I got inspired and decided I'd make a new dessert for friends who were coming over.

So I put on my chef jacket and some tunes and got in the kitchen. Tah Dah!

Well my oven is really tricky because it's old, so my tres leches cake came out lop-sided. But when I covered it with whipped cream you could hardly tell.
i got stinks
Dammit. I wish I could just say I like someone/something and then get free stuff from them. Damn you!
Though tbh idk even know what Charm City Cakes is :(
Sounds good though. Sort of like this cupcake place I go to here in NY called "Sugar Sweet Sunshine" XD
Duff & crew rock. Congrats on the cake.
Damn! That's wicked awesome!
That's awesome, I love Ace of Cakes! I'm still learning how to cook a lot of things, but I can't imagine pulling off some of the awesome things they make!
Smooth tactics Jorge :D
You dont mind if I call you a smooth arse do you? :) Lucky bugger...
Oh and anytime I mess up a cream cake I use the whipped cream trick :)
I am completely allergic to cooking!!!
But your cake looks yummy!
Recipe! You must share the recipe! I have no idea what a tres leches cake is, but it sounds and looks gooood.
Whipped cream fixes everything--lopsided cakes, dented cars, holes in roofs....
Bethany? What does "I got stinks" mean? Maybe that's a loaded question I shouldn't ask. Never ask a question unless you are sure you want to hear the answer. But I'm just the curious kind of person that when they see somebody randomly saying "I got stinks", has to ask the enduring, age-old question... "Huh?"
Was it the beans that did it? The egg salad sandwich you had for lunch yesterday? Last night's brussel sprouts? The garlic spare ribs or maybe you had one too many beers? Perhaps you ran the 'tour de stade' that night with Jack and Desmond and didn't adequately cool off before showering? Or maybe, as Frank Zappa (rest his soul) once said:
"You got stink foot! stink foot, darlin'
Your stink foot puts a hurt on my nose!
Stink foot! stink foot! I ain't lyin'
Can you rinse it off, do you suppose?"
You are totally a Latin, masculine, Betty Crocker. Looks fantastic! Sadly I too, am ignorant about Charm City Cakes. Must google.
That's so nice that they sent you all that stuff.
The cake looks good. Quite the talented guy.
Dude! I love that show. I also like Clutch (the receptionist is the sister of the lead singer).
Good swag from Charm City Cakes.
Nicely done! Charm City's cool. I'm doing a lot of 3D cake lately. Latest was golden lab, sitting with a bone in it's mouth. You look SO COOL in your chef coat! And your tres leches cake looks great...just rotate it every few minutes and it will even out next time. I'm going to post the molasses cookie recipe here: www.fortheloveofcakenj.com
Obviously you can bake, so make them!!
Hummm.. Então agora virou Gourmet??? Essa torta parece estar deliciosa... rsrsrs... Uma ótima semana Jorge! Beijão... =)
Anytime I try to make a three layer cake, it comes out weird looking - but the glorious frosting covers all.
And you cook, too!
How cool is that?! I love Ace of Cakes & I love Tres Leches cake...I've never tried to make it though ... I'd LOVE it if you shared your recipe!!!
Your totally amazing! The last time I tried to bake a cake was when I was twelve and I used my sisters little magic chef oven (toy for teaching girls how to be domestic). Long story short - I burnt my hand and got the equivalent of a sticky cupcake. Geez tres leches sounds interesting - I'm heading down to my local Pollo Tropical to try one.
Man, I've not been having a good day and this made me giggle so hard. Thanks :D
Ooooh, can I come over and have some of that dessert?
Seems like Tara Reid's breasts and your tres leches cakes have something in common...
I am so jealous! My dream job would be working at a place like Charm City, they all seem so cool.
Fantastic! :-D
Martha Stewart just showed how to make a tres leche cake recently! Yours looks wonderful.
Maybe your oven is "listing". You can either turn the cake like Chefmom said, or some day get it leveled out.
I thought you guys might like this. Cutest Kitten EVER!!!
Any chance you might Fed Ex me a piece of that lopsided cake?
My favorite quote from that whole post was "So I put on my chef's jacket..." You just happen to own a chef's jacket?
Okay, so I'm going to try to score free swag now... Ummm... I really love BMWs. Or Lexuses (Is it Lexi? I digress...)
Continue rocking.
Very fun (always) post! What tunes do you play when you cook? We could almost hear the music - great pictures!
I had to look up Charm City Cakes - WOW!!! How much fun are those??
But maybe a shame to eat. They should do an art gallery show of pictures of those amazing cakes!!
for y'all in the dark about tres leches (three milks) cake... imagine a snow white spongy cake that has been soaking for hours in sugary milk, so that once it's fully saturated, and generously slathered with whipped cream, and you finally have a bite, you experience a most pleasurable burst of the sweet, cool milk... kinda like gushers, but a million times better, and with a lot more gush. i love it so bad.
Hi peeps
Here is a video about Charm City Cakes I found as I had no idea what it was either.
Jorge you make my day when when I come to your blog and have the joy of a new post by you.
As a person that lived in Charm City (Baltimore) for 6 years, I must say I'm jealous. :)
Love the chef jacket on you!!!
Any need for a cutting board *winkyfaceguy*
So if Hurley ever gets killed off we can find you on the Food Network, right!??!
Pun intended.
You should come to Charm City and suprise the folks at Duffy's bakery. Charm City rocks! Born and raised!
I love u Jorge!
i wanna have sxxx with u !!
nice cake!
