Thursday, November 1, 2007


Sweet! Halloween was fun we carved like mad.

Here are some of mine up close:


  1. Awesome! did you really carve those? Here in New Zealand we don't really do Halloween. Its mostly know as "some stupid American thing" LOL PS:I hope lost is going along well. I cannot wait much longer!! Arghhhhhhhh

  2. Damn - those are freakin' awesome! Kinda makes ours look pretty weak!


  3. Waw, I thought they just pretty much all looked the same.
    We don't have that tradition overhere (though they are really pushing it now. Supposed to be a commercial hit), but after seeing the Pumpkin Art...
    Horrifyingly beautiful ;-)
    You guys celebrate together with all the losties? Must be one scary party.
    Greetz from Belgium

  4. Whoa, dude! Easy with the knife. Seriously, those are pretty cool Jack-o's Jorge. Looks like you guys had a good time.

  5. i wish i had the time to do that. that oogie boogie one is pretty sweet.

  6. Wow, nice work. The ship one rocks.

    And I'm not going to tell you what I thought you were dressed as (eeks).

  7. Those are awesome, Jorge! Great job! These look soooo much better than the cheesey faces we used to carve in the pumpkins as kids, LOL.

  8. Wow, Jorge! So much better than the triangle eyes and nose with the big grin with one tooth we used to do! LOL Talk about originality.

  9. In my country, we celebrate "LA CASTANYADA"...

  10. wow - these are amazing! Halloween is really not such a big thing over here. I also love the pearl/oyster costume :D - it's ace

  11. Those are incredible!!

    I gave the kids some markers, felt, and cotton balls . . . told them to get busy.


  12. Big fan of Nightmare Before Christmas too!!!!!!!

    I went as Sally about 7 years ago:)

  13. marla says the hair of the guy in the bat one looks like a reese's cup.

    i agree.

  14. Thanks so much for uploading your O-Lanterns. These look like a major challenge to carve!!

    My favorite is the "Oogie Boogie - O - Lantern" - followed by the "Aztek - ish - boy with the belly button - O - Lantern"...........

    and I do believe there's a little bit of Arnst on your "Ship - O - Lantern".

    These are great!!!! Thanks!

    PS - Love the costume!

  15. Unbelievable Jorge! Wow! Have you been subscribing to Martha Stewart? :o)

  16. Dude, those carvings are awesome;Gallery good...Costume, not so much...just kidding.
    Congrats on The Lost Fantasy League.

  17. Wow - those are friggin' sweet!

  18. wow! Nice work!
    they are just beatiful!

    bye, Eva

  19. Your pumpkins are totally awesome! Your costume's cool too! Glad you had a good Halloween! :)

  20. Wow, Jorge! What a talent! I loved the costume but this is even better. Thanks for sharing with your fans.

  21. Did you really carve those pumpkins??? Wow, you are THE MAN!! Always wanted to know how to do something like that.
    But down here in Brazil we don't really have Halloween and, to be honest, I don't really miss it anyway. But the pumpkin carving seems to be fun!!! And the candies... Ooooow, the candies! lol
    Greetings from your Brazilian cousin lol lol lol
    Callebe Garcia

  22. SO who did you hang out with on Halloween? Are you with the rest of the Lostie crew there in Hawaii, or did you get to come home for a bit?

  23. I sure hope that I am wrong but I just read that he died on the 9th of November. Is this true?


  24. I like the Nosferatu pumpkin!

  25. that 'Nosferatu'-pumkin is pure art! Wow
    I had forgotten that image, and now I see it inside a pumpkin :)

    You like a surgeon?

  26. I love your pumpkins! My roommates were better than mine this year. (It was my first time.) But the skull is mine and I was damn proud of it. This year mine's going to be even better!

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  28. Did you go to art college because these are pretty much amazing.
