Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Update for those of you coming to see me at

The schedule currently has me doing panel both Saturday and Sunday.
I just got an update on my itinerary. I will only be doing the panel on Saturday. 
So if you are coming to hear panel, then Saturday is the day to come.
See you there.


  1. gosh, I sure wish I could come and meet you. I love the show and your just great. anyway, love your blog, Lisa

  2. Yikes, San Jose is pretty far away from where I am (LA area). Any chance of you doing Comic-Con this year? I could maybe make San Diego...bring the kids (who think you're great, btw)....keep us updated?

  3. If I start walking now, from Texas, how long will it take me to get there?

    I'm coming...maybe I'll swipe my neighbor's horse...

  4. Um...Canadian days a week at my store...

    Any chance of a Toronto/Montreal stop over the haitus?

  5. I am so bummed. I live in San Jose and I'll be in Phoenix this weekend! Nooooooo!

  6. That would be great, but I think Im washing my hair that day, LOL. No...a bit too far away for me living in Denmark - any chance youre ever coming this way ??? Just pop round and Ill show you our big spiders (I hate them) and my purple flowers ;o)

  7. By the way.... I just posted a blog about "my" big spider - feel free to have a look at him....

  8. Ugh. I wish I could go. Being a broke almost-college kid sucks.

  9. :whines: I wanna go!! Damn money!! San Jose is across the country from me. I lived in poedunk Swansea, IL. Oh well have fun in the sun!

  10. Man, I wish I wasn't working all weekend long! San Jose isn't too bad of a trip from Fresno

  11. Hey dude lol, I would have liked to see you at the Cannes Film Festival, because you have a lot of fans in France, and I'm one of them !

  12. Man..I would love to come and see you in the panel but I live all the way in London (yes, where Mr Widmore resides). That's a shame..

    But good luck impressing the fans, I am sure you will do more than great! :)

  13. Thanks for the heads up, Saturday is the chosen day. The natives are hot as heck but I'm sure you're used to it.

    See you then!
