A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, April 19, 2010

You learn something new everyday

And a week ago at Java Holloway's first birthday I learned a new and more awesome way to eat a cupcake. I learned it from Don our prop guy, who learned it from Joyce our 2nd AD.
So here it is:
You start with the cup cake.
First you peel away the paper. (Trust me it gets better.)
Then tear off the bottom portion of the cupcake.
Place the torn-off portion on top where the frosting is.
Give it a little squeeze.
And there you have it. Eat it like a cream-filled cake sandwich.

Well now that you all have this knowledge, I hope you'll be able to find a kid's birthday party to go to.


Beena said...

Hi, Jorge!

My son taught me how to eat a cupcake just like this! Once you learn this way, you'll never go back to eating a cupcake any other way!

Nathalie said...

Thank you sooo much for this little lesson :)
In germany cupcakes aren't that famous...yet!
But I'll promise you, I will praise them on every birthday ;)

The Jen said...

Brilliant! I always tear the bottoms off my cupcakes and muffins, but I never thought to stick it on top and make a sandwich of it.

Dorci said...

*nods head* Nice.


nice and clever way to have a muffin!!! i have never thought in anything like this but it makes sense!!!

Luke Leger said...

Wacky and ingenious!

Unknown said...

The kids in my daughter's class do this. It makes me happy to see them finding creative ways to do everyday things. It makes other mothers angry to see them "playing with their food".

Unknown said...

I usually do this to step 3 to create a better icing to cake ratio & then eat the top half but I will definitely try this technique. Now, off to find me some cupcakes...

mrs.mao said...

Oh, that looks so yummy. I haven't had breakfast yet!

Dr Mum said...

one year olds are great company

Athene Numphe said...

Cupcake sandwiches...I've been doing that since I was a little kid.

mr. chris said...

Ha! Brilliant. Now knowing that this kind of creativity exists, i shouldn't be surprised if i catch a guy putting mashed potatoes between two pieces of steak. And trust me if i witness this, there will be photos!

Lindsey said...


Now I want a cupcake for breakfast with my coffee. :)

opalko said...

Excellent! Jorge, this made my morning, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

The kids at the school where I worked this year taught me this. They love doing it, and it also makes a mess if you do it the wrong (or right) way.

I still like to just eat the frosting and get rid of the cake part. :-)

Alisha Rene' said...

spectacularly awesome - how come I never thought of that???? (considering I have kids )
hope the party was fun!

Lynn said...

What a great idea!



Becky said...

Ha- I thought I was the only person who ate them that way!!

Claire "Mox" Mockett said...

Just had my lunch and now i am hungry again.. good times :)

Heather said...

Holy smokes...I'm not a huge fan of treats like that but that cupcake looked amazing and eating it that way - well, that just gives it even more pizazz LOL :)

Staci said...

You've changed my life, Jorge. :)

Tia said...

Oh! My daughter Ellie will be 4 on Thursday. Don't think I won't be pulling this cool trick out. All the other moms will think I am so cool!

Erin said...

What a perfectly genius idea, and yet I've never seen anyone eat a cupcake that way before. Thanks for the tip!! Also, "Java" is an awesome name. I don't suppose she did much partaking in the cupcakes though?

Zeenat said...

Happy Birthday to Java! I wish you had put up a pic of Java's dad eating the cupcake! :-P

Holly M. said...

I totally do this! This way, you get frosting with every bite, and it never hits your nose! BEST!

sandybadlands said...

I gasped at the third picture, realizing how brilliant this was going to be. Thanks for sharing! Now I like cupcakes.

GuinGuin said...

Mmmmm cupcakes.....gotta try that some time, thanks for the tip : )

Shan said...

My dad has been eating cupcakes like that for years. I'm glad it's spreading as it's certainly an easier way to devour the deliciousness.

James Hernandez said...


Now that's the way to eat a cupcake! Hope you had a good Canadian beer to go with it! Beer and cupcakes! Almost as good as cashews in Coca-Cola (trust me on this one).

Unknown said...

