Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thank you

The out-pouring of accollades and excitement from the premiere has been incredible. Thank you all for your kind words.


  1. You deserve all of this! The first episode is great! :)
    See ya..

  2. Jorge, You owned that episode! Well done! Now what was the other chess piece? I know one was a pawn, was it a bishop?

  3. Jorge,
    you definitly haven't Lost it. great acting dude.

  4. Is that a guitar pick???
    Pretty pick!! hehehehe

    The episode was amazing!! Different of the other seasons premiere episodes. Is that a premonition of a different season...? uhmm maybe... hehehe

    The only thing that I didn't like was Jack trying to kill my Locke! hehehe nah... was a good scene, we saw that Jack isn't as good as it seems :P

    I want a camaro like that!! Hugo is great! Can be sweet but also can be hard!!

    Greetings from Spain! ;)

  5. Hola Jorge, acabamos de ver el primer episodio de la cuarta temporada, magnifica tu actuacion, felicidades.

  6. Great job on the Premiere, man--I was crying at one point thanks to you, with your little "Charlie" speech----I am really looking forward to this if only the damn writer's strike will be over so we can move on and finish the story! I want the mystery of the Island solved!!! /cry

  7. Possibly my favourite Lost episode so far - future Hurley!

    I'm really relieved that the season opened with a flashforward of your character, I'd heard rumours that Hurley died in the premiere...lies, all lies!

    You totally stole the show with that episode. I really hope you stay with Lost right through to the finish.

    I just hope the strike ends there still time to finish the full season?

  8. Jorge,

    HUGE Lost fan here. You did an absolutely fantastic job in The Begining of the End. You went from comic relief to great all around actor, dude. Very awesome. I totally teared up when Hurley told Claire that Charlie had died. You definitely shouldered the load in the season 4 premiere. I had no idea that you had it in you to be such a great dramatic actor. Is this a new skill or have you been hiding it from us all this time? Will we see more and more of this in the next seven episodes?


  9. great episode jorge, well done indeed. i can imagine its hard not to be excited when the premiere is focused on your character. you did a good job not letting on!

    a question: with the strike seemingly getting closer to an end, is it possible that we may get a full 16 episode season? do the production schedules work if they start in Feb. on the last 8 eps or would it be pushing to hard? Just wondering how this will effect everyones favorite show! thanks buddy, see ya on the island.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'll ditto everything said. It was fantastic to have Hurley start out the season, and you did a wonderful job of making us laugh and cry, as usual! Congrats on carrying the show so well in that episode. :-D

  14. dude, i suck at posting comments, sorry bout the deleted posts

  15. We should be thanking you for being a part of the best show ever.

  16. That all seems dream of Hurley.
    As always, you can transform your character in the most friendly of the series. Congratulations on performance. Embrace, Gustavo Calçado Ferreira - Butiquim of Peleja


  17. Yo tambien estoy deacuerdo!! jaja
    Magnifico el capitulo!! Felicidades!! Un saludo!!

  18. I totally never realized what a convincing actor you were until the scene where Hugo is sitting at the picnic table with Charlie... ah, what an amazing scene. I think this is your best episode yet.

  19. What a great episode, and it gave you the chance to cover almost the full range of emotions! Brilliantly done! I cried with you about Charlie and laughed with joy when you cannonballed. I hope they have more Hurley-centric episodes coming...

    Are you back in the islands now?

  20. Jorge,

    you owned that episode! great job! LOST is back!!!!

  21. dude...

    you are so awesome. so is Hurley. the epsode was all sorts of fabulous - but wow...when Hurley told CLaire about Charlie i totally lost it. rock on Jorge - keep kicking ASS!!!!

