A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At Work Getting My Hair Brushed

Ok it's not happening right now. Although depending on when you read this, it just might be...


Kayla said...

Is there a man under there? Also, true fact, my hair looks exactly like yours, but slightly longer. Isn't it great when it tries to suffocate you in your sleep? (Or during the day, as it appears to be doing here.)

Unknown said...

Man, how long have you been growing your hair out? I have pretty curly hair as well (maybe about the same as yours? it's hard to tell), I've been letting it grow for about a year, and it's barely down to the middle of my neck.

M! said...

I coudnt write in the Chile Post.
I just want to say I think you are a great person.


Magalí from Argentina

maggisaar said...

You look like Uncle Fester, and it's adorable.

Unknown said...


Suz said...

Your hair's prettier than Evangeline's. But don't tell her I said so. ;)

cathescomicz said...

You look like Sweetums from the Muppets there! Oh- have to say, the "cheese curds" line in last night's ep was SO funny- I thought, he had to have Fried Cheese Curds on his holiday trip to Wisconsin? (howzabout dat walleye, dere?) There's a sign in a restaurant on the way to Vegas/LA off the 15 that had "Cheese Curds, Curiously DEE-Licious". Just so Wisconsin!

James Hernandez said...


You look like that cartoon character who is sent by the evil mad scientist to catch Bugs Bunny.

Anonymous said...

your hair was looking especially good on yesterday's episode. not too poofy and not too wet-poodle. thumbs up!

Jenn said...

Awesome. If you are at work, this must mean you are still taping shows, therefore it means Hurley hasn't died, which makes me happy. Thanks for being awesome and for giving us the best lunch conversation topics for these last six years!

Autumn said...

That is awesome! Can't wait to see the braids!!!

I cried last night when I forgot to tape Lost! My kids were still awake when it came on!!

THANK YOU for blogging!!! Brings a smile to my day!

Athene Numphe said...

The part of Hurley will be played in this episode by Cousin Itt.

yellowdoggranny said...

wow...that's a lot of hair...

Zeenat said...

Chewbacca? Is that you? :-)

Goof said...

:D I'm digging it. I've looked like that too on occasion.


Movie Star Wife said...

My first thought was, "Cousin It!"

jennY said...

I hope they are not cutting it! :) I agree your hair is looking quite fabulous these days!

and here's a little something else...

"Corrupted from memory, no longer the power. It's creeping up slowly, the last fatal hour. I don't know what made me, what gave me the right. To mess with your values, and change wrong to right. Please keep your distance - the trail leads to here. There's blood on your fingers, brought on by fear. I campaigned for nothing, I worked hard for this; I tried to get to you...you treat me like this. It's just second nature, it's what we've been shown, We're living by your RULES, that's all that we know." - Candidate, Joy Division

Malea said...

You are soooo high maintenance;)
ps, thanks for the Chile info. I copied and pasted it to my facebook, and some of my peeps were really glad to see it. So...muchas gracias. And I hope all is well with your family there. I have a cousin that is living there. He was in the heart of the earthquake. They didn't have water for a few days and had to purify the water from a gasolene tank. Scary. But they are recieving a lot of aide now.

Jules said...

I'm jealous of your hair. Mine is fine and thin and just blah. Yours is plain awesomeness.

ScottE. said...

Awesome. BTW, I hope you added the Cheese Curd reference to the show. Go WISCONSIN!

Lynn Faruque said...

You can't cut it yet!

Not till after filming because you have to look as though you have been on that island, and so forth and so on. lol

Ok, listen~~~I watched last night and I am getting the sinking feeling that this is gonna get way emotional.

Last night was already emotional~~~I may be a mess of a puddle by the time the final season is over. Seriously.

Alisha Rene' said...

does she get paid extra? You've got some thick friggin hair :D

Paul Spooner said...

Get a haircut hippy!

I used to have long beautiful hair until I cut it all off when I was about 21... Now I have short gray hair (I'm only 35!) Man, I miss those long flowing locks! (the chicks dug them too)

Unknown said...


nollyposh said...

Co-incidently, i too was at the hairdressers (Getting my hair thinned out Lol!)

ReNaTo UêGa said...

How did you manage to breathe?

Tiffani said...

I quite enjoy the cousin It effect. Nice!

zeldamac said...

looks like a fun time!

p.s. keep giggling about cheese carrots

Erin said...

LOL. I'm reminded of a poodle...

leah said...

That totally looks like my hair in the morning! It takes a lot to look this good, doesn't it?

Unknown said...

You Da Bomb, Baby!!!!

Colby said...

In this picture you look like a Puli dog! Please check it out on google images; you'll see what I'm talking about. :)

KW said...

i predict bigfoot movies in your future

fibrowitch said...

Something I always wondered. Since I know your clothing has to be washed every night. How do they handle the single shirt wardrobe you have? Is there a rack of identical t-shirts some where?

I hope you keep up this blog after the show. Please keep this blog after the show?

SayWhat12 said...

Hurley's version of Jack beard?

Unknown said...

