In the hotel I stayed at in San Jose, directly across from the door to my room was this:

I'd like to give you a closer look but I'm having trouble loading it with the blogger. But this picture has the numbers 4, 8, and 16 quite prominently.
Then things started getting weird.
For one, I became a giant.

And went Rhino tipping.

Oh Jorge! Please don't play lottery with that numbers...
That's weird. It reminds me the movie 23. But as I always say: I'm a girl from letters, not from numbers.
Kisses to you.
Jorge, once i had seen "815" in the exam, it was creepy :))
ReplyDeleteInanc Karagoz
Istanbul, Turkey
4, 8, 15 and 16 once came out as numbers in the lottery once. I was freaked. :/
ReplyDeleterhino tipping!! ;)
ReplyDeleteHola Jorge!!! Que gusto estar aqui, pudiendo escribirte!!!
ReplyDeleteLei que comprendes español, asi que es un problema menos, ya que para leer us post, yo debo ir a un traductor on-line para sabe que escribes!
Mi nombre es Jesica, tengo 23 años y soy de ARgentina.
Tu personaje me ha gustado desde el primer momento, incluso pude ver el video donde audicionabas para Sawywer!
Te cuento que aqui, entre mis amigos, fuimos comprando DVDs con los capitulos de lost. Como somos todos jovenes y tenemos muchos gastos, creabamos cadenas para que uno compre una temporada, otro la segunda, luego la tercera... Encima vivimos en la costa, en un pueblo que solo toma forma en temporada de verano, luego no queda gente, los negocios cierran, y he tenido que viajar a capital (400 km) para poder conseguir las dos primeras temporadas.
Como es comun, tenemos gustos encontrados. A todas les gusta Jack, y a todos les gusta Kate; sin embargo a mi no me llegan, ya que son los convencionales papeles de heroina. En cambio, mi favorito sos vos y me encanta el vinculo que se crea con Charlie.
Mi capiulo preferido es "tricia Tanaka ha muerto", puedo verlo millones de veces siempre diviertiendome.
Es verdad que leias "Condorito"? Si es asi, entonces tendria que hacerte llegar nuestro comic "Paturuzu", "Isidoro", "Mafalda"!
Tambien son fans de la Tierra Media, sus personajes, sus lugares, sus idiomas! Si estuviese en tu lugar ya hubiese vuelto loco a Dominic Monahagan preguntandole que tal a sido encarnar un hobbit!
Te mando un abrazo muy fuerte, espero seguir leyendote aunque este obligada a prescindir de los traductores.
The numbers make you go rhino tipping? Yikes. Sure it was the numbers that made you do that and not that last beer, Jorge? LOL I kid. I kid.
ReplyDeleteInanc, I had to tell you I love your avatar. Snoopy rocks - especially when he's writing "Dark and Stormy Night" stories, when he's the Red Baron, or when he's dancing with his ears flapping around. You have great taste!
:twilight zone theme:
ReplyDeleteThough rhino tipping looks fun.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, I remember those scenes, I miss Snoopy so much!
Thanks! :)
hi, you have a clone! its a dharma new proyect? he live in Argentina, check out:
Hi Jorge, my name is Janssen Barufe, I am Brazilian, admire Lost and also much his work as well as all other actors and actresses who are spectacular. Because of my passion for Lost, I together with a team developing a magazine called Season which is currently in its second edition and deals exclusively with Lost and its mysteries. The magazine Season is a non-profit project, we want to spread the culture Lost for those who do not yet know, so I come to you asking for support. I will leave my e-mail, the website where you can see the magazine, pointing out that the second edition we are still translating and providing the English version.
ReplyDeleteViewing: 1º edition -
2º edition -
A big hug, I hope we can make a partnership, thank you very much!
During my GCSE Exams (here in England), my desk was scribbled with the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42
ReplyDeleteIf those numbers really are unlucky, then talk about unfortunate timing. I take my Exams seriously!
But hey, maybe the Hotel Owner was a fan of Lost and purposely gave you that room ;)
