A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

That Damned UPC!!!


Megan Carlson said...

I enjoy that they picked a photo of you that could be tilted so it looks like your chin is resting on the UPC, peeking over it.

Rachel Hope said...

WHAT???? Stooooopid!!!

Joaquin Joatcher 1 said...

Mine doesn't have that, if it makes you feel better. However, apparently you can't find the single face ones in stores... you have to have a subscription... bummers!!

Jenb said...

That's so unfair!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! It reminds me of Monsters Inc when Mike and Sulley are on the cover of the magazine. Mike's face is covered by a UPC, too.

At least you're peaking over it. That counts for something, right?

Crissybug said...

That reminds me of Monster's Inc...Mike Wazowski always got shafted when it came to being in the spotlight. Don't worry, us LOST fans know the show would not be nearly as good without you in it.

Angie C said...

Poor Jorge!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Aw Jorge, that sucks! You're not having much luck on the magazine front, are you?

Dedjezter said...

Thats one funky beard Jorge... lol

Nikoli said...

Unbelievable! That is some serious amateur graphic design. Entertainment Weekly should be embarrassed. (They KNOW that UPC goes on every cover...) Sorry Dude. People suck.

Natalie said...


Kaileigh Blue said...

Ugh. I thought they planned around stuff like that.dori

Malea said...

That made me actually LOL. Just take "Mike's" attitude from Monster's Inc..."I can't believe it I was on (the cover of Entertaiment Weekly), did you see me? I'm a natural" ;)

BethP said...

I love that it looks like you are resting your chin on it.

Luna Saisho said...

I'm glad you're tall enough to see over the UPC. ^_^

BTW, I got Locke on my Entertainment Weekly. I was hoping to get your cover! *cry* ^_^

Alison said...

Ouch.. that sucks.

Is that Emilie de Ravin second from the right on the bottom? I can't make myself see Claire not matter how much I stare at her!

Author said...

Oh no!! At least it's not on top of your face, just a UPC with curly hair.

filmhack said...

Dude, that really sucks. At least we can see your head. Maybe if you squint and pretend you're wearing a striped turtleneck it's OK.

Rebecca said...

Those things really belong on the back of a magazine. :/

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - that sucks! You'd think they could account for that...especially for a LOST edition!

The Good Groupie said...


Unknown said...

Dude, the Jacob / MIB episode rocked.

Kel said...

Have you seen Monsters Inc.? Reminds me of poor Mike's plight...

toysruskid said...

D'OH!!!! That's simply wrong! BTW, tonight's ep was INCREDIBLE!!!!

Offy said...

You're like Mike Wazowski.

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha. It's like you are actually trying to squeeze your head between the box and the tag. ha ha

mrs.mao said...

Oh, that is just not right!! Sorry Jorge.

Kristy said...

Aww man! That stinks! I need to go pick up a copy of this magazine.

John's Secret Identity™ said...

Doh! Well, at least it looks like you were wearing a striped shirt anyway. :)

Gilsner said...

You have just not been having much luck with magazine covers are you?!? lol

Steph said...

Wow Jorge... awesome magazine cover, but I'm more intrigued by your experiments in bread. I've recently mastered sweet yeast breads, but am going to try my hand at the artisan breads you've blogged about. Awesome work...on the baking & the series!

Jazzygirl said...

Oh no! LOL! Reminds me of Mike Wazowski in the Monsters, Inc. commercials. :)

Isra Zepeda said...

I want a copy of that!!! Gosh, it´s sad to think everything is getting close to the end... voy a extrañar mucho la serie sin duda alguna.

Lindsey said...

Hahahaha! I'm sorry Hurley! Looks like you're peeking out from behind a newspaper! :)

Doug and Amanda said...

At least you're looking up! If it had been a straight-on pic all we would see is your eyes.

cathescomicz said...

LOL oh man- you KNOW hurley would be "DUDE! what the... DUDE?"

Tara said...

I know, I got mine and I was bummed. Like most LOST fans, your character is one of my favorites.

Fanimaniac said...

Ha! That's pretty much what I said when I picked up a copy at Barnes & Noble (after finding out this cover was the only one available at stores). Got to special-order the other covers from EW ... who I'm not speaking to, since they dissed Desmond by not giving him a cover. ;)

Unknown said...

