Beth says I tried it before and hated it but I felt like I discovered the newest greatest thing when I tried Kinpira Gobo at the Japanese restuarant we go to.
Kinpira gobo is a salad made from sauteed burdock root and carrot. Now I only recently heard of burdock when it was mentioned in a recipe at for
Suddenly it's everywhere. So I decided I'd try to make my own. Now burdock is the longest root in the grocery store.
How long is it? (Too easy.)
So long that no bag will hold it. In fact at the Don Quijote where I got it they had their own packaging created just for it.
It's so long I couldn't get it all in this picture

so I had to tilt it away from the camera.

I'm not going to tell you the recipe all I did was google it. But I will show the finished product.