Sunday, March 16, 2008

My "patch"

Well, I guess I could always comb it over.
(Also by the way, I gave up on the foot pads. Haven't worn one in weeks.)


  1. Awwww :(

    I'm going to suggest you move to Oregon if you want to grow things. I was there for the first time this weekend, and jeez... I've never seen so much green. Even the tree trunks are green!

    I'm from the Midwest... I'm impressed easily.

  2. hahahaha, your patch dude !

    btw, i LOVE the site about poop,
    really I showed to all my friends !

    HAHAHAHHA, your the best dude.

  3. I think it's time to go "Groundskeeper Willie" on that and get out the spraypaint cans.

  4. Pretty pathetic!

    Maybe get some decorative rocks or wood chips!

  5. I once saw a guy with hair that looked like that. He braided the few long strands he had and became (at least in his own mind) an instant badass. I wonder if it would do the same for your own patch's self-confidence?

  6. I second the suggestion about decorative rocks or wood chips! If you just want to be able to go outside barefoot (as your previous pictures have led me to believe), maybe you can create a zen sand and stone garden in your yard.

  7. Meh... you're a hot pants actor! Who needs grass????

  8. Like I said before...sod rolls! Instant beautiful grass for the lazy or busy amongst us!!! LMAO. This company used to farm sod next to my horse's pasture in Kahuku. It is now in Mililani and the sod was good looking that our horses tried to escape the pasture to get to it!

    And no, I am not connected with them, or related. Just trying to help out your patch LOL.

  9. Thats...kind of sad. And a little like my Dads balding head.

  10. Fly me to Hawaii and give me a liberal budget and I'll fix that up for ya!

  11. The soil looks a little rough and uninviting. Maybe you should try reseeding again after first raking a little peat moss into the area.

    I'm glad you gave up on the foot pads. Those things looked foul. I'm not sure they weren't putting toxins into your feet rather removing them.

    Here's some words of wisdom that work for me:

    "Never pass up an opportunity to take a drink of water, go to the bathroom or change your socks."

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  14. Jorge,

    Looks like a photo of the top of Terry O'Quinns head! Oh wait a second there something growing on it, so it can't be that! :-) In all seriousness a little more natural fertilizer and water and you should be good to go!

  15. There is nothing to do with you patch dude!sorry
    I mean, if you want a patch you can move to Galicia (North of Spain) where everything is green.
    You will be welcomed!

  16. Good on you Jorge to give up on the foot pads, they looked absolutely vile... :)

    And the sorry state of your ahem patch, well I'm all behind the idea for a zen garden and whatnot... but mark my words soon enough you'll start complaining how you have to cut the grass everyday :)

  17. If you treated it just right man, you could have some righteous dreads instead of going all comb over. Think about it.

    Very disappointed in the foot pad experiment. Who can I look to for real first foot information now? Sheesh.

  18. you haven't worn a foot pad in weeks because i threw those stinky things out!

    i totally thought you would've noticed.

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