I've been eating cupcakes this way for years! It's definitely the easiest way to eat one, and keeps the icing off of your nose :)

Unknown said...

I bestow upon you the origination of the cupcake sandwich, although it's probably really a 'two people a hundred miles apart having the same idea' kind of thing. ;)


Unknown said...

You are mistaken. I don't need a kid's birthday party to enjoy cupcakes. I have many a fancy cupcake store BLOCKS from where I work. This is just an excuse to have cupcakes for lunch.

Jessica said...

That blows my mind.

And now I want a cupcake.

Beachgirl5835 said...

I'm not going to wait for a kid's Bday party!

Hadley said...


Sara said...

That's genius!!

warmislandsun said...

I have always thought Lost was the smartest show on tv. Now I know why. :0)

Goof said...

:D Awesome!

And Happy Birthday to little Java


Edurne said...

awsome way to eat it !!! i loooooove cupcakes, but never tried this way to eat them ! i'll give it a try next time ;)

yellowdoggranny said...

better yet..add icecream in the center..

Kathi said...

Nice! Why didn't I think of that? Great, now I have to go make some cupcakes...

elizabeth said...

My cupcake world has been changed forever. Must. Find. Cupcakes.

Mathew New! said...

Looks a little complicated to me, but I'll crash a kid's party this evening anyway.

Annmarie said...

Jorge! I love that you just posted this. I've been eating my cupcakes this way since I was a kid. Everyone always thought I was crazy, but I'm glad that I'm not alone now. Thanks for making my day!


Red said...

OMG! I was clueless! Thank you for enlightening me.

Linda Jividen said...

First of all, Happy Birthday to Java! Secondly, cute cupcake! Looks yummy! Lastly, or should I say "Lostly", it's amazing- all the things I have learned from being involved in the "Lost Experience", & now by reading a blog, by an amazing actor on Lost! How surreal! I will definitely use the cupcake tip, & credit it to you! :)

Jenny said...

I found out about this way to eat cupcakes about a year or 2 ago and thought it was ingenious!! :)

Unknown said...

That's EXACTLY how I eat cupcakes - it always gives you the appropriate ratio of frosting to cake. Brilliant!

Angela Rynan Durrell said...

Yum! I've got a terrific recipe for 5-minute microwave Mug Cake. It's perfect for when you want a snack but don't want to make a big cake:

Use at least a 12 oz. Mug.

4 tsp flour
4 tsp sugar
2 teaspoon cocoa
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp veg. oil
1 egg
Splash of Vanilla

Add dry ingredients to mug & mix well. Add egg and mix thoroughly, then pour in milk & oil.

Cook 3 mins. in microwave (1000 watts). Cake will rise over mug's edge, but this is normal. Allow to cool, then tip out onto plate and chow down.

Note: 3 tbsp applesauce can be substituted for oil. You can also add nuts or choc. chips to your mix.

You can also make a yellow cake by using the same ingredients; instead of cocoa, add 2 tsp. baking powder.



john (not lennon) said...

Yummy! Tha's a dangerous thing to know :D

Lils said...

Java es el hijo de Josh?
Besos desde Argentina.
Espero que entiendas español. :-)

Tara said...

just one of those things where you think to yourself "now why i didn't think of that?"

Badmother said...

That's how I eat them! Maybe now my husband and kids won't think I'm totally weird. Well, not totally anyhow...

Ralph- said...

I saw Sandra Lee do this on "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" (check it out its a good show) and it blew my effing mind!

Tracy said...

okay, I LOVE this idea.

I am . . . said...

Love this! I think I'll make cupcakes for the kids to have after school - yeah the kids, haha.
Thanks for sharing Jorge :)

Rosscott said...

I just wrote up a post about this same thing a couple weeks ago! Coincidence? http://www.notquitewrong.com/rosscottinc/2010/03/25/the-system-351-the-cupcake-sandwich/

Tammy said...

OMG that is the only way I eat cupcakes! And I thought I was the only one who ever did this. It is nice to know that the lonely cupcake eating feeling I have had, is not just me. There are other bottom toppers out there, we MUST UNITE!