Dude! That corner spot was tailor made for crazy Claire.

Ralph- said...

Too bad you didn't pose like Kilroy!

Unknown said...

You got "Mike Wizowski'd!!"

Anonymous said...

You get no respect, no respect at all.

Unknown said...

I like how it's perfectly positioned so that most of your features are still in the photo. Would have been much worse if your mouth and above were covered.

RebEllen said...

I was really upset about this. Stupids!

Captain Mustapha said...

If they would just make their magazine cover like one of those cool sliding puzzle games, then they'd really have something!!

Jessie said...

Sad Day!

Connonym said...

Well that's just RUDE.

Did you hear that Beth got a shout out when Evangeline Lily was on David Letterman?

Nene said...

aw man, that sucks! why isn´t the upc on the back of the magazine?!?!
Btw, great interview with Aol.

PrincessPeach said...

noooooo!!! it reminds me Monsters Inc.! ;)

Angela Rynan Durrell said...

Aw, man...that really sucks, doesn't it? They made you look like a curly-haired Kilroy.

Shame, EW, SHAME!


Señor Skulleto said...

Just like Mike Wazowski...

Nadine said...

Well, Jorge, it's because you're special...

O-Fabulous said...

I got the one with Locke on it. I didn't know they had one with everyone.

Anonymous said...

oh man.....at least you can see more of you than "Mike" on Monster INC ;)

Breigh said...

Omg you've been robbed!!!
Gotta tell ya, your crying scene in the last episode made me burst out crying. Well done :)

I do hope you are moving on to something else soon, I will miss watching you :(

You also need to get your dog more cameos, soooo friggin cute!

Hold Still For A Minute... said...

But you have the best far away look! Josh's is kind of an angry far away. Yours is a little more gentle. Everyone else has a "Bring it - grrrr!" look, straight to the camera. It's like you are happy with it all. I got's to find me one of those mags.

Erin said...

LOL! Man, you got the short end of the stick!!

chunky_lover68 said...

all you guys should egg the car of the person who photoshopped these pictures. At least yours turned out ok. actually I dunno if you read the comments but what is your favorite piece of lost promotional media? maybe I should ask this on dural-sac jack blog.

w/e that upc made a move that was uncalled for, I wonder who got the upc on the issue where your center?

Maith said...

wooo... it seems like them sawyer covers are attracted to you :)

Animelee said...

LMAO, Jorge!

V.Ciri said...

very bad photographer

Unknown said...

What's the mean of UPC??

Gigi said...

Well, that's just wrong...

Janet said...

a UPS or DEATHS! plastered on your forehead. you both got the short end of the stick.

Beena said...

UPC or not, we already know how cute you are, Jorge! Not to worry about such things!

Anonymous said...

It's like in Monsters, Inc. When Mike is on TV.

Mommycosm said...

Bummer on the UPC, dude. Wondering why Josh's picture is so big?! It's it a sign of something in the storyline? Or just that he's hot?

Fronti said...

That's wrong, dude.

Jules said...

That UPC makes me sad.

Dave Sylvester said...

Reminds me of Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc when he was on that commercial and the Logo covered his face... he was still very excited :)

Barry Traylor said...

That's a real shame Jorge. Life is pretty darn unfair at times.
Gonna really miss seeing you as Hurley every week. Fare well my friend.

Jessica said...

Same thing happened to that little guy in Monsters Inc. and he was happy just to be on the cover.

Kimberly said...

Reminds me of Mike Wazowski on "Monsters Inc"! At least you're on the cover of EW. Not too many of us can ever say that ;-)

Duane Romanell Photography said...

That's seriously wrong. They couldn't have put it over Naveen's face? You'd still see his eyes, at least.

Hedda said...

Aw. It's like in Monsters Inc. when Mike Wazowski gets covered up by the logo in the commercial. It's okay. We know you look great!

jpetroroy said...

Congratulations for a wonderful run of Lost. I'm a huge fun of both the character Hurley and what your acting has brought to the show. I thought you'd like to see this compilation of Hurley's "dudes" that I found online. :)


Thanks again for a great show,
Jennifer Petro-Roy

Unknown said...

Oh, COME ON!!! I'm gettin tired of you gettin shafted!

