Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fan Mail is Done

It took two days. And over $100 in postage. But the fan mail is done. Whew!


  1. Hey Jorge,
    My boyfriend and I really, really love you. We hope we can see you in person, but we are in Vancouver.

    Are you gonna come here one day?

  2. I think it's great that you take the time to do that yourself.
    Very cool.

  3. But how does someone contact you?

  4. You are a great guy to answer all of those.

  5. This is why you're a better person than I am, and why I could never be famous (well, that and the fact that casting agents and producers wouldn't have a clue who I was, anyway. LOL)

    I HATE writing letters. A really lot. So I couldn't imagine answering all that mail. You've just gone up several more notches on the evolutionary scale in my books! LOL Take care of you and have a good one.

  6. I think its great that you actually take the time to answer your fan mail yourself... it must take a lot of time.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. that is awesome that you take the time to write back...just might have to write you a letter!

  9. Having seen that envelope you posted last week, I'm extremely impressed. I have a lot of pen-pals all over the world, and I know the amount of time it takes to read and respond to a letter. I'm not always the best about responding to my mail quickly, so you have put me to shame!

  10. I think its awesome what your doing! You are giving your fans an outlet where we can tell you how much we appreciate you art and craft! Keep up the great work! God Bless

  11. You really rock! That's wonderful for you to answer all your mail. I'd given up writing to my faves when I was a teenager cuz I just got form letters back so I can tell you it will mean a LOT to the fans you responded to! :D

  12. that is SO SWEET. i wrote davy jones and that damn former teen idol never wrote me back. (but i still love him)

  13. Hi Jorge!!
    I`m from Spain and I would really like to contact you, how can i do it??
    Lots of kisses from Spain!!!

  14. Hey Jorge, some mail will be your way next week. Just getting ready to send it off - it includes an adorable drawing by my little cousin, 3, of "Lost". Her favourite character, however, is Charlie Pace. I think she may have gotten that from me.

    She doesn't watch the show, but she's seen clips and photos and always jumps up and down giggling when she sees a picture of Dom! :D


  15. Yeah man! You'll have to share with us "how" to write you...where do we send all of our stalker mail? I just want an autograph :)


  16. Hola, creo que esto te puede interesar...

    tener un "doble" en otro pais.

  17. Woohoo! Now we can all send you a new batch! ;)

  18. That's very impressive! Kudos to you!

  19. Hubby wondered if yo ever got the cutting board!?!? and pepper... Yum!
