Saturday, May 17, 2008

For the record

and for Karma.

I just paid the next cab driver over twice the fare.

And gave a homeless guy money and the rest of our pizza.

I mean it doesn't set things right wth the other cabbie. But maybe the universe.


  1. A good deed is pretty much always a good idea, regardless of Karma.

  2. There you go... you really ARE a NICE guy !!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As someone who works in the service sector, I wish most people actually cared about being considerate towards us...or even realized we were human beings. The kind of abuse I've put up with over the past several years is much worse than most people would ever imagine. And I think I speak for a lot of people who do these types of jobs when I say...Thank you for thinking of us as people deserving of respect. That's a rarity.

  5. thanks for holding up the sign when you took the pic with the number ones today. im the girlfriend in ohio. for what it's worth, they all said you were a cool dude. thanks Jorge!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Being someone who drove a taxi for a total of 14 years, 12 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week. I think its honorable you tried to fix your Karma with the next cabbie you rode with, gave away money, and fed the homeless with pizza. However Jorge, why not call the cab company you rode with. Try to fix it with the person who deserves it. Every cab driver by federal law is required to keep a record of every customer they have. The pickup time, number of customers, where they picked up, where they dropped off and the time they did so. It would not be that hard to find the cabbie you rode with. With todays technology they probably have all of that in their computer system. Or GPS or whatever. Its expensive to have to have your interior cleaned. Not only that if the next customer got in the cab with a 1000 dollar suit on and ruined it, the cabbie could be held responsible for payment of cleaning bills and or replacement of damaged materials. Sometimes an apology and a Karma clean up, just isn't enough. I encourage you to do the right thing.

    I had to replace a womans dress one time because it was ruined with a mess my last customer left in my cab. Not only that I had to pay restitution for her night being ruined. The judge took it into consideration that the womans boyfriend had set up a special night to propose and she had to go through the evening with some nasty stain on the back of her dress. Think about it????

  8. I can't help but wonder if the homeless guy took the money and bought beer to go with his pizza.

  9. *This is the universe*
    *Sweet as bro*
    (Yes, the universe is a New Zealander)

  10. oh I dont know...I definately believe in karma, what goes around comes around...which is one of the reasons I always try to let someone pull out when I am driving or offer to let the other guy go first at a four way stop.

  11. Jorge, awesome thoughtful (and hilarious) blog posts! Thanks for sharing.

    During the LOST hiatus I know you'll be busy with other stuff. If you want to share anything in particular with the listeners of my Wayne's Take on LOST Podcast (part of Ryan's Lost Podcasting Network), please leave me a quick voice-mail on the listener line at 206-984-1446. I'll be sure to play it on a future episode of WTOL, and we would love to hear from you!



  12. LOL I find it hilarious that I almost just commented and called you hurley.

    I swear to god I have got to stop taking cold medicine so early in the morning.

    Sweet post, keep 'em coming, they make my mornings better. I haven't laughed at myself like that in a while.

  13. Those were nice things to do even if they didn't quite make things right with the cab driver in San Jose. I think you're a really nice guy. If we can all do little things like that for people then it really would become a kinder place. Wouldn't that be cool?

  14. Good Karma! Just caring and trying to make it right says a lot about your character (or just makes good blog fodder). :o)

  15. Now you must guest star on Earl. :)

  16. Hi Jorge,
    I met you yesterday at Super-Con. You signed an autograph for me (via my cousins) before I got there, because I didn’t know if I was going to make it.
    I am sure you might remember “Beck” :) Anyway, I was so totally floored that I was actually in the same building with you, let alone shaking your hand or speaking with you that I think I just babbled like a total idiot about that search site, and did not say what I really meant to say. I hope you will forgive me for being verbose and posting it here in the comments but I think it is the only way I might ever be able to let you know.

    [First of all, sorry my daughter
    kept making noise in the panel thing. I felt so stupid, she was being so good until we walked into a semi-quiet setting and people are trying to hear you etc. So I am really sorry about that. She is just one, so she didnt know how awe struck and quiet she should be, ha ha. I just wanted you to know we didn't mean to be disrespectful.]