How about a posting some day on your "average day"?
For you this is old stuff, but us that follow you and Lost it would be interesting to follow the steps from getting up til quitting with all the TV stuff in between.
We're going to miss you when you leave. Hope you don't :-)

Unknown said...

My daughter Maria, who is the one of the "Other" kids this season always tells everyone just how long it takes to get your hair styled. That is one of her favorite storie she loves to tell. Apparently, she was getting her makeup done one day when you were getting your hair done!

Michael Strangeways said...

1)Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam and Eggs...delicious in a Pythonian sort of way.

2)Hurley cannot die because obviously he is "The Golden Child".

3)We'd better see some Cheech and Lillian Hurst (Ma and Pa Reyes) in the Hurley-centric episode coming up, or I'm gonna be pissed!

Unknown said...

hi.I am kiarash form iran.I really love your tv shows.I watch Lost every single week and I am a fan of you.I really hope to hear from you .

Anonymous said...

looks like me in the morning

Baldur said...

Oh no! Hurley is turning into the smoke monster!

Katrin said...

grate look :)))))

Etyark said...

This is why i cut my hair from your length to a number 2. Life has never been so easy. I don't miss the days of ludicrously tangled hair to the point were dreadlocks form. The humidity over there must be a nightmare.

Connonym said...

My daughter has hair very similar in look to yours -- I'm assuming you have the same problem of waking up in the morning with your hair looking like a bird's nest that takes FOREVER to comb out. It's beautiful hair, don't get me wrong (I'd love to have hair like that) but oh so hard to maintain. We've resorted to loosely braiding her hair at bedtime in order to keep the tangle to a minimum.

Unknown said...

Love your hair! It's da bomb! =)

vayankeegrl said...

Ow, that must hurt! Do they use anything like No More Tears on you? I want to see a picture of it all brushed out in a big poof.

Capmaster said...

:O Jorge "Cousin IT" Garcia!

Eugen Caitaz said...

hihihi! Zeenat, I am agree with you! hihi...
Jorge, i like so much this Awesome shot! You want to be seems like on Black Smoke from Lost, or it's a new beard from Erin Dollar? =)

elaines630 said...

Haha! Awesome, love it!

Mom2haylil said...

That looked rather painful. I am still anxiously awaiting the explanation of the braids. Flash sideways perhaps? Hurley goes to the Bahamas? Funny since I don't actually know you but I think see a difference between you and Hurley. Your expression or way of stating things.

Chrissy Conklin said...

Also didn't get a chance to write in the Chile post, but wanted to encourage people to keep up the donations!

They were hit by an aftershock earlier today that was bigger than the quake that hit Haiti!

It's madness everywhere. This could be our country someday, people. We gotta help.

Unknown said...

All I have to say is "Cheese Curds"

Jeanne said...

Your head of hair would be like the Hearst Castle for lice!

Unknown said...

I love it when people brush my hair. It gives me a nice feeling.

Tasha Who? said...

Wow... that took me back to my childhood. Hopefully that's not a mean grandmother doing the brushing, waiting to pop you on the shoulder any time you wince!

AtomBlonde said...

I'd love to know what your 'hair routine' is. Got any tips for the curly-mopped-contingent???

Anonymous said...

Detangler. That's what you need.

BTW, LOVING your podcast. It's awesome. Thanks for doing that.

Wiconsin Gardener said...

Script "After a particularly difficult time flash, Hurley finds his head is now on backwards"

Charlene said...

Ugh. I hate having my hair brushed by other people. I hope she was gentle.

mabochda said...

Cousin It is that you? LOL

sleepygargoyle said...

Hmm your hair looks like mine. Last week a parrot got stuck in my hair. I wish that was a sad attempt to be funny but alas it is true.

Unknown said...

Do you wish you could cut your hair, or do you prefer it long?

Rebecca Flynn said...

as a fellow curly person, never EVER brush dry curls. Seawater makes curls look amazing! Cheap & cheerful!

Lynn Faruque said...

The guest star this week is awesome!! I can't wait.

David said...

Ahhh... The rarely seen Cousin It pic...


Jorge Garcia said...

Yeah Rebecca I mostly agree.
But the brushing is actually for scalp stimulation.
I wash it afterward.

Unknown said...

You have enough to share. Need some extra cash? How does Ebay sound?

Dr Mum said...

i am still hoping you will show us a picture of you as a little boy. Were you similar to the kid who played you in the flashback . . he had the wrong hair anyroad. .

Anonymous said...

Ok sir. Your hair is looking great in season 6. Curls defined , weighted down, looser, and frizz free. Although you always looked great.
My daughter has the same hair type as you and as I am sure you know, finding the right products and techniques for managing the beast can be a challenge. Washing and combing is not fun.
Would you be willing to share what products and techniques your hairstylists are doing this season?

I've tried it all it seems, short of chemical processes. She's moving in to the tween years and although her curls are beautiful , they take a lot of work and don't always come out the way you'd expect them to.

I need help sir.

You rock on the show.
Thanks ~ Korey in tennessee.

CameronFurlong said...

Jorge -

Is that DS on the business end of the hair brush? If so, please tell her the set narrator from The Wonder Years says "hello" and I'm very happy for the success she is (you all are!) enjoying! Congratulations!