Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Script is awesome.

Sorry. Can't say anything else.


  1. You've said enough! Can't wait!

  2. Woo hoo! This is way cool, Jorge. Please keep it up!

  3. Very cool! I hope S4 is as much fun for you as it will be for me!!

    (myothercarisflight815 at the Fuselage)

  4. You"re very cool Jorge, thanks to share it your feeling with us

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Jorge! It is so great of you to do this for the fans. I look forward to hearing more from you!

    -Heather (heatherlar at

  7. We know you can't give away too much, Jorge! But we deeply appreciate anything you can! We all look forward to you "Dispatches". Thanks so much!

  8. You certainly said enough! Can't wait...I miss Lost so much

  9. Let's see - maybe Jorge's trying to send us a message...
    if we take "Script is awesome" and convert it to numerical values (by their alphabetical order) -

    19 3 18 9 16 20 9 19 1 23 5 19 15 13 5

    and you add them up you get...

    a REALLY desperate fan ;)

    In all seriousness,
    Thank you VERY much for sharing any info Jorge.

  10. Hey wassup hurley bird!
    did you create this blog from the island? :o
    has it got a hotspot mikhail sergeyevich gorbachev setup?

    ps: send me some kate pr0n :)

    -Whytey :)

  11. Sounds great! That's all we need to know. :-)

  12. By "script is awesome" do you mean "Hurley gets a lot of screen-time"? Because that would most definitely be awesome.

    Good luck with filming + all that comes with it.


  13. YES! All I need to hear is "script was awesome" and thats all.

    Why would TPTB not want you to promote something so great?! :)

  14. I'm such a fan and you play Hugo so well. I can't wait for season 4:) I'm excited to hear that you are excited about the script even if you can't tell us anymore.

  15. Jorge I'm writing you from Venezuela you are the best!! I have a question you speak Spanish? oh and you can visit my blog? is
    PD: Hurley is great don't change never

  16. yay! "script is awesome" that's all i need to know (even tho i already knew it, lost is always awesome!) good luck!

  17. Jorge!!
    I can't wait to see the new season!! Gosh! I'm going crazy, dude!!
    LĂ­dia (from Brazil) ;)

  18. Hey, Jorge!

    I'm late to the party, but I did want to comment on the fact you posted this on 8/15 - otherwise known in fandom as LOST day. If that's a coincidence, you gotta love it.

    Happy bloggings!

  19. ah, don't tease me! I am having lost withdrawls already LOL

  20. That's great, Jorge, keep up the excellent work.

    Cheers from Brazil!


  21. Thanks for the info Jorge !
    Love the show ! Great Job !
    Waiting for s4 ...

  22. ajajjaja....muy bien puedo esperar a que comience la nueva temporada...

    Desde Argentina te mando saludos...

  23. Jorge,i am a big fan of the show.LOST has change my life,i mean it.Only one other show has that influence over me-"The _X Files"
    Any way,u character is great!I will not lie to you,mu favorite is Sawer,but u good too:)
    SO,cant wait S4.

  24. Hi, just discovered your blogs...I'm loving season 4 & am a big fan..
    watched There's No Place Like Home today

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