Saturday, January 26, 2008

Creepy 2 U?

Okay is this creepy to anyone else?

I mean I get the snowman candle idea. But this feels more chilling (no pun).

I think it's the plate. But the place mat isn't helping either. It's just disturbing.


  1. Did someone want Frosty's head on a platter?

  2. is it a scene from the upcoming movie "Freddy vs Jason vs Jack Frost"? :-)

  3. I so got one of those for Christmas! Too funny.

  4. I think you have Frosty issues. The last pic you posted of a snowman was one being hung from its neck in a tree. Leave Frosty alone! ;o) LOL

  5. Hmmm frosty head. LOL Its like those skull candles you have at Halloween.

  6. I like is candle, is very cute :o)
    seems like a candle for christmas, but here is strange use this candle in christmas, because in chile, where I live, is summer, haha. Don't snow and cold, is very warm, but all in tv is with snow and all is white. And in winter, in Santiago, don't snow either, haha. But I like this frosty issues.
    Sorry for my english.


  7. Totally random fact: I used to own plates exactly like that. Until I saw that decapitated snowman's head on it anyway.

  8. But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod, so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Having been prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me here on a platter the head of Frosty the Snowman."

  9. I agree with Pam...

    1. This decapitated Frosty
    2. The one and your tree
    3. and your re-enactment of Frosty the Snowman cartoon

    I'm starting to worry about you *smilefaceguy*

  10. Not as creepy as it would look if it was lit and burned a crater in its skull. Now I have to go check out all the other pictures that have people worried. I'm new here.

  11. Dude, I am a big fan. Would you get into my blog?
