best, lol.
Well, first of all I want to tell you that I follow the serie Lost, I love it! And I think that your character is so great!! keep doing you job, is awsom! I hope that you stay in the serie till the end of it! Because lately the directors and producers of Lost have been killing so many characters... specially in the 4 season.

Espero que me hayas entendido. Suerte.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You got last place on the celebrity lost fantasy league =[ hehe how ironic

p.s. Home movies rules Brendon Smalls a genius

.: Tsunnamii :. said...

hola hola desde argentina!!!

como va eso jorge!... acabo de encontrar tu blog de casualidad...

aca por el sur somos cada vez mas los fans de la serie!.. yo hasta me fui a hawaii y estuve en los sets...

mira http://www.fotolog.com/tsunnamii/19759404
(no denuncien al pobre cuidador que nos trato de maravilla... ah... y no me la robe, "juro" :D )

una lastima no haberte cruzado en mi viaje.. siempre llegabamos dos dias mas tarde de cuando rodaban...

algun dia, algun dia te voy a cruzar y te voy a dar un GRAN abrazo


Gevalher said...


Well nobody can just acuse you of being monothematic...

Hernan Sananes said...

Hola Hurley.

Me cree un usuario solo para escribirte.
Eres el mejor personaje de la serie. Y gracias por poner fotos tuyas y dar a conocer al pequeño Aron y mas cosas.

Este diciembre viajo a Maui a trabajar espero poder visitar el set de filmacion y otras cosas.

I will be working at the best restaurant in Maui. Maybe u went once. Is this one:


or this one


Mucha suerte con tu vida.


Geb said...

Hi Jorge!
I did a post in my blog with a draw of you and Dominic Monaghan in the Island... I hope you like it dude!!!

This is the link:

See you later! Keep up the good work! (And please, i hope that Hurley never ever die!)

Hernan Sananes said...

Me olvide de algo.
Mira esto.
Te vas a morir de la risa.
Si te reiste escribeme a hernansananes@hotmail.com

Un abrazo

Se parece a vos.
Es de un Diario Argentino.


Jodi said...

That is so cool

Downiel said...

Hola Jorge!
I was wondering why you didn't post in your blog for more than 3 days and I suddenly saw a picture of yours taking pictures in Monaco! jajaj hope to see some of those around here...

Saludos desde Santiago, Chile!

You should come to Chile around september so you can eats some empanadas and drink some chicha! jajaja Salud!

LakeEerieMom said...

OMG sweet pic, Jorge!

Dave Carrol said...

I'd use it too...

but i'm a little afraid of it.

Mr. Bill said...

Rosebud! LOL

Benjamin. said...

... are you running out of ideas for your blogs... I guess it comes to everybody sometime or another.

Anonymous said...

hi Jorgi
I just saw/heard a video on YouTube of you singing a duet. Awesome dude, you are very good.
I was surprised but don't know why as you are so talented.


TechnoPrep said...


el diablo, dude!!!

Diseño Noroeste said...

Cool to see your blog man, love Lost and hurley, no that i read you Jorge... chingón! muy buena persona! saludos de Mazatlán México!

KOLKY said...


Eli said...

Looking for info on the show I came accross yourb blog. You are one of my favourites on the show.
Cheers from Argentina, where you guys rock!

DaveMacDowell said...

Hey Man-Big Fan and I did a painting of you-its kind of funny..check out my blog dude and let me know if its cool:)

pazzapazza said...

hi diablo, I've a question..this year, you and some of your lost friends'll come to Italy?plaese answer YES! :)