Nakiya @ Taste of Baltimore said...


Also, I would like that cupcake, thanks. :)

Unknown said...

Jorge, you rock! Thanks for sharing!

Disneypal said...

I've seen them eaten that way before too. I usually tear off the bottom (as in your photo) - then I eat the bottom first and eat the top with the icing last.

Unknown said...

Huh, I never thought of it that way. How has this escaped my attention before?!

Happy birthday to Java!

beck1094 said...

I've been doing this for years b/c I love cupcakes, and I found that this is the best icing to cake ratio way to eat cupcakes. Is it sad that I've put this much thought into eating? Maybe so, but it's really awesome.

Anna vanTonder said...

I do that all the time! Its the best. My husband saw it the last time I had one and was amazed, that he hadn't thought of it sooner!!

Unknown said...

Looks like the easy way of doing this mashup.


Unknown said...


Girl you thought he was a man
But he was a muffin!!!

What a great song you remind me!!

Zappa for president!!

Unknown said...

Top Tip: Take a chocolate Hostess cupcake. Freeze it. Eat it froze UPSIDE DOWN. Bottom up to the frosting. The cream never quite freezes. It's like 10 kinds of awesome.

Unknown said...

I learned this from my third grade teacher, it is the superior cupcake eating form

Unknown said...

I saw Sandra Lee do that on the Food Network a couple of weeks ago and thought, "Whaaaaat?". I'm so going to try it next time I have a cupcake.

TFKoP said...

Wicked awesome! My birthday is tomorrow (April 20)...I hope someone gets me a cupcake so I can try this.

--joe mason
orono, maine

Anonymous said...

Now I need to go make some cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

Now I need to go make some cupcakes!

KMB said...

That's so cool - it's a cupcake sandwich! And this way the frosting doesn't go up your nose. BTW, this is the first time I've ever commented on a blog but this cool cupcake-eating technique deserved some words of appreciation for a "you learn something new everyday" moment

Steph said...

I can't believe I've never thought of this! Also, you totally should have taken a picture of yourself eating said cupcake. You would be perfect for one of my favorite tumblrs!


Carrie said...

hmm, maybe I can convince my preschool class to eat them this way instead of bathing in them? nice tip.

ColHamiltonFishIII said...

From now on, every time I eat a cupcake, I will think of you. I know you're pumped.

Unknown said...

I've been eating cupcakes like that for years!!!! It is THE best way to get even icing distribution....a key factor in full cupcake enjoyment

kalibug said...

I will be teaching my daughter about this tip! Thanks.

Sarah said...

As soon as I got to step #3, I sensed what was coming. Freakin' brilliant! Why didn't I figure this out on my own years ago..

Julie said...

You, sir, are better than Martha Stewart. First the shower caps now this - what next?! :)

Paige said...

I learned this about a month ago and was amazed! So simple, and yet we never thought of it! Thank goodness for cupcake night at college :p and silly friends.
Enjoy your cupcake sandwhiches! :D

Sue said...

I always eat my cupcakes that way!

Kerry McKibbins said...

Great idea!
I'm a receptionist in a school, so whenever there is a birthday party, I am always offered one of the extra cupcakes. There is an unwritten rule at school - you ask the child, "Did you make these?" If the child says, "No, mommy did." you graciously accept the cupcake and scoff it down with your next cup of joe. If the child says, "Yes!! I made it." you still graciously accept, but as soon as the kid walks away, you toss that bad boy in the trash! No one wants a booger flavored cup cake!

Karen said...

Definitely trying this next time I eat a cupcake! TFS! BTW, where are the Jorge-inspired artistic balloon animals??

Methuselah, Male said...

So gonna try that out, dude.

ギウリヤ said...

awww, that cupcake looks yummy!
I so wish we had cupcakes in Italy! I think I actually never tried a "real" one... lol!

opalko said...

Who would have thought a cupcake post would generate so many comments!

Hagan said...

Hey Jorge! Just found your blog - this is a bit apropos this week ...


Maiski said...

Very cool! A cupcake-burger! :-) Were the cupcakes homemade? I think they were a bit better looking than mine.. :-(

Unknown said...

