Back in March when "Foxy and I shut down the ranch" a tradition started completely under my nose.
This tradition was feeding random stray animals and naming them "Dummy." (Although now we've been using the word Dummy for everything and everybody, especially each other.)
Kauai was full of Dummies this trip. First we saw this bird at breakfast drinking from the creamer cup. It was cute. We'd never seen a bird with a milk mustache. And then another flew to the table and started eating the syrup that was stuck to the outside of the pitcher. (Which is why we had eggs and no coffee.) I tried to snap a picture with my phone. It didn't come out very clear. He blends in well, look on top of the syrup.

But I saw there were a lot of mouths to feed so I left them a little of my breakfast.

Then we had a nice dinner at Tidepools. And they had this Koi pond full of Dummies.

They went nuts. Sometimes you'd see one koi jump out of the water further away. It looked like he was trying to distract the other fish and disperse the crowd. The best part was when we threw in a scoop of mashed potatoes.
We liked this hotel so much we went back for breakfast. At breakfast the Dummies actually helped bus the tables.