Saturday, March 29, 2008

As Promised

This is Phallic Rock. 
It's supposed to make women fertile.
Hold on a second...


  1. That is hilarious. I love the third photo where you are a little blurry like you are moving really fast. Really captures the idea you are trying to convey.

  2. I had a similar annoyance when I left my girlfriend next to "AIDs Creek".

  3. Ummm....Jorge? I couldn't help but notice you touched it, too. Double whammy there?

  4. For a second, I thought it was going to have something to do with the four-toed statue.

    Sayid: I don't know what's more disturbing.... (mentally insert your own joke here)

  5. Haha, wow. There are so many of these sorts of formations, I'm beginning to think nature just likes genitalia a lot.

  6. UH OH you've gone and done it now! Will we be seeing another entry from you in 2 months titled "We're pregnant" and not be talking about plants????

    Those pics were hilarious, especially the last one!

  7. If its suppose to make women fertile, what happens when a man touches it? Do they grow boobs and start to have an attitude once a month? Or maybe the whole sex change thing starts to happen and their boobs get big and their thing falls off. UH.... Jorge I hate to tell you this but.... well.... I see an increase in the size of your man boobs....I hope your thing doesn't fall off.

  8. You are so terrific. Really.

    What does it say about me that I thought that was a big lizard head and not a phallus?

  9. I love your blog. I just found it because Friday mornings are my day to catch up on 'Lost'. I guess had extra time this week. This goes back sometime, but I loved the pics of Sprecher because I used to live in Milwaukee. Did I read right? You didn't sample the beer? Dang, I salivate just thinking about it! You need to go back.

  10. HAHAHAHAHA! avinash's comment rules.

    i can still feel the rock working its magic in my ovaries.

  11. So is Molokai a fertility retreat? If not someone could fill in a tourism niche...

    I totally expect another "We're pregnant" post - minus the fakeout.

  12. It's large but proportionally not too long, kind of like Michelangelo's David. My guess is that it makes men fertile but women frustrated.

  13. Hehehe. Well, if we hear there's a baby Jorge on the way soon, we'll know which rock to blame! ;)

  14. So, with all this talk lately... "we're pregnant", the stuffed ship to give to your son someday, the phallic fertility rock, it seems somebody's biological clock is ticking. The question is, yours or hers? Are you two trying for a baby? Is she already pregnant?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jorge,

    When I looked at the first picture I thought.. wow a giant tortoise head. Ooops! Note to self have visiion checked.

  17. Call the police!
    Jorge is kidnaping girls in Hawaii! XD

  18. That is hilarious! Next we'll be hearing there's another you on the way.

  19. Hilarious photos. I spit tea all over my desk.

    Any rocks carved like female genatalia, cause I think that'd be more impressive than male's...

    Just saying.

  20. he he Those are some real nice pics Jorge. Is there any spot on the islands that isn't beautiful?

  21. I'm with James.I saw a turtlehead.

  22. hehe to the picture story. And you are glowing in those pics - what is that rock giving out ;D?!. Oh and I also saw a turtle's head in the first pic before I read what it was, but that isn't unusual for me I'm afriad.

  23. ROFL!!!Why dont they just call it Penis rock??

  24. The rock looks like it's been to a few disreputable "houses" lately.

    Maybe a little amoxicillin will clear that up .....

  25. Reminds me of awhile ago when people where in a uproar about some cement posts in Keizer Oregon because the thought they looked like well you know. Then they where talking about adding accents to them to try and hide it like chains and what not. First thing that came to my mind is haha oh adding piercings and a lil bondage to them that will make them look so diff. I was amused and was tempted to take a drive and sit on one for a photo but never did.

  26. At my church there is the "Fertility Crescent". Its the left side of the church that sweeps to the right side. According to legend, if you sit there you get well, fertilized. My husband and I avoided it for years...and now we sit there every Sunday. (wink)

  27. hahahaha, the funniest post you've ever wrote, hahahahaha, what a great sequence!!!! hahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

  28. The last picture is CLASSIC!!! Too funny.

  29. ah, but did you catch the vajayjay rock down the hill? it's a about a 10 minute walk from the phallic rock.

  30. I remembered this post after my friend sent me pics of this rock. I need to send this link to him now!
