Monday, February 25, 2008

Rough night

Well I'll let her tell you about it.

"Three spankings in about 20 minutes time (two over the SAME thing) and several "instructions" on other things... led me to say, "that's it Jorge.. you are going to bed."


Okay actually that is something that popped up in my google alert. Often strange things involving Jorge Garcia's pop up on my alert. 

Like this:
"As part of the search, investigators stopped Jorge Garcia... because he resembled the description of the perpetrator. "

"It's not about wins and losses. (Trainer) Jorge Garcia said it best to me. He said it's about pride and proving to the paying public you have some. I think Jorge Garcia is right."

That's 'cause we are. :)


  1. That WASN'T you in Miami. Thank Goodness.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a riot!! I didn't know you could set up alerts for your name...

  4. LOL have you ever tried googlism? ( Some of the results are pretty funny! When I searched for my name I got this as one of the results:
    nicole is a veteran to the art form of female impersonation and has been fortunate to have worked with some of the countries finest and most talented

  5. I'm too scared to set up Google alerts to my name - I don't EVEN want to know....LOL

  6. Jorge,

    Being from Canada with a Latino last name means these occurences don't happen -- unless someone steals my identity. Which given my appearance means someone has a whole lot of 'splaining to do'.

  7. Hysterical. I need to go check this name thing out...get some good laughs of my own!

  8. i'm the only person in the world with my name... i seriously don't know what my parents were thinking. ;)