JoanieLSpeak said...

This is incredibly rude on EW's part. What jerks. At least you don't have "shocking deaths" written across your forehead. :-)

Alisa said...

oh no, you're like Mike Wazowski on Monsters Inc.! :)

SomeoneTooted said...

lol! I thought the same thing.

However, if you observe all the pics, it would make the most sense to place your photo there since your head is tilted up the most.

OurWanderingAdventures said...

OMG! I can't believe they did that! It reminds me of Monsters Inc! haha!

Melissa B said...

This came in the mail with just one face on it not the whole crew with the words, we'll miss you.. I lost my stuff and started screaming that EW spoiled the whole show! Then I found out all of the characters were on the covers.. then I calmed down.

Queenjulie said...

You're sort of peeking over it! You look very inquisitive. Or maybe pissed off.

Stewart Clan said...

Awwww... honey. I'm sorry. Reminds me of Mike Wazowski on Monsters, Inc.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...


lburg7 said...

I felt the same way when I bought this copy!

GuinGuin said...

Now that is WELL out of order!

Unknown said...

haha....hard luck Jorge

Tim Sheets said...

that reminds me of old school Andy Griffiths where Barney gets his name in the paper only to have it spelled wrong.


T <><

Devon said...

You just cannot catch a break with this issue of EW. (I didn't find you in my mailbox. Or Josh. I got Matthew...)

Dan Quayle said...

I was happy to have received a copy with Terry O'Quinn on the cover, but I would have preferred one with Jorge. Are they selling all of the covers on newsstands (and are there newsstands anymore)?

And, by the way, was the story Evangeline Lilly started to tell on Letterman the other night about you and Sidekick 22, or about Hurley and Libby?

Unknown said...

what a bunch of B.S.!!!!!!!! You deserve the big pic, esp without the upc in the way!

On another note, everyone hyped up Ep 15 so much that I was a little disappointed in it, as much as I love the mythology of the show. Darlton said we would know they've known the endgame by the skeletons, but it wasn't anything huge, it seems like they could've decided to throw them in there this season. Didn't Jack say in sea 1 their clothes looked 30-40 yrs old?

bashbasrack said...

Well, I guess you needed to rest your chin on the bar code:)

Anonymous said...

Yikes what was up with the newest episode of Lost last night?? Will we get closure or more questions?

Anonymous said...

Awe... You're everybody's favorite anyway. They had to put Sawyer there to make him feel better for being hated. ;)

heather said...

i, too, enjoy the peeking.

and the heinous jin-spoiler. :)

lost-815 said...

Dude, hi. I Just watched the episode 6x15 of Lost and i think it is wonderful, very very much.
We have some answers now...but there are new questions too :-) like:
1. if MIB, the monster, has not a body, how can he leave the island?

Namastè, Hugo

Flog Blog said...

It really looks like you're trying to look -over- the UPC. Like somehow you knew they were going to put it there.

msbuster said...

Nobody puts Jorge in a corner!

ReNaTo UêGa said...

Oooh why? Stupid bar code!
Well... what's done is done.

TheJungleman said...

If it had your fingers over the top edge of the UPC it would be a "Jorge was here" instead of Kilroy

Robin said...

Hey, at least you are peeking over the UPC, not obliterated by it :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jorge and Beth
That UPC was the first thing I noticed, even before Sawyer. :-)

I searched my local market and found one lone copy of EW and it has all the pics on it (hidden down in the back corner of a rack behind market baskets,guess it got missed by everyone else.) My subscription copy came with Locke on it but I wanted the issue with everyone so it worked out well.

I believe there was a tv guide with a few Lost actors on the cover and the same thing happened to Naveen Andrews.


Anonymous said...


Anyone bring this to your attention yet?



Chelle said...

Having a toddler that loves Monsters Inc this makes me immediately think of the commercial with Mike and Sulley where the logo was round and placed directly over little green round Mike lol

You can put a positive spin on it and say YOU are the one they are paying for...just a thought! :)

Mighty Morfin said...

Dude! What the heck?! That's not fair that some photos are larger than others! You guys should have all had the same size!

Mike Wazowski!!!

yellowdoggranny said...


Claire "Mox" Mockett said...