  22. Eres mi idolo!!! Loved it!!!! can't wait for next week....

  23. There was a review somewhere that basically said, "Jorge Garcia totally delivered." You really did.

  24. You were wonderful! I can't imagine Lost without the character of Hurley.

  25. How fabulous for me that the first epi of season 4 was Hurley-centric! You make the show, imho!

  26. Dont need to thank,
    You are awesome, and must know it !!

    congrats dude, you rule !!


    xoxo from Brazil

  27. you kicked ass in that episode! i cried the first time i watched it, but now when i rewatch it (yes, at least once a day so far) i cry when hurley's running down the beach to do the cannonball. he's so happy then, but it's juxtaposed against the future now. how you played that scene knowing the future is just amazing! good job! :)

  28. Great job, Jorge. You really had us tearing up here.

    Can't wait for the rest of the season!

  29. The premiere was fantabulous! And you did such a great job! I'm always quite fond of the Hurley-centric episodes. I can't wait to see more! :D

  30. You're welcome, you deserve it, enjoy it.

  31. Acabo de ver el episodio!! :) Es fantástico!! Me ha encantado y me ha dejado con mucha intriga, no puedo esperar hasta la semana que viene...
    Buena actuación ;)

  32. Man, you were amazing in the first episode. Utterly amazing. :) I can't wait for the rest of the season now!

  33. You made me cry, not an easy task when it comes to a show. Bowled over man. Excellent show. Whoot!

  34. Seriously man. Most excellent episode. Absolutely the best way to start the season off.

  35. I just want to add my congrats on the first episode of season four. I enjoyed it and your acting.

  36. hola felicitaciones por !! tu episodio!! desde buenos aires, viendo lost todos mis amigos y yo aumentamos unos kg por la ansiedad del minuto a minuto jajaja felicidades !!!!

  37. Jorge, you are FABULOUS. The character of Hurley has always made the show better for me and this week was no exception. I've really enjoyed watching you grow and grow as an actor the past 4 years. I was amazed by your ability to play so many different emotions and emotional sub textual moments in the context of the episode. Kudos!

  38. Hugo is the best character of the show and, i feel, he is the real hero, i start to belive the all the island is in his head, and he never leave the hospital.

    Naa para nada eres el mejor !!! Un abrazo de admiracion desde Mexico!!!!

  39. A fantastic episode, Jorge -- and it was such a kick to see another Hurley-centric flash (-forward) after a long wait. This is the first time I've watched an episode twice in a row, on back-to-back nights, to catch anything I missed the first go-round. Loved it! Love Hurley!

  40. Jorge,

    That was some seriously fine acting. When Hurley found out about Charlie, his reaction was genuinely heart wrenching. And when Hurley told Claire, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. This house, anyway. Great work! Let's hope that writer's strike is over by the production deadline so you can get back out to Hawaii and churn out more great episodes this season.

    All the best,

    Jeff Kirk

  41. You deserve the accolades, you razzle-dazzled us!

  42. Jorge,

    I am impressed. I've noticed as the show goes along that Hurley is becoming more and more of the main focus of episodes. I think the producers are finally realizing your acting talent and making use of it.

    The season 4 kickoff was pretty much "The Hurley Show". I fully expect future episodes to have titles like "Hurley to bed, Hurley to rise" or "The Hurley bird gets the worm".

    Seriously, you are a major player, and the show wouldn't be the same without you. Keep up the good work! Maybe there's an Emmy in your future, dude!


  43. Seeing this episode was like when I was a child and just hoped that the Stooges episode was a Curly one.
    I always expect a Hurley-sode cause I really hate all the soap opera crap.
    You really glowed man. It's such a great thing watching someone to stand out for the talent and not for the supermodel looks.


    PD: I hate the authors guts, dont start me over with back and forth re-return to the island.

  44. Great episode...great moments...EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON dude...thanks Jorge..
    Massimo from Italy

  45. Way to go, Jorge!!! Awesome acting!!

    I have to admit, I thought of this blog when you did the cannonball! (it reminded me of the post of you being the "unknown creature" playing in the ocean)*smilefaceguy*

  46. Are you kidding? The first episode rocked... I suffered a major brain fry so thanks for demolishing a good few brain cells this blond does not have to spare :P :)

    I dont have a clue where they are going with it, but I do have to say, much, much better then last season... and you did a great job... :)

  47. You deserve every word of praise. Amazing episode thanks to your wondeful acting! :)

  48. Jorge,

    You work on the first episode of season 4 was awesome!

