Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Don't make me run, I'm full of chocolate."


  1. Funny search tags, Kim is having:
    Lost, Love Sex Money, Naveen Andrews,Sarah Jessica Parker

    Quite a mixture.

    All the right ingredients for my next most favorite movie...

  2. Wow....

    The article made me think about my childhood. Mom helped our plates. And we had to eat everything on our plates.

    Now, I hated brussels sprouts. With a passion that has raged unabated by time and space. Made/make me gag. I used to dread Mom making them. But I had to eat every one. So, when we were supposed to be washing up, I was coating my tongue with Anbesol. Inhale the brussels sprouts and problem solved!

    Where there's a will, blah, blah, blah....LOL. But I learned. I only require that the kids try a new food. If they don't like green beans, they can have the carrots instead. Or fruit. As long as they eat. Just my .02. Interesting article, Jorge. Take care of you and have a good Sunday.

  3. Jorge,

    SWEEET! Geez that's all I can think of!

  4. I keep thinking of that blooper where Charlie says that Aaron is made of chocolate lollipops and you turn and say "That baby _is_ delicious..."


  5. I wonder if she would eat an Apollo bar...

  6. My daughter doesnt have this condition but she has to have popcorn in the mornings for breakfast. she hates cereal, oatmeal, eggs but she will eat popcorn. Though I just finally got her to like waffles.

  7. I like chocolate as much as anyone, but I think I'd be sick.

  8. Melted chocolate on Rice Krispies eh? Maybe that girl is onto something there...

    One of my favourite lines from Simpsons! Along with "Here comes a greaseball" "Luigi brings you pizza pie, why a you so mean?"

    But 'my belly is full of chocolate' is one we quote often.

  9. I like chocolate as much as the next person, but ewww! I get tired of things very fast haha That would ruin chocolate for me!

    Can you imagine her peers at school- they must think she is so lucky to have all chocolate for lunch :-) That could make a person quite popular if they share heehee

  10. What the heck is a chocolate finger?! Yuk. Maybe chocolate in the shape of a Kit-Kat.

    You two guys are funny! Thanks for the updates on your travels, glad you're having fun! :-D

  11. I can't imagine eating only one thing...even if it was chocolate!

    Keep these fun tidbits coming...

  12. Sweet Lord. I have to try the rice crispies and melted chocolate thing. I'm going to hell but that's all I can think. Poor kid.

  13. All you Americans have never heard of chocolate-covered rice krispies and chocolate fingers?!
    Oh Lord. You're all missing out, seriously.
    I find this article very strange though, which is why I read the Telegraph. I couldn't stomach 1 bit of chocolate within 2 hours of waking up, it'd knock me sick all day. I seriously blame the parents, though. She's not 'perfectly healthy' because surely she's missing out on nutrients and what not that normal people get in other foods.

  14. Chocolate covered Rice Krispies....soooo good....but the all time best dessert for me is bread pudding and whiskey sauce. Just maybe not at this time of the morning.

  15. Heh.. Maybe it's because I'm not a parent but I think someone needs a beating. Seriously. Why chocolate?

    Because she likes it and they let her.

  16. I see you're enjoying some of our fine British journalism.
