Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Remember that Google Alerts Blog I did?

I guess I spoke too soon. My google alert came up with the best thing I have ever read.

Jorge has pooped on the potty several times. 
But he still calls it "pee pee." So when he 
says "mommy I gotta go pee pee I'm not 
really sure what to expect. Oh unless he's 
holding his rear."

So I guess my secrets out: I hold my rear when I have to "pee pee." 


  1. I am so glad I came across your blog. You're a nut! (and I mean that in the best possible way :)).

  2. Dude! And I thought I was the only one!

  3. me too!

    Have you ever seen the show "Jon and Kate Plus 8?" It follows a family with 6 or 7 year old twins and SIX! 3 year olds. When they were potty training the sextuplets, the mom Kate would give the kids ONE M&M when they pooped in the potty for the first time and took their picture with it LOL I couldn't believe that one!

  4. I have a Jorge Garcia Google alert, but I had to add the word 'LOST' to it. I kept getting stories that started like:
    Jorge Garcia appeals his conviction for engaging in organized criminal activity ... or Waco resident Jorge Garcia has spent the past week in a trailer in front of his tornado-ravaged home... His three children do their homework on a card table ... and I would say - Ohh Noooo!

    I also have a Dominic Monaghan Google alert that is almost always about Evangeline Lilly!

    Google alerts for combinations like 'Evangeline Lilly' and 'Jorge Garcia' might turn up stories about people with names like Evangeline Lilly, Matthew Fox, and Jorge Garcia going bowling.

    Beware the Google Alerts!

  5. From carrots and tomatoes to pee pee... :)
    You really crack me up. And good luck with the bird, they can be pesky buggers. I was staying in a hotel once and left an opened chocolate on the table on the balcony.
    Seagull (the cheek of him) landed on the table and took the whole blasted thing with him. Not to mention he gave me a fright but how greedy can you be? :)
    And dont get me started on the sparrows, I think one of them is running a whorehouse in my gutter.

  6. taht Google is freaking dangerous. Thank God I'm not famous.

  7. I heard once that Facebook was like internet crack but I disagree. I think Google is like internet crack. I can get totally absorbed into googling nonsense.

  8. hurley and jorge = sweet men!!

  9. Jorge,

    I just found your blog and its so awsome! I do Character Designs for animation and I did some designs of Hurley and some other lost characters.

    Hurley -

    Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Eko & Hurley -

    Deviant Art Gallery -

  10. ...

    Wow. Didn't see that coming..

    Loool, but hey, it's understandable.. all celebs have a secret ;)

  11. Jorge, you are so crazy, and that's why we love ya! :) And everytime I see the pic of you "trying" to eat your killer carrot, I laugh like crazy.. :)

  12. Hi Jorge! I cant believe that Im writing in your blog. Im Argentinian, my English is not good. I love Lost. In Argentine everybody watch Lost, is very famous. I wish someday go to the Lost Studio in Hawaii, and met actors of Lost! Im sorry if im writing wrong

  13. I know that you understand Spanish! Vi una entrevista en google, que te hicieron unos chilenos. Se que tenes raices latinas. De vez en lees los comentarios? dudo que tengas tiempo, ja, me gustaria saber si los lees.

  14. LOL ... I have every actor on Lost on my google alerts for my Lost blog and the funniest thing I saw for you was.... well, let's just say you have some fans in a certain sect of the homosexual community.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

    I will spare people the link.

  15. I guess you can never be too careful. LOL!

  16. qué bueno... jejeje
    Mañana es mi cumple
    Felicítame porfaaaaa

  17. just stumbled upon your blog, it's great stuff. i feel yah on the mancoon, i think a business mancoon didn't hold the elevator for me today.

  18. Hunh....Do you think that why the little old Molasses cookie lady torched the out house after you left?! DOOD awesome epi. last night!!!

  19. Dude... I just found this blog of yours... been reading old entries and I had a root canal last week... NOT FUN!!! Beatty

  20. Hi

    I am a big fan of LOST. you are my favuorite. What would you do if you had as much money as Hurley? I am very happy i found your blog.

  21. Hey, is there an email address for ol' Jorge. Like to shoot him a message.

  22. My little Bastian is in that moment of his life now. I know how hard is for him and I suppose that is not easy to be far away from our little angels...

    Lot of kisses.