Anyway, can't wait to see the Finale. Hopefully I will be able to watch it on Friday!
All the best man..
Hey Jorge, look at this there's a copycat of you here in Argentina.
ReplyDeleteHi, Jorge! Have you seen this?
Dharma is cloning!!!
Kisses from Argentina
dude. could you be the best blog writer person on earth?!
ReplyDeleteI THINK SO!
Dude, you got to see this. there is a clone of you walking Buenos Aires' streets. He is so similar I can't tell the difference. Is it a campaign from Lost producers?
I will upload the pictures to my blog.
You are so silly, I love it :)
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to freak someone out you should repeat those numbers when you answer the phone and then see what the caller does.
I'd really start to worry if none of your castmates saw the numbers in their real lives... because that could mean Jorge and Hurley were becoming one!
ReplyDeleteThat is ONE BIG poop-hole that rhino has *giggle*
ReplyDeleteyou're going to go crazy if you start looking for that an egg you are holding?
ReplyDeleteSo does rhino tipping make you a giant? Or do you need to be a giant to tip rhinos? Or is the secret in the magic tiny egg?
ReplyDeleteHee hee, I bet someone put that picture on the wall on purpose, because they knew you were staying there....heh, but it IS pretty spooky.... ;)
ReplyDeleteOkay.. this is getting weird. When you turned into the giant you didn't have only 4 toes, did you? I'm freaking. First the numbers in the picture, then the giantism and now an exact duplicate of you in Argentina. It's like the Island wormhole diverged just as you were passing through it. One of you was accidentally transported to Argentina. So that's how Ben can be on the Island AND in Widmore's bedroom all at the same time!! :-o
LOL ude, you're the best thing in the whole show, greetings from Colombia.
ReplyDeleteJOJOJO, So funny man!
ReplyDeleteEres el mejor personaje, pero no le cuentes a mi novia que me reclama, jajaja.
Greetings from Mexico.
Hola Jorge encontrar tu Blog fue algo muy lindo, me rei muchisimo!!
ReplyDeleteSegun me llegaron unas fotos, parece que acá en Argentina hay una persona igual a vos te asombrarias al verlo!
Besos gigantes!
Hola Jorge como estas? antes que nada felicidades por lost. ahora mira esto:
ReplyDeleteSos vos??? no creo pero son muy parecidos capaz hermanos separados al nacer. o sos vos que en otro tiempo diferente al de la isla...
The winning numbers in a draw from the Irish Lottery were close:
ReplyDelete4 8 15 16 23 24 (last number reversed).
Alas, my attempts in the English Lottery with the numbers have neither brought fortune, or misfortune.
Haha... I look for the numbers everywhere...
ReplyDeleteAnd the other day, I was at a Chinese restaurant and I saw the Dharma sign. I properly freaked out...
I then found out it was actually a Chinese symbol originally. I felt like a freak.
Lots of love
hola Jorge, cómo estás?
ReplyDeleteu gotta write a post n spanish, seriously =P
anyway, its really nice to read u, hows ur garden goin? long time u dont write about it
hope everythins ok round there =)
greetings from Uruguay
ReplyDeleteI kind of crashed into your blog and i'm amazed with it..
I'm lovin' every post, not in a weird kind of "love" way (ahah).
I'm just a big fan of your work and the show.
You must be tired of "how does it feel to be part of the best show ever" comments, or "how really good looking Evangeline is?" questions.. but it's almost inevitable.
Linked you in my blog (, so i'll be watching for your new posts and hoping to comment them.
Congrats for your excellent work, from Portugal
I was in NY yesterday and saw this huge billboard for some show on discovery, when we left earth and it had the numbers in one of the pictures!! It freaked me out, i had to take pictures!
I went bowling a few nights ago and this guy in the lane next to me had the numbers as his bowling name. I was like, "I think I've seen these before."
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