A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I think I just rejected all the comments instead of approving. Sorry if that happened to yours.


Joe said...

Well, as I never write down a coment here I think there was not harm for me. I fact... I didn`t know that you have a Blog!, want to say something trite like "Awsome work!, I love Lost" and something like that, but althougth that sound like a commonplace is the big true, mr. Reyes, so let m say this: "your work is not only great, it`s memorable!"

Saying hello from Argentina, José Luis Gaitán.


Unknown said...

Hola Jorge,

Veo que te encanta el pan. Tiene muy buena pinta ese que lo has horneado. Aqui donde vivo yo hay unos panes de caserío estupendos. Estoy seguro que te gustarian mucho y sabrias a preciarlos.

Anonymous said...

Does blogger not have a way to automatically accept comments from people who have been approved once before?

I use WordPress, and I have my comments set to approve once, and as long as they use the same info (name, email, etc) every time I don't need to approve that person's comments again.

I find it a much more time efficient way to deal with comments (I don't get as many as you, but I'm thinking it would be annoying always needing to sort through hundreds of comments to weed out the spam)

Just a thought :) maybe see if blogger has a similar setting?

Unknown said...

Ah, we know you still love us. :-)

Tiffany Noélli said...

Hi, Jorge! The Mother Teresa, also likes you... She always tells me, you must be a good boy. Kissessss ;)

Jules said...

I feel rejected.

James Hernandez said...


If it was one of mine you don't have to worry about it. They make no sense to me either! :P

Robert Lee said...

Hi Jorge! Big fan! I've been doing a comic strip for a few weeks now, which is a sort of mash-up of Lost and Peanuts, and I just did one that has you in the Lucy psychiatrist role trying to help out Benjamin Linus. I thought you might enjoy it...



Rob Lee

udidudi said...

Great looking bread! Love to cook, but nothing is quite as satisfying as turning out a perfect loaf. If you haven't already found it, Jorge, you should ck out King Arthur Flour's site - everything for the baker, a great recipe index and some must have cook books.

Unknown said...

That's some great looking bread. I used to work as a baker, and when I was learning, one of my favorite bread books was Bread Alone [amazon], by Daniel Leader. It's got great measurements in terms of not only ingredient weight, but also temperature and time. Leader's real big on temperature mixing being important, so there are some simple formulas in there for finding the right water temp for the temp of your dry ingredients.

The book also has a bunch of interludes where he talks about wheat, and going to bakeries in France to meet other bakers, and how ovens are built.

The bread chapter in On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee is nice too, if you like the science-y end of baking.

Ralph B said...

Great blog post thanks for sharing