Sunday, March 30, 2008

Forgotten Fruit

Upon arriving on Molokai we stopped in town for snacks to have during our stay. We bought this strange fruit on impulse at a natural food store. 
Here's what it looks like when you cut it in half. 
Inside the fruit is super sweet like the softest pear sprinkled with brown sugar.
 But the seeds were extremely hard. 
No clue what it was called. 


  1. Good Morning Jorge,

    Speaking of Islands I wanted to show you some pics of a Greek island where I would love to get LOST!

    Greetings from a fun of yours :-) in Athens - Greece.


  2. Forgot to mention that the pics are in my blog. But I guess this direction is only applicable to blonds hehe! :-)

  3. I don't think I've said before, I'm liking the mutton chops. Very 19th century.

  4. It looks like a Tim Horton's Tim Bit from the outside. They also are super sweet like the softest pear sprinkled with brown sugar and the upside is that they are cakey-yumminess with no annoying seeds in interfere with the diner's enjoyment.

    Did you celebrate Earth Hour and turn your lights out?

  5. Hey man, the fuit is called Sapodilla it's amazing! Like you said it's really sweet! =D

    Oh, here's a picture of the fruit so you can compare, I am sure I'm correct:


  6. OMGosh Jorge~
    You face looks identical in those first 2 pictures... didn't move a muscle!!

    as always thanks for the entertaining blog!

  7. Oh I love you picture style travelogs :)
    You know one day when you are a bit older you might consider making documentaries, I bet you will give Michael Palin run for his money... :)

  8. Can you get those in Southern California, anyone? They sound good...

  9. I love the instructional pictures on how to eat this weird fruit!
    I want some!! Always on the look out for weird fruits!

    The weirdest we have here are persimmons..not really weird but its the best we got!

  10. Jorge,

    More power to you eating the unknown fruit! I'm not that big of a risk taker, don't even like sampling stuff at the grocery store.

  11. That fruit wasn't picked near Phallic Rock was it?

  12. Hi Jorgeeeeee! Essa fruta lembra bem o formato de um Kiwi... Parece ser bem gostosa! Eu gosto muito de frutas, faz bem a saúde... Beijos a você e fique com Deus! Continue sendo essa pessoa tão boa, que parece ser! =)

  13. Hi, I'm so enjoying your posts! :) Phallic Rock had me rolling around laughing. I think I would enjoy your blog even if you weren't on Lost, you have a great sense of humor.

  14. The 1st 2 pics are awesome! Love the inscrutable facial expression.

    Those are so yummy...have to hit a fruit market now.

  15. I wish I was there so that I could try that too! I really love trying new food!!

    But instead, I'm suposed to stay here, studying for my middle term exams!! Is that fair?????

  16. The fruit skin looks like a potatoe. What is it name?

  17. The fruit skin looks like a potatoe. What is it name?

  18. Hi Jorge! DJ Kaidy from LostRadio here...Since you got rid of the MySpace, I've been reading your new blog (and consequently, laughing my ever-lovin' ass off!). I need to speak to you, but I don't know how to contact you, so if you get a sec, can you pop me an email (djkaidy at gmail dot com) so that I can email ya? I'd appreciate it TONS!

    BTW, loving S4...I now refer to you as "Hubba Hubba Hurley" on LR after the Sun/Jin eppy...

    nikki grove

  19. Jorge, I think you two had a blast there. It's nice to see~~~~besos to you both!!


  20. Dood, the next time you buy a foreign fruit, get the name!! It looks tasty!

  21. hi jorge, greetings from México, In yucatan, this fruit we called zapote, and its tasty :D

  22. Hi,

    In Hawai'i we call them Chico. That's the other name for Zapote.

    Love your blog,


  23. yup, thats a Sapodilla. in the philippines, we call it chico. yummy!

  24. Hey Jorge.. I know you posted this blog a long time ago, but i just found your blogs today, so now i'm reading and reading.. If you don't know yet, the fruit you are eating here is a Fig.. Or, it looks a lot like a fig and a fig has got those really hard seeds.. Btw. If you can't keep bugs and wild animals away from your garden, try to plant som garlic. I've done it in our garden, and most of the plants are hole now, no more snails and bugs.. :)

    Hope you get this!

    Maria from Denmark

  25. ooooh that fruit sound like the chico! we (in the Philippines) eat the skin! love love love it!
