A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Look What Came In My Mail

Thanks Morven.
Unfortunately I lost your return address. I'd like to send you a thank you note.


Barracuda said...

congratulations and very, very, nice

Tales of Whimsy said...

Whoa. What a beautiful drawing of you. Bravo to the artist!

reventon3009 said...

Woahhhhh! Thats amazing! Lucky you! I'd probably have to pay to get someone to draw me one! XD

mrs.mao said...

Wow, that is a wonderful drawing of you. I wish I could draw like that. I have trouble with stick figures! lol

Alisha Rene' said...


Malea said...

Really cool! Very Moody Blues-ish. Wasnt' that like one of their album covers? Anyway, good job, Morven!

Unknown said...

I was just wondering if you'd ever thought that you'd be THIS sucessful? You are loved man, and I do believe you deserve it.

J4sh0rt said...

I always thought you were beautiful. This is a wonderful rendition of you.

VaporVixen said...

WOW! That drawing is fantastic!

yellowdoggranny said...

someone has alot of talent..wonderfully done..captured your sweetness.

Sarah said...

disqus wasn't working? that artist has talent! i wish i had fans who would do that for me.

my word verification was aboar. hah!

Mari said...

Wow - he did a great job!

Anonymous said...

yep it's you:)

Anonymous said...

WHOA. That's amazing.

Ricky said...

That's an awesome rendering of you dude! a very talented artist indeed!

Phil said...

this is an awesome drawing of you man! I wish I could be as good as this artist.

James Hernandez said...


Pretty cool!

Unknown said...

Great job!!

Heather said...

Great drawing!

Dorci said...


Unknown said...

That is a beautiful drawing of you. And I like it so much that you're going to such effort to find this person to send a thank you note to. Your momma raised you right. :-)

Cheryl said...

That is truly amazing! Spot on.

amenazamenor said...

congratulations to Morven, it is great!!

Jorge, I love your work in Lost, and I love how you keep in touch with fans! you are awesome.

Also, sorry to bother you, but I would like to ask you a question. I found this video on youtube, where you and other members of the cast (Elizabeth, Yunjin & Michael) say "mmm... cake".


I found it weird hahaha and I am curious about what is that about. i would be very tankful if you told us. Thanks!

Matt said...

I love the shading, interesting look too.. it's like the Jesus Hurley.

Unknown said...

I heard one artist say, "It's all in the eyes."

Lonny Unitus said...

Hey everyone & Jorge, just saw this over at Tee Fury. Available for the next 23 hours. http://www.teefury.com/

Jessica said...

In case you didn't see it, you're the shirt at http://teefury.com/ today too!

Unknown said...

This is totally off topic, but I saw this video today


and I am DYING to know what it is for !! :)

ps: thank you for making me crave cake at 2am

Anonymous said...

Jorge, did you see today's (March 16, 2010) TeeFury t-shirt? You're on it! :)


Eugen Caitaz said...

It's very beautiful drawing! super, I like when somebody paint you! :)

Lisa11171 said...

That is gorgeous!! The artist certainly has talent, and you have a face worth drawing!!!

-Eli- said...

It's excellent! I just wanted to ask what the hell this cake video is about?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hILqMGb2u2w&feature=player_embedded

cathescomicz said...

as they say in my country, wicked pissah!

Unknown said...

Very very sweet.

Unknown said...

congratulations! it's awesome. And good job Morven!

Grundy said...

Did you know TeeFury made a shirt of you today? (the 16th) it'll be gone tomorrow.


Pegg S said...

Talented and beautiful!!
Did you see this t-shirt Jorge?

Unknown said...

The artist did a great job but for some reason this popped into my head when I saw your sketch:

Trisha: I wanted to thank you for the beautiful drawing you did of me. [Through gritted teeth] Its hanging in my *bedroom*.
Napoleon Dynamite: Really? It took me like three hours to finish the
shading on your upper lip. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done.

Happy St. Paddy's Day Beth & Jorge!

Anonymous said...

We're "Lost" without you - where have you been the last two episodes.

Nate said...

Jorge, I don't know if you read i09.com or not, but they are avid Lost fans, and in one of their recent posts, they made the statement: "...This show has some of the best actors working in television, including Michael Emerson, Terry O'Quinn, Elizabeth Mitchell and Jorge Garcia."

Just thought I'd point that out. You are the rock of this show man. Keep up the good work! You are changing television for all of us.

If you're interested, the post is at http://io9.com/5493223/why-we-love-lost-let-us-count-the-ways

Nate said...

Sorry for posting double comments, but I just finished reading that post on io9.com. (I spelled it with a zero in my last comment, that's incorrect), and you should read it. They idolize you. The posted quite a few clips of your funniest moments. And they tout you as "..the soul of the show".

Sorry for using these comments as a way to tell you this, I don't have an email address for you or anything. Have a good day bro!

The Ferber Family said...

Um Jorge, have you seen this? What the heck was this for?? The only thing I can think of is maybe the Ace of Cakes Ep they shot with you guys, but in any case it's weird. My favorite is Michael Emerson!


gaila15 said...

Wow, very nice. :)

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

That is very cool! Do you get a lot of stuff like that?

Jules said...

Very well done. I hope the artist gets back in touch with you.

Benjamin. said...

I hope Morven reads your blog so he knows that you saw it and liked it.

It's a great drawing!

Dr Mum said...

Morven can be a girl or a boys name by the way

nollyposh said...


Moeyness said...

any chance you know what song was at the beginning of last night's episode??? i'm dying to know!!! please? anyone?

Capmaster said...

Very nice and thoughtful of him. He's obviously very talented.

Time to pick out a frame ...

We Four Explorers said...

Very nice. Your eyes are perfect. J~

Mare said...

I just saw this today and all I can say is WOW. Artists usually try to capture the essence of a person and this artist certainly did that. This is the face of a kind, gentle person!

Aloha Jon said...

Thats scary. jk!

Sunshine said...

Great drawing- talented artists!! I mean that for both Morven and yourself!!

scripter said...

Very nice drawing. I gotta ask, and this might be a bit funny, but I swear you look just like a Jorge Garcia I worked with in San Antonio somewhere back in 1989-90 at North Star Mall. I never was a fan of Lost until three weeks ago when I started watching it on the insistence of a friend of mine; she was VERY persuasive (i.e. a pain in the rear) trying to get me to start up. So, when I saw you, I thought surely there cannot be a coincidence as crazy as that (I mean, how many Jorge Garcias lived in San Antonio then, ha). Regardless of whether or not you're the same Jorge I knew, congratulations on your success.

Howdy! said...

It looks like you might be about to get Stepford Wived. Watch out!

Jodi said...

That is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Great drawing big sister!

Your a lucky man getting to work in Hawaii, we spent our honeymoon there last year, hell of a flight from Scotland!

Keep up the good work,