They photos look like really odd photoshop versions of everybody..lol

Unknown said...

You rock bro, thanks for the comment. Means a lot that you took time to contact someone you've never met. Most celebs are uptight and wouldn't dare. God Bless

Unknown said...

Oh man, I just figured out the UPC thing. That sucks. Is that a final print?

Starchy said...

It just means you're the most valuable cast member! Right.

Is that Claire? Am I nuts or does that look nothing like her?

Nathaniel said...

this is unrelated to this post, but, dude, you've gotta see this

6 seasons of Hurley's "dude"


tricia said...

haha dude!

ibacoltsfan said...

at least we can see your face above the upc. thank god they had you look up or your whole face would be covered. Love ya Hurley but I got BEN for my cover in the mail. great articles covering LOST though. Peace Out.Renita from Indiana

Unknown said...

If they took some space from Daniel Dae Kim photo and cut some hair to Naveen Andrews, you could have been to de right of that UPC instead upon it.
Lets blame a lazy cover designer.
Anyway, i think its cool to be there, everyone now looks for who got busted by the UPC.
Congrats! You and Mike Wazowsky did!!

tmarie said...

I am having the hardest time finding a copy of this issue in stores! Why?? (help)

HektikLyfe said...

Dude and Sawyer? He's not even the freakin' hero!

BTW: I'm a grown man and you moved me to tears with your breakdown on the Candidate.

Unknown said...

My Question is... Why is Josh's the biggest picture? Is Josh gonna be a major part to the finale? Is he gonna die saving Jack? I remember when Sawyer told Jack "you're the closest thing to a friend I've got doc". aww

Pablo said...

Finally you are behind the bars!!!!!

Unknown said...

How was LOST LIVE? Details... Give us details! Also, where ya gonna move to?

Gwen said...

Ooops... sorry for you! :-)

B LOST said...

Hi Jorge,
I sympathize, but you know what is really a bummer, that the runaway cable satellite could cut off communication on Sunday May 23rd. Of all the days!!! 6years I've been watching Lost never missed an episode and now this? I guess it's ironic in some LOST weird no communication way, hopefully it won't happen. That would really really suck! Love your blog!

R Hohf said...

I know it doesn't go with this post, but I just finished my Lost shadowbox, and posted a pic on my blog--I wanted to follow up since I'd said I would put up a pic when it was finished!

And, it is too bad your pic got UPC'd :(

Unknown said...

They should have covered up that Said dude, he's always bugged me. I'm glad he's like undead now.

kerenl said...


CMom said...

Darn it! :/

We should go Betty White style and start a Facebook campaign to get you a full cover!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the UPC be on the back?

daniellespencer said...

Totally just bought your poster to hang up with the rest of our limited edition poster collection at home. Awesome. :) http://damoncarltonandapolarbear.com/xrx/body.php?module=product_details&pid=2876&id=172

Dr Mum said...

Oh NOOOO! you are in the shocking deaths department........

msbuster said...

Different subject but I just noticed that your fan mail address has been changed to stateside....so sad!

Lynn Faruque said...

Hey, I am here in Texas and I have this same one that I bought off the selves at B&N. No UPC!!

If you want one, let me know.

Eugen Caitaz said...

Jorge don't worry! It's a just Magazin cover!

Unknown said...

How cool would that be if that UPC actually meant 4 8 15 16 23 42 !
Finally a rational explanation for the numbers ! Answers are coming ;-)

Anonymous said...

i totally want that issue. i hope i will be able to grap a copy in berlin.
i hope they won't ruin your photo even more via putting another sticker for the price in euro above. :(

K.May said...

Okay, so I think Josh Holloway is hot too, but could they make his picture just a little smaller and actually give you some space on there, jeez. Hope there is a big plot twist and Hurley gets to be the new Jacob, even though everyone and their mother thinks it will be Jack. .........That character cries a lot and it makes me a little uncomfortable.

nonailstoday said...


James Hernandez said...


Luck of the draw dude. At least you're on the cover!

bortwein said...

Keep your chin up Jorge. ;)

Unknown said...

LOL! Looks like you're Mike Wazowski (from Monsters, Inc.)... glad it wasn't like that on all of them!

Amber said...

You're still a cutey over there in that little corner.

I love that you have a blog.