A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Man! Look at this HUGE blueberry!

Here it is next to an average blueberry.
It's so big I might have to just cut off a piece and save the rest for later.


RobSchwager said...

That there, is like some next-level genetical experimentation, run amok.

Heather said...

You do not know how badly I would love a blueberry like that. It's kind of Willy Wonka-ish LOL

Kara said...

It's a mutant!!!

Hold Still For A Minute... said...

Ok - What part of the island did THAT come from? LOL! When I was in China they had big produce like that - but they also didn't regulate farming that much so we were never sure how they got that big exactly... Enjoy!

Lynn Faruque said...

Good thing they are so good for you. Superfood.

Unknown said...

Wow! My daughter would love to eat that. She might have even tried to eat all of it at once.

Anonymous said...

That is insane.

Karina said...

Did it taste the same?

Tracey said...

There is something weird about that first photograph. It looks like the berries are floating there.

Unknown said...

OMG Man!

Was it nice? It seems a bit weird...

Your fan ;)

Test said...

to be able to wedge a blueberry is pretty awesome.

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Wow!! Is that some kind of hormone-raged blueberry?!! You can make a whole pie with that one!!
Was it delish?


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's crazy!

John said...

Is that real? It looks like you might be having fun with your camera :-)

Anonymous said...

Where did you get that HuGo Mungo blueberry? Was it good. Were there more of them. Enquiring minds what to know. Peace out.

zeldamac said...

was it full of yummy blueberry-ness or watery?!

BrandyLiz said...

Wow...that's pretty impressive! Makes the blueberries in my fridge look sad. But, I've got some basil leaves that would blow your mind!

Anonymous said...

WOW! How did it rank in flavor/consistency with the regular berry? From my experience the bigger they are the less tasty & firm they tend to be...Where did you find that thing!?!

crunchyveganwifelife said...

Where did you get that huge blueberry! It is awesome!!!

Meredith etc said...

Don’t eat that whole berry!! You’ll spoil your dinner!!!

moon said...

Someone's been brushing up on their photoshop skillz :D

Seriously, it was really that big? Did it taste OK?

Justin Shady said...

That's not a blueberry, dude. It's a HLUGEBERRY!

Niki said...

I literally LOL'd.

RHulsey said...

That is an amazingly giant-sized fruit. I would enter it in the county fair if I were you.

Anonymous said...

You're adorable. I hope you didn't get too full.

drallabg said...

If you think that HUGE.... you should see the dingleberry I cut loose........LOL have a good week!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee heee...

Helena said...

This made me laugh. And then it made me homesick. I grew up on a blueberry farm, and people never believe me when I tell them how big blueberries can get.

Sunshine and Pigtails said...

Oh my!! That is huge! I love blueberries. Your so funny and the best!!

Doug and Amanda said...

Dude, I like blueberries on my oatmeal in the morning, but that is a little out of control! Good find!

Lady Hermione said...

Bet ya that was filling...

Barracuda said...

o.O wow

Dr Mum said...

the best blueberries are found in the Swedish forest just inland from Norkopping

feelisgood said...


feelisgood said...


Alisha Rene' said...

HOLY CRAP!!! and dude, don't you owe us a story about the corn rows....hhmmmmmmmm?

Mobile Matt said...

The Island made it bigger...

Unknown said...

I laughed out loud.

Did you put the leftover blueberry in a tiny baggie before sticking it back in the fridge?

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I don't know if I would actually eat that. ha!!

Kristianna said...

Was that in a regular pint container of berries? Yikes! My youngest would eat it like a plum--with delight. :)

James Hernandez said...


Generally the bigger blueberries are not as sweet. But I've never had a Hawaiian blueberry - do they mix it with Hawaiian black? :P

Suz said...

Oh noes! You just ate Violet Beauregard! Aieeeee! ;)

evielilly815 said...

did DHARMA grow that in one of its labs? hope it was good!!

Anonymous said...


yellowdoggranny said...

looks like a texas blueberry

Unknown said...

You could make a pie out of that one blueberry.

Malea said...

"It was such a joy raising Pacman, with his happy yellow personality. Unlike his older brother, who was always so sullen, and complained of feeling blue."

Capmaster said...

Guess that radioactive fertilizer works ....

Jules said...

Would you like me to read your palm from that pic?

Gillian Whitfield said...

WOW! Huge much? That being said, I had a baby carrot that was like, 6 or 7 inches long.

Paul Spooner said...

Once when I was teaching a photography class to a load of media types in Leeds, I accidentially called someones Blackberry (as in the phone) a Blueberry... I swear they nearly pissed themselves laughing at me... Consequently, I hate both black and blue berries...

Miss Scarlett said...

Did you grow this?

You have a seriously sharp knife mr!

yellowdoggranny said...

are you on oahu?...have you ever been to pearl city cafe?...it has a monkey island..I went there when i was a little girl and they jumped on my head and ripped all my barrets out of my hair and freaked me out...I'm pretty sure it's still there.

Kathy said...

Speaking of foods ... did you see this before? http://epicute.com/2009/12/15/4-8-15-16-23-42/

Tokyo Biker Mommy said...


Christy O said...

Unrelated to the nifty blueberry--but worth a look! Someone made funny LOST Valentines... and you made it on one! Here's a link to the blog my husband found...
Although that one did not have the Jin one I saw here...

Tyler Heasley said...

Wow. This proves blueberries are awesome. You know, you seem like the kind of guy who would like my brother's Web comic: http://zudacomics.com/node/1759, which is in for a competition right now.

g said...

Is that a Dharma berry ???

Mommycosm said...

YUM. We have big ones like that from Maine in the summertime. I bet it was really sweet :)

Anonymous said...

What kind of knife is in that second shot?! Forget the blueberry-that looks like a murder weapon!

Anonymous said...

Jeez, that's one huge blueberry.

Anonymous said...

Wow...It can only come from the Island so you better tell us the truth!..Jacob gave it to you didn't he xD

Erin said...

LOL! That's ginormous!

Honey, I Blew Up the Blueberry!

Mom2haylil said...

Maybe you should not have eaten it. But Dawn Wells does seem like a likely guest star if you are dealing with radioactive fruits.....

Karma Darling said...

I am so pleasantly surprised at how real you are, Jorge. And your awesome blueberry-hunting prowess. Way to be.

Anonymous said...

wow, that blueberry looks so fabulous! i hope it was delicious.

whenever i feel sad i have a look at your blog, jorge. it always makes me feel better.
you are so funny and you just have an amazing eye for detail.
i looooove your bread pictures and pics of what you eat in general (i have a food blog myself). i hope you will continue your blogging after LOST...
cheers from the other side of the world!

______ said...

This is my favorite blogpost post OF ALL TIME.