Sorry, but I have to disagree. To quote Alton Brown, cake is merely a delivery system for frosting. You don't want too much cake getting in the way. You rip off the bottom portion of cake and eat that first, then you enjoy the frostinglicious top piece. I suppose you could go the way of the oreo and take two cupcakes, remove the bottoms and put the two top portions together for a double-stuff sandwich but you really should follow that up with a long walk.

Sawyer5665 said...

I wasn't planning on going to my nephew's birthday party next week. I was just going to stop in briefly and drop off his gift. If cupcakes are being served, however, I will have to reevaluate my plans for that Saturday!!

Maria Marta said...

Being addicted to icing, what I do is the following: I give the bottom part to my boyfriend and eat the rest. Thanks anyway for you idea, I might try it one day :)

Anonymous said...

Well that's gonna be helpfull...just one more question. Why wasn't I invited?! Uncool Josh! xD (just kidding dude) xD

Erin said...

Life altered. Mind blown. Thanks, Jorge!!

NiNa* said...

Noooo! My lucrative cupcake sandwich business idea has gotten out!

Mighty Morfin said...

That is too cool, Jorge! Next time I have a cupcake, I will definitely try that! Happy birthday to Java!

Unknown said...

Never thought! LOL!

sawyerrules said...

Happy Birthday to little Java and congratulations to Josh, I am a Sawyer's addict.
A cupcake looks like not healthy for oversize people ;)

Cori said...

Delurking to say: That is GENIUS!

R said...

I'm stuck in a library studying for exams, and now all I can think about is eating a delicious cupcake. Thanks a lot!

Lance said...

I don't think I have that kind of patience... I'd end up eating the bottom before having a chance to put it back on the cupcake :-(

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I don't know if I will eat them this way, but I discovered this just in time to make cupcakes before tonight's episode.

Amie R. said...

Well, this just changed MY life. Now I can't wait for the next time I get to eat cupcakes.

Amy Bennett said...

Genius! I feel silly for not thinking of it earlier!

Anonymous said...

It's like a Whoopie Pie! Mmmmmm!

Ms. M said...

This is how my preschoolers eat cupcakes. Or they just lick all the icing off and throw the cake away! :)

Dani said...

Mmm. Those look like some awesome cupcakes.

I'm going to break the cardinal rule of linking you something Lost. Awesome Swan / Hatch themed cake.


Poptart said...

Been eatin' them that way for years... and there are always a few people who thinks it's genius, and one super-baker-martha stewart type who says it "ruins" the gorgeous cupcake decoration. Um, it's about to be eaten!! Glad you have joined the club Jorge. Happy birthday little Java!

Andrea said...

This is ingenious. I love it!

E.B. said...

I, too, love eating cupcakes like this! Mmmmm...

tiffany said...

I love your blog! I'm a huge lost fan, cant wait to watch the new show right now! I love that you guys look like such a family off the show. It has been a pleasure to watch and I'm glad you enjoyed making the show! Will you let us know when the lost final celebration tickets go on sale for the ucla show.



EricaJoy said...

oh my.

i thought I was the only one. well done spreading the proper cupcake eating method to the masses.

good show sir.

Lytuanne said...

Hi Jorge! I love cupcakes! try to make "Brigadeiro", its a Brazilian chocolate candy. here`s the recipe:
-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
-1 tablespoon of butter
-1 can (14 ounce) of sweetened condensed milk.
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine cocoa, butter and condensed milk. Cook, stirring, until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let rest until cool enough to handle. Form into small balls and eat. put some chocolate sprinkles on it, yummy.
You can also frost this on your cupcake. Try it! xoxo Lytuanne

nollyposh said...


Beau said...

Thats a cool way to eat cupcakes I never thought of it like that. Must try that verrrry soon.

Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

Jorge I LOVE your blog! It truly keeps me entertained!

Rohane said...

Hola Jorge!!espero que no te importe que te conteste en español, soy española y no se me da muy bien el inglés.
Yo nunca he probado ese pastelito aunque por la foto, parece muy sabroso!!! lo pondré en mi lista de cosas pendientes por hacer jejejeje.

