Saturday, June 28, 2008

By the way

This plastic shield is not a "barf-guard" for the people in line down below. 
This is actually because of a sound ordinance so people don't scream above a certain height.


  1. so did you go on that ride ? it looks a bit over the top for me. I'm sure the plastic will help with the barf guard as well lol

  2. I wonder what issues screaming above a certain height would cause. Interesting to consider. I'm not sure I'd enjoy the ride as much without being able to feel the wind in my hair, though. That is, if you managed to get me on it.

    Anyway, gotta love a multi-tasking shield.

  3. That'd be a very bad barf guard. I suppose it'd be effective for the people down below, but not so much fun for the barfer.

  4. Is that one of those rides that raises you eleventy billion feet in the air and drops you? Because I tried that ride at Magic Mountain a few times. And I promise you, they heard me yelling "SH*T!!!!" all the way on the other side of Ventura County! LOL

    You didn't say how well the shields worked, btw...

  5. i dont care what anyone says, its still the barf shield to me.

    ahh i love disneyland <3

  6. I love how you play Hurley man! You're just so freaking great!
    I hope you can answer me! I really look up to you and all that you've done. By the way, I'm María, from Argenina and a big big fan of yours.
    Take good care!

  7. I have never seen anything like that before... I'm not sure I could ride that. I think the little pseudo-barf guard/noise barrier would trigger some claustrophobia pretty quickly.

  8. Jorge,

    It looks like the cone of silence from the old Get Smart with Don Adams.

  9. I'm not sure which is worse, riding that thing or barfing. Ugh.

    Yours Truly,

    Stick in The Mud.

  10. Looks like a dual purpose shield to me!

    What a bizarre ordinance.

  11. That guy's plaid vest is awesome.

  12. I would have LOVED a ride in that thing - I am SO into things like that... and rollercoasters. Did you go yourself ??

  13. I always wondered about that...

  14. It would have been a barf guard if I had gone one that ride! haha

  15. I think I remember a few years ago a lady had her leg severed off on this ride. It got caught underneath or something. In spite of that, we went on that ride at Universal Studios in Florida a couple of years ago. It was just 'okay'. Disney's Tower of Terror was actually more fun because there was the whole song and dance Disney puts you through before you even get on the ride. And it's dark until they open these doors at the top just long enough to let you see how high you are just before they drop you. At Disney and at Universal Studios screaming it permitted and encouraged. ;-)

  16. man, i look like a dwarf compared to kathy and ryan for some reason!

  17. I can't wait to show this post to my husband because he absolutely swears it's for barf control. He rode this one time only and screamed and sobbed like a small child, while the three teenagers next to him looked completely bored by it.

  18. no se ingles, pero me imagino para que esta ese vidrio jajaj, un abrazo jorge. desde mar del plata, buenos aires argentina

  19. Jorge, I love the character Hurley!
    I would like to know about other works you did on TV, cinema or theater. Is that possible?

  20. I thought it was a throw-up-container! Feewww!

  21. It might be put there to quiet the screams. But I would hate to be the person who had to clean the barf off.

  22. LOL!! That's so WEIRD! I thought barf-guard immediately

  23. You are so funny and full of interesting worldy info! I can't wait to show the nephews your new pics on Monday. :-D

    Thanks for sharing with us and making us laugh.

  24. Ohh! thats frightning!!! yo no me hubiera montado... Besitos!

  25. Ah, you're a Disneyland fan, huh? And up to snuff on your trivia, too, I see—you're right that they're scream shields, not barf cups. The blue tubes around sections of California Screamin' are there for the same reason. (I can relate just a little about liking Disneyland, as my blog probably demonstrates. ;D)

    Anyway, I've really enjoyed dropping in on your blog and reading all about your adventures, and I know I'm far from the only fan who appreciates you taking the time to share. Keep up the great work when y'all start season 5 of Lost; you really do bring a unique, endearing sort of realness to the show. Very cool.

  26. I die to ride that thing but when i have had a chance to do it i dont dare...i thing that it would be worst with that shield....

  27. Funny.
    It looks like a sneeze guard in a salad bar.

    Terrence Paquet
    Author of My Penis & other short pieces

  28. that's because you ARE a dwarf, bethany. or kathy is just a giant.

  29. I love that ride. My favorite is when I get a seat facing the opperator. I like to pretend to be "scared, but trying to be brave" for his benefit. I think it makes his day all that much better when the ride is over and I haven't puked on myself.