    James H.

  49. I cried when defended the killing of charlie. Congratulations on the episode and your job!

    Hernan, from Argentina.

  50. I was so excited that the new episode was a Hugo episode! It was fantastic and you owned it. It wasn't like any other Lost episode I've seen before and that excited me for the new season.

  51. Really enjoyed your performance in the Lost season premier. Being a "big guy" myself its nice to see you enjoying life. Keep up the fine work and I look forward to reading your blog adventures in the future. Anthony, Isle of Wight, England.

  52. LOST was great!! I was so happy to see a season premiere that was not Jack-centric. It was fantastic and I can't wait for it to be Thursday again :-)

  53. Oh my gosh, how cool is this?! I didn't know you had a BLOG! This just made my day. Your post on root beer floats will make my husband's day, he loves them, lol. Come to Oregon and you can use my husband's huge root beer float mug!

    And like everyone else said, awesome season premiere! The Hurley episodes are always my favorite, although I am still wondering about all that Libby stuff in the psych ward! How could they just let her die and leave that story line hanging?!

    Looking forward to the next episode!

  54. Well, of course! We loves ya! And you were terrific.

  55. awesome premiere!! You rocked that episode and have always been my favorite character!!

  56. Bad ass as usual! You rocked it....can't wait to see where the rest of the season goes!

  57. great job!!Jorge you just bring your charter 2 it was fun filming with Dom again and the whole crew!!!

  58. you deserve EVERITHING!!!!! I love your job... i cried a lot!!!
    Jorge you are the best!!!!!

  59. He leído rumores que se barajan acerca de la muerte de un personaje protagonista de la serie al inicio de la cuarta temporada. Espero que no se trate del tuyo. Si algo está claro en la serie es la división entre personajes paternos y personajes débiles, satélites de los primeros. Hugo Reyes, creo, está a medio camino de los dos tipos. La autoridad que emana de su apellido podría dar la pista de que algún día se nos revele como uno de los líderes de la isla. Ojalá sea así. Larga vida a tu personaje!!

  60. It really made me sad. I mean yay We get to keep Hurley. Who cares about the rest of those characters (kidding really!)but I didn't want to see him back in the mental hospital.

    But ti was ominous making me think something would happen to Locke and Sawyer. My other faves.

    You were awesome though :D

  61. After a long wait, you delivered a spot-on performance. I know 2010 is supposed to be the end, but for now I can't imagine life without LOST. Thanks.

  62. You make lost what it is, yo. I don't know that I could watch if you weren't a character on it. It just wouldn't be the same.
    So glad to have found your blog.

  63. Jorge - you were brilliant.

    You're always a highlight.

    Poor Hurley. He was so happy under the water. What a heartbreaking episode.

    Your work was phenomenal!

  64. Not the first time you surprise me, damn great acting dude, really. Your gaze while you say "never say never dude" is one of the best moment ever seen in lost. Can't stop watching that sequence, congratulions, and welcome back.

  65. Starting the season out with a Hurley-centric episode was GREAT! You saved the day at the end of last season and you started off the new season with a bang! Thanks for your wonderful performance!

  66. GREAT EPISODE on so many levels!

    Can't wait to see how it all unfurls! Loved the new insights into Hurley...great job!


    Lost is an island of quality television in a sea of mind numbingly tedious drivel. So happy you all are back!

  67. You were awesome in that episode! And I'm so glad you make it to the future! I think it was a great one to get some people who had strayed re-hooked on the show.

  68. Your ability to make someone laugh and make someone cry shows how versatile an actor you are. What an excellent cast "Lost" has and you deserve to win many awards.

