Monday, August 13, 2007


Okay. To be honest I signed up for this just so that I could leave a comment on Dark UFO. But... who knows it might be a fun thing to try to create a "LOST Diary"

P.S. Don't look for me to do anything to prove who I am. Read at your own risk. I could care less if you think it's really me or not.
Hell I don't even know if I'm really going to do this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for the update on the filming, appreciate it.

    If you ever have any "info" to share unofficially feel free to email at

    Honored that you stopped by my blog.

  3. Hi Jorge, it's very cool if you make the "Lost Diary" and thanks for your info, i'm glad that you honored dark's blog, he made a good work with it^^
    good luck for the filming :)
    kiss to France :)

  4. I have the same reason for signing up for a Blogger account--to make a comment on DarkUFO's site. Dark really ought to be getting a finder's fee!

    Have fun blogging!

  5. Hey Jorge I feel honoured just to see your blog, let alone see you writing comments on dark ufo or writing the diary, which would be cool, btw. :D

    Many greetings from Serbia :)

  6. Jorge!!
    Thanks for keeping us updated with things. Just wanted to say I think it's so cool that you keep in touch with the fans!! A "lost diary" would be awesome. I would definitley enjoy. Thanks for all your hard work!! Hurley in the finale rocked and I can't wait to see what's next!!

  7. dude!!!! you're the best ... how cool was it working with cheech marin?

  8. Thanks for this Lost Diary! And for even attempting to make the time for it considering that you'll have to fit it in between working and all. It's much appreciated! You know that we will take any little crumbs of Lost info that we can get, even if it's not secrets and just what you all are having for lunch that day. :o)

  9. ive been fiending so much for lost i have been watching Becker and pretending its a hugo flashback

  10. actually becker spliced with up in smoke

  11. Please do keep this going, Jorge! We love you at the 'Lage but I think it'd be great for you to have a place like this where you can share what you want and not just answering questions. ;)

    Aloha Nui, Bra!!


  12. Jorge, thanks for starting this. It's six long months til we see an episode, and even a tidbit like "Script's great" is great to hear. And I'm so glad you've found dark's site. That's the only reason I signed up, too.

    Stay dry this week!

  13. Hey Jorge: It was cool to see one of the Lost actors show up on Dark UFO, one of the best Lost sites on the internet! With the LONG. LONG hiatus, any news from the set will be much appreciated by fans. Hugs from Texas! Ann

  14. Hi Jorge!

    I think it's great that you started this. Thank's for the info about the filming, and congrats on your work, you're one of my very faves in the show.

    Un abrazo desde España!

  15. Wow - this is excellent! Jorge - you rock - seriously. (rocking is a serious thing)

  16. Awesome. I look forward to reading your posts if you do choose to go through with this whole blog thing.


  17. hi, hugo is the on of best people in lost :)

  18. Hi Jorge, congratulations dude!! Latinoamerica loves u!! I will stay close to your blog to be up-dated

    Hola Jorge,¡¡felicitaciones amigo!! Latinoamérica te ama. Seguiré de cerca tu blog para estar al día!! Saludos!!


  19. I think you're just so very awesome on Lost. You make me laugh, smile, chuckle, and a few times you even made me cry.

    Thank you for your work on Lost and for representing the SoCal.

  20. Hi Jorge!
    I´m very big fan of LOST and You are one of my best charecter in this serien. I´m from is in the centre of the heart of Europe :-)
    Please write me mail to

  21. Please write me e-mail to , because it will be a honour to me to writing with one of charecter from my favourite TV serien LOST ... thanks very much

    Yours truly, Robie

  22. Hi Jorge,

    your diary is good, please giving regards "Desmond" and "Danielle". Thanks.

    You are super

  23. Hola jorge!!!
    Me llamo Sandra , tengo 20 años y soy de Zaragoza (España)
    Te escribo en español porque en ingles... mal jajaj.
    Me encanta Lost y tu personaje es de lo mejor de la serie.Agrégame!

  24. Hi Jorge, I am very glad for your blog. It is great!!! I love watching LOST and your character Hurley is perfect. If it was possible, please give my regards to all actors from this show, especially to Matthew Fox. Thanks. Yours sincerely, your fan from the Czech Republic :-)))

  25. I've reading in a blog that you are Jorge Reyes (Hurley in LOST).
    I don't know if it's true but... anyway you're invited to our comunity

    Un beso desde Barcelona!

  26. Hello, Jorge. This is great idea. Thanks. I mean that you are a great personage in this series and many good things happen thanks to you, (but some bad:P). Although I speak spanish, I am going to read everything kindly. Hugs and kisses. This text is translated of the Spanish to english, probably sounds rare :P.

    Claire and SUn the Best!!!

  27. Jorge,

    thanks for sharing bits from your personal life with us - it's really appreciated, and I wish that more actors/actresses would do so.

    And thanks to the whole crew & staff of Lost! This is awesome.

    Wolfgang (from Germany)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I don't want to spam your blog, but I'd like to offer you a safe place to vent and talk about anything you want, Jorge. I run an adult (no, not THAT kind of "adult" :)) social discussion forum. You can reveal as much or as little as you'd like regarding your true identity or your work on Lost, in complete safety. With your sense of humor, you'd fit right in. We're at
    I'll roll out the welcome mat for you!

  30. You know I'll second Capmaster's comment about joining at

    Don't want to spam the blog or anything but we think it'd be really cool if you or anyone else here could join!!!

  31. Hi Jorge.

    When I saw the blog, I thought that was that, the "Lost Diary".

    In Argentina we are waiting for the last season. Ever understand unless,I suppose that is why I am so...¿eager?

  32. Jorge, just read in a swiss newspaper that this blog exists. great, really really great thing! just read some of the newest articles.

    I just saw Lost's season 4 - and I really hope you will not die in the end!!! :-)

    Kind regards,

  33. Hola Jorge soy Juan Duque y hago un programa de radio desde el blog

    Una vez al mes, el próximo el 30 de mayo de 13 a 18 horas españolas.

    Estoy siguiendo la serie Perdidos y me está encantando.

    Me gustaría entrevistarte a través en el próximo programa serían unos diez minutos y si puedes lo podriamos hacer por el chat de voz de gmail, mi correo

    Ojalá puedes y te intereses a nosotros nos haría mucha ilusión


  34. so this is really you? wow. that is cool. i had heard a rumour that you had a blog but thought it was one of those "us lost fans are a bit weird and super addicted" type rumours... so stoked to "find" this blog... i live in NZ so we just had some like it hoth here - i know, we're a bit behind and i confess i try real hard NOT to read ahead and see what is coming up esp with mega finales.... sigh... not long now... thanks heaps. and if this isnt *you* - its pretty amazing fan work then anyway!

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  37. Bro, I found out Lost is streaming on Netflix so my wife and I started watching it with our son. It’s such a great show and glad to have found it again. Thank you for being a part of it!
