A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Dharma Bears Came to Visit

They were sent to me by the Dharma Bear Initiative.
First thing I did was put them to work.
Then they got a little R & R.
And then I released the hound.


Unknown said...

This is pretty great :)
I wish I had a Dharma bear!

Jodi said...

Too cute! Work, rest, and play with Nunu. :)

Jules said...

Oh how funny! I especially like the one you put to work. Now you don't have to worry about your gardens. They're being cared for by the DI.

yellowdoggranny said...

does one of them turn into a puff of black smoke?
you know the dog is going to eat them.

thewife said...

very cute. not sure if you have seen this blog but i wanted to share :)


Unknown said...

I want one!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Too funny!

Angie C said...

They must be tiny bears to make Nunu look so huge!

James Hernandez said...


That is too cute! It appears that Nunu is the smoke monster in cahoots with the Dharma polar bears!

Kate said...

You're hilarious! Cute bears!

Unknown said...

I need some Dharma bears to work in my garden! Your puppy looks happy to have them to play with!

Unknown said...

Damn Jorge you are so sweet :-)

llquadro said...

JORGE!!!!! i am SO excited to see that you got George and Ginger!!! I hosted Ginger in November as part of the Dharma Bear Initiative.... we are SO glad to have you participate!!! Love you and LOVE the show!

jennY said...

hehe.. i like your imagination Jorge!

Mommycosm said...

Bwahahahahaha...your hound is way scarier than ANY black smoke monster. Be afraid, Dharma Bear. Be very afraid.

Momof4 said...

Nice! They deserved it.

CarrieMarie said...

Cuuuute! Just make sure she doesn't chew on them... LOL

sergio said...

Dharma rules!
Love Lost!
Great Work Man!

LB said...

Looks like they had a nice stay with you! I wish I could travel the world in a cardboard box. Sometimes. Comfier than flying coach, at this point.

Nicole said...

Hi, Jorge. I'm delurking here to say posts like this are why I keep coming back to your blog. Thanks for all the laughs!

Anonymous said...

O my gosh!! they so cuuutee xD I want one too! But you did good to put them work xD

Kathi said...

Truth be told, I think Nunu would really rather have a Greenie.

Nene said...

It seems that the bears are history!
: )

Barracuda said...

It's beautiful!!
I wish I had a Dharma bear i like more.

nollyposh said...

Bear-y clever!
...i know it hurt even typing that! X;-/

Blonde Redhead said...

Yo quiero uno igual :D

¡Qué bonito! :))))

Alisha Rene' said...

too figgin cute - I'd love a couple of those for my kids, yeah, my kids....

Goof said...

:D Eeeeeeeee thank you for enjoying them. On behalf of the DBI WE LOVE YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

The bears are great! What I want to know is how are the tomato's and the gardens doing? The photo of the darma Bear in the garden gives a shot of the tomato plants

Unknown said...

Muy chulos los ositos, te hacen el trabajo como buenos "dundecillos"? yo tambien quiero un Dharma bear!.

Erin said...

Sooo adorable! But I hope they survived their encounter with Nunu... :-O

SDS said...

Wow, that is so super cute and awesome :)

I love the pic of the bear digging up the garden, although I did think - poor bear :(

elektrocrash said...

Hugo, u were great at 6x04... i loved you!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Those are adorable! haha! I love the hammock picture. :)

cathescomicz said...

What is it with Chi-hoowas and Stuffed critters? Monty is in love- and I mean in the real nasty late night b-movie way- with his stuffed dragon.

Jen said...

Who needs garden gnomes when you can have Dharma bears! Too cute!

silu said...

It is a very good blog. The contents are informative.

Unknown said...

Jorge is part of the Dharma Bear Initiative now? GREAT! I hosted Ginger last summer. Then I bought one of my own for a momento of the great "Lostie" friends I've made. Goof has done an excellent job of keeping us slacker organized. Nice job Jorge!

JohnKanaka said...

Aloha Jorge! dakine poi dog bussup yo bear! Make two scoop rice outta him! Sorry, once you take the keoni off the island you still gotta take the island off the keoni. btw- a friend of my close friend was pushing you guys around in season opener ( Jonathan M) Hope he didn't annoy you guys too much!

Tiffany Noélli said...

Dog very fierce!!! kkkkk :p

Eugen Caitaz said...

Awesome idea with bear!!! Cool!

Unknown said...

Jorge & Beth You had me at DHARMA bear, then when I saw the Snoopy I knew you were the coolest people around. Love it! Carla Olson

Princess said...

You should put those on ebay

Georgina said...

I love your jorge... you are the most cute in lost XD

James said...

That is the funniest cute thing I've seen all week. Where can I buy a darma bear? lol.

dirtyduck said...

Dharma bears are to be taken seriously!

Unknown said...



Uh hi I'm More-Whitey (see, me, the bear?) and dude you're my favorite. I'm looking for a LOST tshirt just like those Dharma Bears (POLAR BEARS FOREVER). I got a shirt that says "Sharing is Over-Rated," a sentiment I still believe. But LOST has changed me into a new bear.

Stay cool, man


El Oso Blanco.

More-Whitey (I'm the bear, got it?) said...



Uh hi I'm More-Whitey (see, me, the bear?) and dude you're my favorite. I'm looking for a LOST tshirt just like those Dharma Bears (POLAR BEARS FOREVER). I got a shirt that says "Sharing is Over-Rated," a sentiment I still believe. But LOST has changed me into a new bear.

Stay cool, man


El Oso Blanco.
(sorry to post this again dude, I just got a new handle)