  69. Hola desde Argentina!!!

    My name is Gabriela, 22 years old and a huge fan of Lost... I bet you get this all the time LOL but: You're an such a great actor!!! You were incredible in that episode! I enjoyed every bit of it. Congratulations! And keep up the good work.

    Felicitaciones Jorge!!! :)


  70. Oh, fretting here in Italy over the fact that we have wait so long to see episodes....seeing you in the cast really makes one want to watch it all the more, besides any appeal the program has in itself. Hadn't cared anymore about films or tv for years, never watching, until you appeared on screen, and made it all happen again, for the person that you are, that comes through. Many thanks for adding a special touch to life nowadays, (that Lost is on tv) for so many people. Here in Italy you are much loved for your palpable humanity and humour that grabs people from within, everybody wishes that you were in their lives.Whatever it is that you do to be you, just keep it up, you make so many people happy! Best of wishes to you,
    M.T.B.- Rome, Italy

  71. Amei a Premiere!!! Você estava ótimo, e deu um show de interpretação! Suas cenas foram fantásticas, e deu total realidade em todas elas... Seu personagem Hurley, sem dúvida alguma é um dos queridos de Lost! Os fãs como eu, adoram esse estilo alegre que deu ao personagem. Desejo sempre muito sucesso em sua vida! 1000 Beijosssssssssssssss =)

  72. Jorge, this has been, without a doubt your best episode yet, you out shone all your co stars and it's wonderful to see that your character is gettting more and more important in the telling of this story, you must feel very proud not only to be appreciated by the fans but by the producers to put Hurley as the season opening Flashforward central character over Jack.

    Well done, congrats and here's to an even more exciting future for you in this and other projects


  73. I loved your face into the water...
    Had you smoked something?

  74. Dude,venite a Argentina a comer unos los mejores churrascos del mundo y deja la papaya!!!!
    Saludos desde Buenos Aires!!!!

  75. Dude, totally awesome episode! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THURSDAY!

  76. Ok, so maybe... this is asking... to much, but....

    Any word on the strike? Any hope for a fuller season? Any? Because here in Washington DC, lemme tell ya boy, we are PRAYING (and we're ATHEISTS).

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.


  79. hi jorge ! i'm from argentina and since 2006 i've been watching the serie, my brother gave me for my 16th birthday the first season on dvd and i just loved it!.. your character is so cool, and i'm realy looking forward to see the 4th season, but i'm sad because i don't have cable, so i don't know what to do, but i will figure out the way to see the show, congratulations, it's an excelent serie

    kisses from argentina !

  80. Hi there. I'm form Chile, and I'm probably the greatest fan of the show down here.

    Man, excellent performance. Your acting was very expressive. I really enjoyed the episode.

    Thanks man. If I go to the states I'll look for you to invite you a drink for making my friends and me have an excellent time.

  81. Enganchados desde España a la mejor serie del mundo!!
    Felicidades Jorge por el éxito y gran papel el de Hugo!
    Un saludo

  82. Well, I've said it before many times, but because you portray a carefree individual who is tormented mentally, when you are given material that allows you to display great sadness, it is as powerful a performance as ANY of the actors on that show and, you know, there are some great actors on that show. I really, really hope that your performance is given a shot at the Emmys this year.

    I also really hope that when you're reviewing film scripts that you or your agent think about dramatic roles (and no, no one I know has sent you anything, so it's not that). I mean, you in something like the Ice Storm or The Sweet Hereafter.

  83. hello jorge, im from argentina, and
    im big fan of lost, only i wanna say Thanks, for you permormance in the biggining The beginning of the End, you make me cry. thanks dude.

    can you give us to a direction of mail or something to contact?
    Or contact with me,an email for example

    See ya :)

    can you give us to a direction of mail or something to contact?
    Or contact with me,an email for example

    See ya :)

  86. You were outstanding in the first episode!!! Your face when Hurley realizes that Charley is gone, and then he has to tell Claire ... such great work, man!