    Most importantly I just wanted to say Thank You and let you know that
    you really inspire me. You are funny, witty, smart and most of all, a down to earth, kind person. You are enjoying life, REALLY LIVING life, and a huge success in your career. I have been really depressed for many years and most days it is all I can do to get to work, come home, and keep the happy face on for the kids so they don’t know how bad I really feel. I don’t go anywhere that I don’t absolutely have to…I just don’t have it in me. So that
    is why my cousins were getting your picture for me…they know how much I admire and love you, but they (and I) didn’t know if I was really going to get it together enough to get out there, no matter
    that this was the most I have wanted to ever do anything for as long as I can remember. Really, honestly, the ONLY thing I have wanted to do for years.

    So thanks for being you; authentic, funny, happy, inspirational, life-living you. Thank you for being in San Jose, and to you and your girlfriend for being kind and accommodating to a babbling, nervous fan. You have no idea how much it meant to me.

    Forever Grateful,

  17. Jorge,

    Is Karma a zero sum game? Hmmm the economics of this escapes me now! But, after a few Canadian beers I will have a clearer understanding of the ramifications and permutations of what happened.

  18. Maybe you're starting to think a little too much like Hurley!!

  19. Way to pay it forward. The homeless guy will save a blind man from walking out into oncoming traffic. The blind man will sing a song about the siginficance of life and love that will keep a teenage girl who hears it from taking her life. That teenage girl will write an essay that will be published and read by a local poltician that will change his heart and he will stand up for hiring minimium wages. The changes that are made will affect the wife the taxi driver who works at Burger King to help bring in extra income because rich overpaid actors are too cheap to big tips. The universe is made right!

  20. Well, what's done is done. At least you felt responsible. I get yelled at all day long by people who's insurance rejected their prescription ... I can't do anything about it and I get cursed at anyway. They hardly ever apologize. heck, this guy got his narcotic for free a few weeks ago and he still called and complained. After we gave him what he wanted ... can't win for loosing. The public is getting harder and more dangerous to serve ... it really is. I hope you never loose your respect for the "little" people. Thanks. :)

  21. You must be feeling guilty and perhaps a bit embarrassed! Why can you not do what lori suggested and make it right?

  22. One of the other commenters mentioned "Pay it Forward". LOVED that movie, though I still cry at the end (which is, I know, silly - because I've seen it many times, and really, the ending doesn't change. This is me sparing you the suspense. LOL)...

    Jorge, if you do decide to track the cabbie down, let us know what comes out of it. Take care of you.


  24. It was great to meet both you and your girlfriend in San Jose! You are both very nice and good people.
    -Nicole & Tom Jones

  25. Here in Denver, we almost never need to ride in a cab. So, I got an education from Lori's post. You learn something new every day!

    I don't think you can ever be faulted for doing something nice. :-)

  26. Hola Jorge!!! Mi nombre es Mariano, soy de Argentina...
    Queria contarte q hemos visto a tu DOBLE!!!!
    si!! en Buenos Aires.. viajando en colectivo...
    es muy impresionante!!! aqui estan las fotos:
    ponelas en tu blog!!!

  27. Nice dude! You were in San Jose? Darn..I grew up there and still have family there. Too bad I couldn't drive down for the day. Hope you had a good time. Now I'm hungry for a gyro.

  28. chissà se li leggi i commenti...bè speriamo di si..saluti dall'italia...

  29. speriamo tu li legga i commenti...speriamo di si! saluti dall'italia...

  30. Realmente no puedo creer haber encontrado el sitio!!!
    Confio en que puedas leer español...
    Desde el primer momento me encanto tu personaje, busque y lei muchas cosas sobre vos en internet, y me resultas tan hermoso!!!
    Incluso me enamore de mi novio x tener gran parecido fisico con vos...
    Me gustaria poder leer tus comentarios mas seguidos, ya que me toma mucho trabajop abrir los traductores para comprenderte.
    Ojala te vaya muy bien, espero que seas muy feliz!!!
    Realmente te admiro y aprecio...
    Jesica (Argentina)

  31. I was so shocked when I walked into Bill's for breakfast and saw you sitting there. I didn't want to interrupt you, but now I must say I love your character on Lost. You are a terrific actor who truly adds to the show. Thank you for the entertainment on Thursday nights and all the best!

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