Brandy said...

Wait...theres another way to eat cupcakes??
Just make sure you don't do this to a filled cupcake, did that once to one that had a gooey choco centre and it was disasterville.

We brew beer and it is very similar to making bread(grains, yeast etc.), we even grind our own grains although not into the consistancy you would need for bread. Just thought you should know in case you want to make the natural progression from bread to beer. :)

Unknown said...

Mind Blown

Pam said...

MMMM! I'm craving cupcakes now. Thanks for the lesson in proper eating method. I'll try that next time I have a cupcake. Yum!
Happy 1st Birthday to Baby Holloway!:-)

Lindsay said...

I actually make cupcakes like sometimes, so you don't have to make the sandwich yourself.

SDugas said...

Oddly enough, after reading this fun little bit on cupcake etiquette, I find I am still fixated on the woman smoking in the background of the first photo. A kid's birthday party, right?

Anonymous said...

This is so simple and yet simply genius! It would totally insure proper frosting to cake distribution - which is vital, of course.
Thanks for sharing, love it!

Mom2haylil said...

I do this except for putting the bottom back on top. I make 2 mini cupcakes. I scoop half of the frosting off the top and put it on the bottom half.

♥a said...

I bought a Hokulani red velvet cupcake today in honor of this very post. I honestly meant to try your suggestion, but then I eated it. Yes, I said I eated it, it was THAT good. Everything happened so fast :(

Kate said...

I can't do it! my friend taught me how and I can't pull it apart with destroying the whole thing lol

Kelley said...

kind of like putting bacon, cheese & mayo between 2 pieces of fried chicken!

Kam said...

This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing - I just tried it and it was the best cupcake I have ever had!

herblady said...

I've been eating them this way for over 40 years!

Jodi said...

Love that!! What a cool tip! Thanks Jorge!

Brian Hinkley said...

I think you just invented a twinkie.

Shawna said...

Where has this information been all my life??? LOVE CUPCAKES! Must give it a try next b-day party we go too! Keep up the tips!

Joshua Taback said...

Can't wait to try it!
Hey Jorge, I thought you might not be aware of this: http://www.tomrichmond.com/blog/2010/02/24/sketch-othe-week-133/

Duane Romanell Photography said...

I'm going to try that the first chance I get.

Embee Breedlove said...

Yes, I do this! Cupcake sandwich!! It makes my husband think I'm gross/crazy, but whatever. He doesn't know what he's missing. It does however work with smaller cupcakes - today's mega-cupcakes make an awfully big sandwich!

Unknown said...

You realize of course you can't or shouldn't do that a cupcake that someone made you and is there to watch you eat it.

Carrie said...

Best way to eat a cupcake? Smash it all up and mix it together. Perfect distribution of cake and icing.

Anonymous said...

Now this makes my want to make cupcakes.

Cristiane Franz said...

Hahuhua that's look awesome, dude :D

My musings said...

I saw this post right before going to bed - and now I want a cupcake!

Unknown said...

Oh Jorge! Old school, it works with chocolate glazed donuts as well...

Pirate said...

When I first read this I was thinking 'Shit, none of the little kids I know have a birthday till October!' Then, my sister called and said that she's been waiting till the weather got better to have my nephew's party, and so it's next weekend even though his birthday was a month ago. I almost cried tears of happiness.

Michele said...

Kinda brilliant! Man, I want to make cupcakes right now.

cmariec71 said...

My aunt has been doing this for years with cupcakes. I am 38 and to this day, she will "make" me a cupcake sandwich everytime I go visit her!

RobSchwager said...

Man, I finally got to try this tonight for my son's 3rd birthday party cupcakes. Such an awesome way to enjoy them even more now.

I owe you one for this tip, man...

Unknown said...

Cupcakes appeared at work today, and this delightful method came to my mind. I tried it and I was ever so happy with the results. People around me were in awe. I didn't take credit for it, I said, Jorge share this secret.

Thank you, I felt all special today.