One of my favorite set pieces of this season is the secret door inside the secret room. And it's just so cool to have an Indiana Jones door the same time Crystal Skull comes out.
I haven't posted in a while. I've been crazy busy with the show, shooting six day weeks and all. But I'll try to pick things up.
That's totally an Indy door! I just hope there isn't a swarm of snakes, bugs, and/or rats, lurking just behind it. I'm not sure I'd stand that close...
ReplyDeleteThanks man, the close-up of the door is great! And speaking of Indiana Jones..can't wait to see the new one. It's got some top notch actors so it's gonna be great.
ReplyDeleteAnyway it's great to see you blogging again. I just couldn't wait for another dose of humour from you! :P
Nice. Thanks JG - you should totally open it! Have your camera ready!
ReplyDeleteThe question is, what's the secret room like inside the secret door inside the secret room? Ben's house = Lost = an onion. It has layers :)
ReplyDeleteCool pic and always entertaining blog! Loved the last post.
i still need to see this, as well as my african statue in ben's house! time is running out!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to have you back!
ReplyDeleteAre you a fan of Indy too?, I'm counting the hours to may 22!
Open the door and you'll find brooms and mops inside. It's a caveman broom closet.
ReplyDeleteHey Jorge, I discovered your blog right after your last post, and I've been waiting (rather, excitedly, I might add) for another. Your performances on LOST have been SO great lately; in "Something Nice Back Home", I wanted to reach through my TV and give Hurley a hug! Keep up the great work both on the show and here. It's appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThat secret door is completely made of awesome. I'm considering have one installed myself.
ReplyDeleteThat is cool . . . it'd make a great bathroom door . . .
ReplyDeleteI woke up this morning more excited than I should be that Lost is on tonight. I may need medication.
My youngest son Harrison (Yes, he is named after Harrison Ford because I am a Indiana Jones nut.) He wants this door in his room. He thinks the smoke monster would be a great pet. lol
ReplyDeleteMy birthday was Saturday. That would have made a great gift. I didn't see it on my doorstep though.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs that the time portal Ben uses to get to Widmore's bedroom just minutes after his goons shoot and kill Alex?
ReplyDeleteOne minutes it's:
"Helloooo Charles Widmore. I am the ghost of Christmas Present. You broke the rules when you killed my daughter and thusly have forsaken your own."
The next minute it's:
"Let's get Hurley. He knows where Jacob's cabin is."
Man, it's even better than an Indy door :D
ReplyDeleteProps to your ehh, Prop dudes :D
Loving your character, really looking forward to the season finale, and kudos to the powers that be who slipped us the exta hour over what was promised, even if they did make you work extra hard to entertain us.
Who said you didn't suffer for your art?
Enjoy you between season break too when it comes about, I'll still be reading your blog, so don't stay away too long from it :D
Thanks, as always
...j (",)
Hmmm...Wonder if the art on the door have any meaning?
ReplyDeleteI had a feeling they were working you guys hard and that's why we haven't heard from you for a while!
ReplyDeleteDid the producers have to approve that pic of the door? It has a much clearer view of the hieroglyphics. Thanks!
Have fun at the cast wrap party. Say hi to Dustin Watchman for me. He leaves for Asia on Tuesday.
hippiejewel on the Fuse
Great photo!! Don't worry about us, we are just enjoying watching you on the show. You are doing a fantastic job as Hurley, never a dry eye with your moments! :-o
ReplyDeleteThanks for working so hard. I loved this episode and the door with the hierogliphics was one of the best parts.
ReplyDeleteI am a HUGE fan and love the blog as well. Looking forward to more posts in the off season. You rock!
Really nice picture Jorge. Thanks for sharing that one.
I'm taking hieroglyphic Egyptian right now, so I'm thinking you should get us a picture of the full door, so I can try to translate it.
ReplyDeleteAwesome door heehee
ReplyDeleteThe new Indiana Jones movie looks awesome! Awhile ago they were shooting here (Fresno,CA) so it is pretty cool to know that some of the movie was made here... I think it was a scene at an airport and they made it look like Mexico haha
Keep up the hard work :-) I am anxiously awaiting the episode tonight!
my hubby was amazed by the door the minute it was aired, he was very happy to see it again here. thanx
ReplyDeleteYou've been missed! How am I meant to get through a day in my crappy job without some blog action.
ReplyDeleteLoving the work though so can't complain!
Keep it up dude!
You know, I've been looking for a new front door (true story). Any chance of me calling dibs? LOL
ReplyDeleteFunny pic!
ReplyDeleteI've been a huge fan of Lost from the beginning but I just found your blog a few days ago. I think Season 4 is amazing and can't wait for more episodes.
Satu, Finland
You big tease, you!
ReplyDeleteLOVED this set/prop. The whole thing reminded me of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. Esp. with this season's CS Lewis ref!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't clear if Ben traveled across space/time - when going through that door, or just did something on the island.
SUCH an amazing season. You're blessed to be a part of such a wowzer of a show!
Ta-ta-ta-TA. Ta-ta-TAN.
ReplyDeleteOk, that was me trying to make the soundtrack of Indiana Jones.
That door... I dunno maybe it's some kind of weird closet. Maybe the smoke monster toilet. Who knows?
A lot of kisses to you.
Lost is going to slowly turn into Indiana Jones.
That door is COOL! That's the control panel to the smoke monster. LOL!
ReplyDeleteAny idea what the 'glyphs on the door mean?
Hi there
ReplyDeleteGlad to have you back on the blog. I hope you won't desert us over the hiatus as I love reading your posts. :-)
All you Indie fans be certain to pick up the companion novel that goes with the new movie. It had been written by James Rollins and he is fantastic with adventure fiction. Jim's book just might be a bit better than the movie, even. I kid you not!!
I'm holding my breath and turning blue, almost, waiting for Thursday to get here. Just please no more dead people, I had a fit when the freighter captain was killed last epi. I was just really getting to like having him around. :-)
Southern California
Welcome back Jorge! I missed your blogging greatness.. :) I love the pic.. What a tease to us fans.. Hahahaha.. :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome closeup of the door.
ReplyDeleteThat episode is my favourite to date - of all seasons.
So many reveals that raise more questions.
How nerdy is it to own up to the fact that I cheered when the Smoke Monster came?
But...they survived?!
ReplyDeleteJust curious, do you have any more pictures of the door?
Awesome! I just found your blog this week - and just now finished reading just about every entry since you started. Thank you for taking the time to do this!