A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Damn you watermark!

More Monaco
There must be a way to remove the watermark or something. And while you're at it, can you straighten my tie? (Woah! Now THAT's a link!)


Jess said...

I like the crooked tie, perfection is boring! :)

Lisa-Maladylis said...

it looks like your having a blast ! I'm enjoying reading your blog, have lots of fun !

Chase Squires said...

I think you can buy the photo from getty images, without the watermark ... (that's kind of the idea, I'll bet) ...

Love the blog, have a blast!

Crystalia said...

You guys look great!! :) And bah, who wants to be perfect? I agree with jess, perfect is boring!

Vicki_Marie said...

You and Bethany clean up nice! Sucks how they have her name as "guest"...didn't notice the tie until you pointed it out. Have fun traveling the world!

Please Type Legibly said...

I'm with Vicki - great photo, wish they had used Bethany's name instead of calling her a guest.

Does anyone know if you can Photoshop the watermark out? Or does he have to go ahead and just buy the pic?

redelf said...

Marf! Those are great pictures despite the watermark.

You and your girl look so cute!!!

the other aaron said...

you should get the images free, since they're you, ya know.

maven said...

Such fun pics! It does suck that Bethany is listed as "guest" (unless that's the way you guys want it).

Rachael said...

Ooo your lady is pretty! Well played, dude.

Anonymous said...

Wow... you look good in a suit !! Who cares about the tie...

Debra said...

I find myself struggling not to mention how much I want to be the bologna in between the Jorge and Naveen bread, the cream in between the Jorge and Naveen cookies, the....


Did my struggle happen out loud?

Sexy boys! :)

Anonymous said...

aw, you two looked cute :-)

Apex Zombie said...

Image without watermark removed and tie straightened (somewhat):


Hope that helps

James Hernandez said...


I was reading the caption to the photo and it said you were attending the Golden Nymph awards. Hmmm I'm waiting for the Golden Nympho awards and then I'm there. What does that say about me? Desperate but willing!

Athene Numphe said...

Know it, use it, love it ;)

christa said...


Janelle said...

Does your girlfriend have a Dharma tattoo on her leg!?

..Just kidding! =)

Sweet Caroline said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing!

john (not lennon) said...

"She's hot!"


The 3 of you look great all dolled up.

Oh and to 'fat lazy guy' above - job well done on the watermark removal - sweeeet!

Steph said...

Everyone looks so fabulous in those pictures!

I am absolutely useless with anything computerish, so kudos to the person who straightened Jorge's tie and removed the watermark, that looks awesome!

Terrence Paquet said...

Nice one Jorge! You're livin' the life!

Hey Fat Lazy Guy Nice job on the watermark removal! Can you make me look prettier?


Larkin said...

I was looking for art for my apartment, and I found this:

Thought you might enjoy it. There are several other Lost characters by the same artist, or you can choose your own characters.

Hope you're enjoying traveling!

FinoBlogger said...

Jorge, I think you need a new tie man!!

Look at this:


It's the best tie I've ever seen!


chefmom said...

Awesome pictures!!! Bethany looks fantastic too!! I guess you and Naveen do too...j/k, you guys look great. It looks like you share a great sense of humor.

Please Type Legibly said...

Fat Lazy Guy - great job with the picture!

I sooo need to learn Photoshop....lol

Adrian said...

Funny, saw a guy who looked just like you at the George V in Paris today! (I've met some of your colleages there, so I wasn't sure if it was you or not...but it wasn't.

Capcom said...

Aw, you look so good in your tux Jorge!

Great job FLG! :-D

Geb said...

Hi Jorge!
I hope you can see my last post... I made a draw of you and Dominic in the island! Hope you like it!

Here is the link!

See you dude!!!

tiffannysketchbook said...

Hey I'm a big fan of Lost
Wanna see my drawing of you? If you dig around the blog, there's other cast members in there too 8)


come visit my blog: tiffannysketchbook.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

how cute is your little girl in her big shoes!

Boyhowdy said...

Ahh, photo ops...very nice pics.
Hope you're enjoying the vacation.
And not to worry, no one has moved this island...O'ahu is still where it's always been!

celine M said...

It's yOur girl friend?? ;P

twisby said...

these pictures only deepened my already endless love for the beautiful naveen. look how he sits... what a tease.

Anonymous said...

I think your bethay looks heaps like rachel leigh cook!!!


Miss Scarlett said...

Your 'guest' is beautiful!

Commentor said...

I want to make you shoes what size of Vans do you wear Jorge? Check out my site www.hplovecraftnyc.com then send me an e-mail I can do anything.

Ralph- said...

Naveen Andrew's tie is crooked too. don't worry about it.

edina said...

In case you haven't already seen it, check out the June 19 Pearls Before Swine comic strip. It made me think of Hurley. :)

ROSA said...

Wonderful girl!

Jill and Marks said...

So, I was totally just checking out the pictures you posted and watching a little VH1 (I love the 80's).....And there you were.....CRAZY!

SLWAH said...

I am just putting this on this post since it is the most recent...here is an interesting article


this explains how another person decided to try the Kinoki foot pads that you tried a couple months ago.

inesita said...

Olá Jorge!
Read the interview you gave in London, together with Terry and Naveen to the portuguese magazine "Publica". I was glad to read that you could describe exactly where Portugal is, because, unfortunetly that is not very usual...Big hug from a portuguese fan!

Anne said...

What is the email addy to send you a copy of the Monaco Photo minus the watermark?\A.

Momof4 said...

Have you tried using tinyurl.com? It's for shortening URLs when posting links. That 2nd link goes from 758 characters to this, a manageable 25 characters:
