Thursday, May 15, 2008

My project

I promise I will get to it next week.


  1. That's fantastic that you respond to your fan mail. I promise not to add to it . . . I'll just continue to stalk you on the internet. :D

  2. yaaaaay! i'll be excited to see the floor in that spot again.

  3. Jorge, where i can write to you?

  4. Jorge,

    I have no time to write fan mail, I can barely write e-mail. :)

  5. Jorge: Saludos desde Buenos Aires, Argentina!
    y felicitaciones por el fin de temporada (season finale)


  6. Wow Jorge! That's crazy! And completely cool that you do respond to your fan mail! :) Good luck with that crazy pile! :)

  7. Hello! I'm a new reader to your blog! :) I just subscribed too, loving it! I've never sent fan mail before, would love to though! What address can I send to? :)

  8. Jorge, I think it's very admirable that you answer your fan mail. You're a good guy. :)

  9. You'll be happy to know that I didn't contribute to that stack of mail. One less letter for you to have to deal with. It's not because I'm not a fan because obviously I am since I check your blog every day and am sickly addicted to "Lost". Just that I'm incredibly lazy. The times I do get around to opening MS Word, I do it to just write fiction and stuff... cuz I be a word smith. A mostly unsuccessful word smith but a word smith nonetheless.

  10. That looks like a lot. More lost camera trickery, perhaps? Or it may be a collection of all the ones I've sent you alone. ;)

  11. It's so sweet...

    I contributed to a previous pile :)
    The picture made me...wanna write again!! (ooh, I am bad)

    We love you though...and that spot on the floor proves it!

    Filakia (kisses in Greek)!

  12. I notice the large envelope (which I assume contains many smaller envelopes) is labeled "Fan Mail". I also assume these were sent to the network and eventually forwarded to you. Does the network read them first or do they forward them along unopened?

    I've actually been curious about this for a the whole "Fan Mail" system works.

  13. Daniel Dae Kim just posted the fanmail address on his myspace.


    [Cast Member's Name]
    LOST Production Office
    Hawaii Film Studio
    510 18th Avenue
    Honolulu, HI 96816

    NOTE: Make sure you include with your letter...

    A self addressed, STAMPED, LARGE (A4) envelope with your address already written on.

    International Postage Coupon (if posting from anywhere other than the US.

    International Postage Coupons mean that the reciever of mail can exchange this for a stamp to your country. Most celebrities ask for these as paying for stamps themselves would be very costly - especially airmail.

    I.P. Coupons are about 95p (UK) and (UK prices) to send the letter will cost you about 56p.

    - - - - do get replies. :D Give it about a year though and the time you will have to wait depends on when you send it. If sent during the series, it will probably take longer because the actor/actress will be extremely busy. :D

  14. Daniel Dae Kim just posted the fanmail address on his myspace.


    [Cast Member's Name]
    LOST Production Office
    Hawaii Film Studio
    510 18th Avenue
    Honolulu, HI 96816

    NOTE: Make sure you include with your letter...

    A self addressed, STAMPED, LARGE (A4) envelope with your address already written on.

    International Postage Coupon (if posting from anywhere other than the US.

    International Postage Coupons mean that the reciever of mail can exchange this for a stamp to your country. Most celebrities ask for these as paying for stamps themselves would be very costly - especially airmail.

    I.P. Coupons are about 95p (UK) and (UK prices) to send the letter will cost you about 56p.

    - - - - do get replies. :D Give it about a year though and the time you will have to wait depends on when you send it. If sent during the series, it will probably take longer because the actor/actress will be extremely busy. :D

  15. Sweet Aching Philangies Garcia, that's a LOT of writing to do!

  16. People still actually write letters? LOL

  17. Don't be upset when you discover that they're all from ME!!! Key psycho music....

  18. @ JFC Official
    That's interesting but this address looks bogus if you check it out in google maps.,+Honolulu,+HI&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.66491,72.421875&ie=UTF8&ll=21.267795,-157.797956&spn=0.002345,0.00442&t=h&z=18

    Maybe Jorge could verify that this is where fan mail needs to go? I'd hate for someone's kid's letter get lost in the ether of the US postal service

  19. Jorge sos muy dulce, me encanta tu personaje en Lost y me encanta que en tu blog pareces tan simpático como Hurley. Te felicito. En la Argentina sos una megaestrella, vení a visitarnos alguna vez!

  20. I think it is great you respond to your fans!

  21. On first glance it looked like that package said "From Hell".

    Read into that perception however you wish...

  22. Joe- how can you say that address looks bogus. I went right to the link you provided and can see a film studio right there with my own eyes!!! What are you missing, because that's clearly a studio.

  23. ¡Pobrecito!
    ¡Cuántas cartas! :)

  24. Who knew my favorite actor from Lost also likes to garden! I'm glad to have discovered your blog! -Jen :)

  25. I think that's cool you respond to your fan mail but I'm like honeybell, I'll just follow you on your blog. :)

  26. Hi, George! You are an idol.
    In the episode last night, was very sweet when Hugo was to find his family.
    Kisses from Argentina,

  27. Great Jorge, i hope you dont forget us... :)
    see ya !!

  28. Congrats on wrapping up another great season of Lost! We'll miss the show, but I'm sure you're all glad to have some time off. How's life in Hawaii? My husband and I are heading to Maui for the first time in September. I visited Oahu a couple years ago for the first time and loved it! Have a great summer!

  29. Saludos Jorge, una gran experiencia filmica sin duda has vivido, mucha suerte en las proximas temporadas. Felicitaciones por tu trabajo.

    Saludos desde CHILE, la tierra de tu padre.


  30. Buenas entrañable Jorge,somos fans de lost,tenemos los dvds,las bandas sonoras,nos encanta tu personaje.
    Y ahora que nos hemos enterado que tenias un blog,nos hemos alegrado.Mucha suerte,un saludo desde España de tus grandes admiradores.A ver si te pasas por nuestro blog!!!xaooo

  31. You are such an incredibly awesome, giving actor...really, you go above and beyond and it shows. You set the bar really high, guy! :)

  32. I got the autographed photo you sent me today! Thank you so much Jorge!!!!

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