    I've seen the second episode, too, and all I have to say is "Wow!" I'm going to watch it again live -- there was a crapload of of new stuff dropped in our laps!

  87. Hey man... watching Season 3 on DVD. You make the show. I laugh so hard at Hugo.


  88. Congratulations Jorge! It was a great
    episode! I havejustfound your blog, its cool!
    Take care Dude!!!!!
    Spain Power!!

  89. Jorge, As soon as I saw that Camaro, I told my girlfriend, "That Has GOT to be Hurley." and sure enough... who gets out of the car? Hurley! Amazing, someone was correct in starting out with a hurley centric episode. Amazing, keep rocking, dude!

  90. hola Jorge, me encanta LOST, es una serie fantastica.

  91. I loved this episode for several reasons. It's so neat that the first ep of this season was Hurley centric. Your acting was superb. You hit the comedy perfect as usual...and you nailed all the drama as well. I'm really liking that it looks as if Hurley is going to play a huge part in the story forward. As it appears now...Hurley is actually the sanest (Jack attempting to kill Locke) in the bunch. I'm hoping you get to go back to work soon!

  92. hola Jorge, me encanta la serie, mis compañeras de piso me han picado y me he visto las 3 temporadas en 1 mes!! jejeje.Sois unos fantasticos actores y me alegra mucho que tengas blog para que te lo pueda decir... jejeje. un beso muy fuerte y espero que la 4 temporada sea tan intensa como las otras,SUERTE! (si quieres pasate por mi blog y dejame algún comentario, me haria mucha ilusion ;) )

  93. The first episode was awesome!! you best performance!!! you made me laugh and cry, really really a very good episode.
    Specially when you tell to Claire about the Charlie´s death...amazing.

    Sorry for my bad bad english.


  94. You were absolutely amazing in the premiere. You made me laugh and cry. I believed every second of your performance

    Man you are a great actor. keep it up :)

  95. I cried when you broke the sad news of Charlie's death to Claire. You deserve all success in the world. You come across as very caring human being and I am sure your mom is especially very proud of you.

  96. the episode was amazing,you rocked!you showed that you are a great actor ..!i loved your performance!
    well done!

  97. Congratulations, Jorge! That was a wonderful performance in the season premiere.

    I'm a new reader to your blog. A friend pointed me in this direction after I mentioned how much I enjoy reading and/or listening to interviews that you've done about Lost. You always come across as such a genuinely nice person and I love your portrayal of Hurley.

    So basically, hello! And keep up the wonderful work.

  98. Hola Jorge soy Axel de Argentina y realmente espero muy ansioso la 4º temporada. Por lo que pude espiar y leer es que tu actuación es memorable, eso espero.
    Sigo a Lost desde que comenzó y la verdad es que no quiero que termine nunca y por supuesto que tu personaje nunca se muera.
    Un gran abrazo.
    Axel (Argentina).

    Pd: perdón que no escriba en inglés si lo hiciera sería como Tarzán hablando.

  99. I just found this! How exciting! Love watching you on the show. You're one of the favorites!

  100. jorge, actuas exelente, sigue asi!!!
    saludos desde chile

  101. Can I get a comment about Polar Bears in Tanzania?

    ~thanks, Sauce

  102. Jorge, you are the man! I am comment 108, the LOST references never stop...

  103. I liked the first episode. It wasn't the shocker some were looking for, but well acted and well written.
    That wasn't a bad watercolor btw.

  104. Man, episode 2 was really great. Series 4 has started off awesome.

  105. Season 4 of Lost is fantastic, SO worth waiting for. Great job!!!!!

  106. Thanks, Jorge.

    I've mentioned you on my blog some time ago, and will do it again.

    Great performance. And Germany loves you as well, all of you.


  107. Jorge you have been amazing so far in the first 2 episodes and really showing off your acting range. Im impressed but not surprised:) Im happy to see the ways theyre expanding Hurleys role. Congrats. Keep up the amazing work!