  23. Google Alerts = Strange Surprises

  24. hi Jorge!!
    i come here to wish you a very happy birthday for your thirty five years!!^^
    I hope that that will please you!!

  25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dear Jorge!!!!

    from Sara-Italy

  26. Hola Jorge! Soy Carlos, un chico de Valencia (España) al que le encanta tu trabajo. si alguna vez vienes a Valencia estaré encantado de ser tu guía, invitarte a una paella, llevarte de fiesta con mis amigos y a mostrarte la ciudad más bonita del mundo. un saludo, eres el mejor! espero verte pronto por aquí!!! (if you don't understand spanish i can try to repeat this message in english for you!)

  27. Happy birthday!! You totally rock. :)

  28. Hi Jorge!!!
    For some time now I've been reading your blog but never stoped to make a comment, but as today is a special day...
    Happy Birthday! I wish you all the good things the world can give and more!!!

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jorge turns 35 today (born 04/28/73)

  30. Happy Birthday Hurley from the "Room23" Lost Fan blog!

  31. happy birthday dude.

    ps: i felt like a loser last week which is why i didn't say hi to you on the set. what i MEANT to do was introduce myself and tell you i read your blog. but i dunno... sometimes when people tell me that they read MY blog i get a little awkward because i realize that a complete stranger knows a lot lot about me. then i realized that there is a reason why i post things on the internet. it's to share with the world.
    so i need to lighten up.









  33. Happy b-day, bud.

    So what I meant to point out before was the fact that I... named my dog after ya! Not Jorge, no. Hurley.

    I was looking at an English Bully and kicking names around, a friend said "Otis? Bubba? Hugo?" I liked Hugo and immediately my brain went "whoa, HURLEY!"

    So, without further ado, here's the dog equivalent of Hurley:

  34. Hello Jorge,

    Happy Birthday and all the good wishes for good health, big sucess, lots of love and tons of happiness!

    Be always cool as you are!


    Dimitris (your LOST fun from Athens, Greece)

    PS. I need "desperately" :-) an autograph from you. If you can e-mail me one ( I will be more than grateful.
    Many thanks, Dimitris

  35. Hiya,

    I just starting watching LOST for the first time last summer via DVDS given to me from my daughter and I am sooo sorry I've missed these years..

    You are a great actor and have brought many a smile to my face


  36. Hello. :) Jorge, you are the best.
    I´m spanish and I don´t speak english very good but I read your blog. It´s very good. You are very funny.
    "Lost" is my favourite TV serie.
    It´s great, very good, wonderful, brilliant...

    Jorge García the best.

  37. Man, I wish my Google Alerts came up with anything half as exciting as that. All telling me things about Tom Cruise.

    Dang but dudes named Tom are boring.

  38. Happy Birthday!! *<:o)

    Also, you are great in your scenes this season! Hurley never ceases to make me ferklempt every time, especially last night in ep.10 in the sanitarium. :-(

  39. It's funny, capcom. Usually Hurley's the comic relief, and he's damn good at it, but that scene in the asylum was almost painful the drama worked so well. It's gotta be difficult to get across "lost your mind" and speak quietly.

  40. I like you!
    you are my fav character in LOST.
    i'm from Israel, and I can't waiting to the fifth season in LOST..I hope you will read this setupid comment, and I am sorry that my English is bad (:
    good luck with all your plans, and by the way- nice blog!!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Ok, I don't know you and you don't know me, but I guess Freud would want me to take this out of my system: It's the second time I dream I'm dating a guy who looks just like you (it's not you, it's your twin or something). Suddenly the guy shows up really thin, I freak out and cry like a baby. Isn't that the weirdest dream? I know I don't like thin dudes, but crying? My hubby is making fun of me and my crazy dreams LOL. Lesson of the day, for myself: stop obsessing over Lost. Lesson for Jorge Garcia: don't loose weight. I'm glad you probably don't have time to read this nonsense.

  43. Hi... someone posted the link to your blog on Daniel Dae Kims myspace, so being the greatest Lost fan in Denmark (where the show isnt even on TV), I just had to have a look.... Ive read some of your blogs and you do make me laugh, thank you for that :0) Are you always this funny ??

  44. does anyone listen to this podcast from matt and kevin? they are soooo funny and they have the best lost podcast.

  45. me meo de la risa con la alerta de google ahora soy yo la que tiene que "hold my rear" jajaja por cierto Jorge haz alguna entrada en español¡¡¡