Cheers from Argentina :D
Totally off the topic comment here, but you are so funny in a completely effortless and random way...you remind me of, and make me miss my older brother who lives out in North Hollywood (2000+ miles from where I reside in Lawrence,KS...ROCK CHALK JAY HAWKS!). Though he looks nothing like you, or visa versa....
I'm gonna have to look this place up because if that recipe is from their site...and also - I have to know what kind of bakery/cake place sends drum sticks?!
Your cake with strawberries on it made me hungry. A Tres Leches cake? mmmmmm even more delicious...
Take Care Jorge!! I already send your best for all your fans in Chile! (Lostchile ;)) Thanks again!
Take care!
your blog is great!!
i'm a big fan of Lost and i'm happy to see your blog!!
That has the too good sight!!
I am totally jealous...they are awesome!
That looks delicious. Do you have a recipe you want to share????
I want a cake like this at my birthday!!! Receipt, please ;p
He deleted (or at least as far as I can tell he did) some other post called "Got stinks?"
Please Jorge, visit our blog, we talk about your's
from Spain, Jimo
And send a comment please!! It will be a dream for us!!!
a lot of Thanks! your spanish Fan! Jimo
Seens delecius!
Lucky! I love that show! Awesome!
Wooooow! That's so awesome! :D
Dude, do you understand the spanish language?. I speak a poor english and i can´t express all the things that i want you to say in each post :(. I hope so.
Greetings from Argentina
Hello Jorge,
Such a cute chef hehe! How can someone get an autograph when he lives far away? Do you send to funs with e-mail?
Thanks anyway and congratulation for your blog! It is always a pleasure to see Hurley in his kitchen!
Take care dude!...Dimitris from Athens Greece
yum! a man in an apron....
Buen pastel jaja
Ten I love your blog, but I will be like ma Spanish images, and also lost your performance.
I also have a blog I hope you know Spanish.
Crap, now I want cake
Yum Jorge!
I saw Alton Brown make that cake. Now you. I must have that cake.
You, ('ThinkI'mGonnaHurley') my good man, are a dude among duds. Thanks for this charming blog, as well as for the questions you also faithfully answer daily elsewhere (here's the elsewhere): http://thefuselage.com
Of the whole cast, only Gorge and Terry O'Quinn (John Locke) faithfully respond to registered members at The Fuselage; Daniel Dae Kim only answers at his MySpace page these days: www.myspace.com/danieldaekim
OK, gang, just cut and paste these URLs into your browsers, get in touch, and make friends spreading the word about blogger.com, MySpace.com, and thefuselage.com
These three men have stuck with us... communicated with us... Gorge, Terry, and Daniel deserve our true loyalty.
I am lucas wave to me again if I have some pardons faults, but I am esque Spanish aaa and my blog is: http://lascosillasdelucas.blogspot.com
It would be so cool if you dropped a comment in your comments once in awhile - like a nice surprise. Do you speak Spanish? You have lot of fans who do!
I like :)
i am SO JEALOUS! i love that show!!!
Hi Dude, congratulations. This cake seem delicious.
A hug
You're cake looks yummy!!! But what is a Charm City Cake?
Would love to see the recipe, too! Those berries looks sooo yummy!
oh you spoiled turd! :-p
I love that show! Very jealous of the free stuff.
Hey there- I just happened upon your blog. Just wanted to let you know I totally appreciate your blogs about Hawaii. It's nice to see that you've really made our home your home :) tara
You are clearly more sophisticated than I, for I have no idea what the hell a tres leches cake is. Does it mean "three milks" like I'm thinking it does? I took French in high school, not Spanish like this seems to be, but that's what it sounds like. Weird name for a cake.
...and this is the eight or ninth time I've tried posting this damn comment. I need to stop making my passwords in French/Japanese/Latin so that I can actually remember them. XP Only for you, Jorge, would I even bother to keep guessing. Because you're cool.
Tu postre luce muy bien Jorge.
Un saludo desde Bolivia, a ver cuando actualizas en español para tu fanaticada hispana.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the SBTVD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://sbtvd.blogspot.com. A hug.
I.... don't know what to say!
I'm star struck!!!
Is 'I Love you' a little over the top? :-P *GiGGLeS* xx
ola soy lucas valla tarta, espero que sepas español para que puedas ver mi blog: http://lascosillasdelucas.blogspot.com/
This has absolutely nothing to do with cakes, but I just had one of the best ice cream treats ever and I just had to mention it. You may have heard of it...it's called "it's it" mint ice cream treat! I got it at the Kailua Safeway. It's an excellent version of the ice cream sandwich...oatmeal cookies with mint icecream covered in dark chocolate. Divine!
Whipped cream makes EVERYTHING better.
aww, chef duff was recently at the local aquarium (he made a cake for the rare shark ray they have). i wanted to see the cake, but no one else i know is a fan of charm city cakes like me. LOL on april fool's day I made a "grilled cheese" cake for my sister. i used a couple slices of toasted angel food cake and buttercream frosting dyed with food coloring. it was hilarious. i took a pic, thought it may amuse you- http://img254.imageshack.us/
Wow good cake !!! :-)
Tres Leches!!!! I'm half-Panamanian (my mom was born and raised in Panama near the border with Costa Rica) and we love tres leches cake! I want a slice! Ever had tostones/patacones? (fried plantain). They are to die for! I grew up on a steady diet of patacones, arroz con guandules and corn meal tortillas. mmmmMmmmmMM
Oh, man, does that look tasty!!
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