A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ireland: Quay House

Pronounced "Key Haus" this place was a charming little B&B in Clifden. The owners were super friendly. But be warned, we nicknamed this place the "museum of death" because it is chock full of exotic hunting trophies. Way too many in my opinion. I mean sometimes you see one or two but this was insane. If dead animals bum you out, avoid this place.
And then there's the fish...
This one lost it's protective case.


Mattia Paoli said...

Jokin' again with dead animals... :(

Rachel Snyder said...

A certain governor would probably love the place...

the other aaron said...

Looks like it could be John Locke's house.

Petra said...

D'you think they're relatives of Sarah Palin?

Holy Mackerel! (Don't know my fish well enough to know if any of those WERE mackerel, but that was my immediate response!)


: ) P

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

i wish i hadn't been sick so i could've enjoyed this place more after the six hour drive to it.

mmmm, beans on toast.

Jodi said...

Good Lord that really IS a museum of death.

Nikki said...

EEP!! I coudn't have slept there. I don't even like going into Cabela's because of all the things mounted on the walls or hanging from the ceiling.

lostinphilly said...

Tigers and deer and fish, oh my!!! I guess you weren't in Kansas anymore!

elainemarieg said...

That's just creepy. It right away reminded me of the movie Greystoke: Legend of Tarzan: Lord of the Apes when he gets to civilization and flips out. Everyone's got a different perspective of what is beautiful, but I'd rather see actual living breathing animals, or photos.

mamba said...

excessive -_-''

Line said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Line said...

This place looks so scary!

ギウリヤ said...

That is INSANE! It almost makes me want to puke!

VIVEROS said...

Some nasty comments here,especially petra... lololol still very nice pics Jorge but 6 hour drive ...?

redelf said...

I am completely terrified!!!

Petra said...


What's nasty about wondering if the owners of the Quay House are relatives of Sarah Palin's? They're avid hunters. She is proud to be a mighty huntress. She shoots wolves from helicopters, for heaven's sake! That wasn't nasty.

Unless you think I meant the dead ANIMALS were relatives of Sarah Palin's. That would have been nasty. If that's what you understood from my post, then I apologize I wasn't more clear.

: ) P

irksome1 said...

Dude, all those dead animals. Such a waste. I mean, not even one of them is around any barbecue sauce.

Unknown said...

I wonder how many of those animals are now on the endangered species list.

tiger said...

Interactive photography as social commentary...how about an art show?!? You're brilliant!

queeniefox said...

Eeesh. I'm not a vegetarian but that's just over the top!

Kristen said...

Yep. Won't be staying there. The pictures alone creep me out lol

Jason DeMars said...

yeah, just leave the big sharp elephant tusks sticking strgaith up out of the floor. nobody could possibly trip and impale themeselves on them, no sirree...

moc815 said...

You know, I didn't know that too much taxidermy would bother me. But I guess it does. I bet some of those things are really old though. Right?

Melissa Markham said...

LOL! You had way too much fun at this place:)

Anonymous said...

I have been lurking (not in a creepy way) around your blog for a while now, and I started one today so I thought I would leave a comment. Love your blog! Its so funny. Especially the photos of random things! Makes me laugh. Thanks!