Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here's me with Baby Aaron a.k.a Sabrina

And here we are in action.


  1. You look very cute together!

  2. Hang on...is he out acting you in that second picture!

  3. Here is the "b" you may want to place somewhere in your headline "Here's me with Bay Aaron". Put it where you want. It's your headline. ;)

    Greetings from Germany: thomas.

  4. What a stupid question, Daniel, everybody knows Jorge's a doll.

  5. Lovely.. Nice photos.. Thanks to share with us

  6. OK so now can you tell us how you and baby Aaron make it off the island? I can hardly wait!

  7. so how does one get their baby to star in LOST? :)

  8. I love the way this baby cries, it has a style. He is so cute when he smiles and cries :)

    You look good together :)

  9. Those are the most adorable pictures!!!!!! You are a natural.

  10. He is sure a little ham, looking right at the camera, thinking: Ha who will look at Jorge when they can look at me!


  11. Awesome Dude...cool pics! Can I also say I loved the Jacaranda pics from a few posts ago. Nice going with the sprouts too...neither of my thumbs are green. I have no luck growing anything outside!

  12. He looks like a happy baby. Is he a twin like so many acting babies are? How many babies has the show gone through now given that Claire gave birth to him in the 1st season and we're now finishing up the 4th season. Chronologically speaking, in real time the original "Aaron" would be almost 4 years old now but in show time he's supposedly about 2 months old (born on Day 41 and it's now about Day 98).

  13. You look so cute together... Im sure youll make a great dad one day ;o)

  14. Awww!! I love the picture of you two looking at each other!

  15. That baby is so cute, and will forever be Turniphead to me. Give him a squeeze for me! :o)

  16. The first one of you two looking at each other is adorable!

  17. You look like a natural holding the baby!
    I wanted to say that you made a slight pun in your post titled "Sprouts a poppin'". You wrote, "I'm an impatient man in my garden." I say slight pun because the spelling is slightly different, but there is a flower called an "impatiens", but most people (myself included) just mispronounce it as impatients! Sorry folks, everyone will most likely think I am a big nerd for pointing that out.

  18. I take it those photos were before you decided to baste and eat him.

  19. Awwwwwww!!!!! You guys look SO cute together!

  20. That is one cute kid!

    and one cute actor . . . sorry . . . actors always get upstaged by babies and puppies.

  21. That kid is the cutest ever. These pictures are absolutely heartwarming. ^^

  22. Looks like the two of you really bonded!

  23. dude that baby was like the most chill little person i've ever seen. how many were there? someone said three. i saw one. "oscar"
    i was dying. that was the cutest part. he just totally cruised all day and never fussed.

  24. Haha, top picture is class! So what number baby is that to play Aaron? Baby 598? Loool :P

  25. Cute baby! I think my son is a bit older.

  26. Jorge,

    That is an adorable set of pictures.

  27. Cute! The baby ain't bad, either. :)

  28. Awwwww what sweet pictures! Do you like babies? You look like you do :)

  29. Very nice pics Jorge. You both really look so cute and natural. I am sure you will be a great Dad if you ever decide to have one of your own.:-)
    Once again thanks for sharing this moments of yours with us. It really makes you our next door buddy!
    Be always well and down to earth as you are dude.
    You are my favorit.
    Your LOST fun from Athens Greece
    P.S. I know you may not have the time to reply to all the people here or fulfill requests but I would very much appriciate an autograph from you. I know I ask it again but hope dies last...my e-mail is sassa1971@yahoo.gr

  30. Awww, such a cute picture! I love when you two are together in a scene.

  31. OMG, my ovaries are exploding. I love that baby. I love fat, bald babies.

  32. ah the magic of television. So baby Aaron is played by an adorable little girl.

    Sabrina looks like she is having her first little crush with you Jorge. Who can blame her?

  33. Jorge!!! The Twitterverse is requesting that you get an account!



    Once you sign up, you can follow me: http://twitter.com/JustJulie

  34. Yep, you would be perfect for Twitter dispatches.
    Follow me too.
    We're big fans.

  35. Dude, a bunch of us are trying to get you to come over and join Twitter! Cute photo. Great show!!

  36. Baby Aaron is a girl!! How cute!!

  37. you're a natural! you should definetely get one of your own LOL

  38. What a way to get your foot in the door for a career in film and television! ...and how very Shakespearean of Sabrina!

    But seriously, nothing melts a lady more than a handsome man holding a baby. These are great shots. :)

  39. Jorge, you are so loving, and the pictures are so sweet.

  40. That may very well be the cutest thing I've ever seen. (See picture!) I love your blog Jorge, it's hilarious!

  41. Aww. So cute.

    It would be a very LOST moment if at some point we see all 5 "Aarons" on screen together...

    And since this is my first time finding your blog, may I just add my thanks for creating a character that brings so much humanity to Lost. If not for you and your portrayal of Hurley, I would not be nearly as big a fan as I am.


  42. Hope you're lucky with the seeds..
    I love to plant them and it's sooo cute to see them growing...
    dont forget to change the earth of the vase (is that the word?) sometimes ;)
    try those little tomatoes.. the grow fast and a lot!!

  43. I'm not quite sure how many babies played Aaron in season one, only that two sets of twins and three unrelated girls where among the cast (these were probably the only ones used as Aaron was only born a few episodes before the finale).

    In season two, 27 babies were used. In season three, 30 babies were used.

    Two of these babies were Matthew David Viventi (who's three on the second of next month) and Jade Heimowitz (who's now 2 years old). Matthew David started to play Aaron in November 2005, aged 5 months. Jade played Aaron for five episodes in season two, appearing in advertisement footage during 2006's Super Bowl. She was know by the cast as "The Baby That Never Cries".

    As for off-island, William Blanchette has been taking the role as two-year-old Aaron.

    - - - - - - -

    As for getting your baby into the role on LOST...

    Julie Carlson, casting director, seeks out the youngsters. She visits play groups, doctors surgeries etc to find twins and babies who fit the category of Aaron. The babies are all Hawaiian and should preferably be blonde haired with blue eyes. :)

    Thank you for sharing the pictures, Jorge. They're gorgeous pictures...little Sabrina is a cutie! Aww!

  44. Those pictures are super cute. ;) Now, are those babies just local kids who happened to fit what Aaron was supposed to look like or kids that actually had to audition in a way? :)

    Love you and love the show. Glad I found this blog!

  45. Cute!

    Isn't the dog who plays Vincent a girl too? haha

  46. You seems a very caring guy. Just like Hurley. By the way, I have the impression that you ARE, really, Hurley. A sweet, caring, lovelly, funny guy. Keep doing a great work, "Hugo".


  47. You want to kill me! Kill me with the cute! Awesome shots, you both look great together :-)

  48. What a cute boy... And the baby is cute too.

    But I never guessed that Aaron is a girl.


  49. ^ Sometimes Aaron is played by a girl, sometimes a boy. :)

    Nicole, yes, Vincent is played by Madison, a female. :D

  50. Too cute!! I just would like too say you are my fav on the show and when my friend emailed that you had a blog I was extatic! Your blog is the bomb...I love it. You are doing a great job here and on the show.

  51. Sabrina looks a little starstruck.

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