  108. I think Hurley might possibly be a more important character than we've thought in the past. He has the greatest connection with the numbers, he actually saw (presumably) Jacob whereas Lock couldn't, and as seen in both the Cabin incident and the flashforward with Charlie, he seems to have the mental abilities to make things disappear when he doesn't want to see them. Then there's all subtle clues in earlier series such as the Hurley bird. Then there's the whole connection with Libby, who we've been told has an as yet untold important part to play in the history of the show, plus she was at the mental hospital with Hurley and you know they say there's a fine line between genius and insanity.

    Agh my brain!

  109. I've had to see the episode 4 times in order for me to be able to say that this is the BEST EPISODE that has ever been shoot! I love your charachter, his innocence, his happiness are contagious!!!
    thanks a lot!!!

  110. Thanks for the episode.. you rock, Jorge!!! But i really want answers!!

  111. Jorge!
    I am THRILLED with the return of the show! Your episode was AMAZING! Confirmed dead was great. Lots of questions in both episodes. Seeing things in the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE. Truly brilliant. It gave me so much to write about.
    I'm sure you already know this, but EVERYONE misses you over at myspace. They all say HI to you! Keep up the awesome work. I hope filming starts up again very soon.
    I thank you for always sharing 'snapshots' into your life. ROCK ON!
    Much Aloha,
    ~Karen~ aka ~Shortcake~

  112. I know I'm late jumping on the bandwagon. Just wanted to let you know that Hurley is my favorite character on my favorite show EVER. Great job on a great episode!

  113. Dude! AWESOME!!!!!
    I love your character! But I love you more..'cause you're a great person..your blog make me crazy!
    Thanks for all!!
    Mary from Naples, Italy!!!!

  114. Saludos desde Buenos Aires, Argentina, :-)

  115. so excited to see you have a blog! Just love you to pieces on LOST!!!

  116. I'm still bummed they killed off Charlie. I'm glad to know you're one of the Oceanic 6. I'm still trying to figure out who was in the coffin- I've narrowed it down to two charactors-curious to see if I picked one right. I loved it when Hurley charged in with the VW bus and saved the day! The new episode was so worth the wait! Glad Hurley was featured again. He's one of fav characters. And what about this new character from the helicopter that can talk to dead people? Creepy... I bet Walt & Michael are on the freighter. Love the show! I'm a LOSTIE!!! Can't wait for more!!

  117. I cry a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    damn dominic!! i really miss charlie! you owned the episode!
    great GREAT performance!!
    We really love you!!
    kisses from argentina!

  118. Jorge, there's a Facebook page under your name. Is that really your page or just some poser? I'm doubting it's you since it's an ABC stock photo.

  119. auchh!! tantos comentarios!

    puta la verdad no algo entendi de lo q escriste , pero no mucho ya que no le pego mucho al ingles

    saludos desde
    Talca- Chile (L)

    ojala te pasas por mi blog...

  120. Jorge, your last performances are AWESOME. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the new 2 episodes from this new season, and a lot of that is thanks to your job.

    Felicitaciones desde Argentina.

    I hope someday you read my blog, is in spanish but I think you will get the idea

  121. Jorge, dude, you are KICKING ASS this season. Seriously, leaving everyone else scrambling around in your dust trying to keep up! The best of your best and then some. Thanks for bringing it out in the world and sharing.

  122. I just found your blog today. We love Hurley and Lost so therefore, we pretty much love you (awkward for a first blog comment post!).

    We'll be following the blog:) BTW- we are obsessed with Lost and are so glad you guys are back!!

  123. Thank youuuuuuuu!
    You are the best

  124. Everyone loves a tipsy comment don't they? Well gosh I hope so because I just wanted to say that I am loving Hurley so much this season so far! And both thanks and kudos to you for that! Your episode was just fabulous, but Hurley is just shining and really standing out in the best possible way for me in the all of the episodes so far. Well I know it has only been 3, but ysy and thank you :)
