A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hey If Any of You Have Pictures from Last Night's Premiere...

Let me know. I'd like to check them out.


rickyleepotts said...

Hey man, I do not have any images from that as I was in Florida. I actually had the chance to speak at the 2010 PGA Merchandise Show! It was a great trip and I had a lot of fun talking about social media and how it can effect a business. Hope all is well and that you had a great weekend!

troglodytes said...

Hey Jorge,
Found this link on darkufo.blogspot.com



Julie said...

Hey Jorge, I have a few of you while you were being interviewed. They are not the best but I can send them to you. We won't be back in Canada though until sometime Wednesday. Right now I just have internet access in my iPod.

taylor2d2 said...

Jorge, I'm the guy who had you sign the R2D2. I have some pictures from the past few days I could send you. this one is my favorite: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs188.snc3/19531_699631600616_11506350_40062748_5850595_n.jpg Thanks for being awesome!

James Hernandez said...


My computer wouldn't even pick up the video stream from the Honolulu newspaper site. UGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

Gerbils said...

Hi Jorge,

there are a lot of pictures here:



Audrey Maple said...

I have a bunch I'd be happy to share. How can I get them to you?

Hoku said...

Sorry I couldn't go, I was working. However the best pics I have seen are posted on the Honolulu Starbulletin site in a slide show. You can copy from there... Try contacting them, they will give you copies I am sure!

John Schemitsch said...

Hey Jorge! I have a ton of pictures from lost night. A lot are on Twitter (I know your not on it yet) from @jschem if you search for #sotb. Darkufo.blogspot.com has a lot of mine also on their page. I haven't uploaded the pics from my good camera (including a few great ones of you and my girlfriend!). It was a very good episode. Thanks for coming out and being great with the fans (and for signing my season 6 DVD)


Aloha Jon said...

Heres some that I took of the past few days!


Ricky Li said...


I took a ton of pics of you http://photos.rickyli.net/Events/LOST-premiere/11107782_KTEMU#778054660_nRUcq

ricky li

Martina G said...

Hejsan! Look at this New Zealand page for most popular baby names in 2008!
The top boy names was: 1. JACK. 2. JAMES.
That could not just be a convincident! Pretty funny tough.
Kramar från Martina. /Sweden


Martina G said...

Hej igen!

Haha.. omg I just saw more on the New Zealand boy name list.
9. Benjamin. 12. Jacob. 13. Ethan.
29. Charlie..

Well I can go on for ages, haha... And maybe doesn't have any effect of Lost at all. But who knows really...

Kram Martina /Sweden

Judy in Indiana said...

You had a party and I wasn't invited? The shame!

Cassie Hill said...

JORGE!!!! Greetings from the mainland! I can't contain myself 'til Tuesday night! I'm so stinkin' excited!!!!!! My friend Meredith lives in Hawaii and met you at the premiere. I emailed the pictures she took of you to the Hotmail account. Just wanted to say that you are a GREAT actor and that Hugo is my favorite character on LOST! Do you have any plans after LOST? I'm super bummed that this is the last season but I know the writers will go out with a BANG!

P.S. I like your hair. :)


Unknown said...

i dont' have any pictures to share, but i thought you'd enjoy this video, jorge.



Anonymous said...

hi, i have a ton of pics from the premiere. really good ones of you too. how do i get them to you?

Jules said...

I don't have any, but will you post some??? I'm sure you have some. :)

Anonymous said...

photos of YOU on Flickr posted by Pikkopots.




Unknown said...

How about video?


Mom2haylil said...

What? It isn't on till tomorrow night here.

moon said...

It's like Christmas Eve and I KNOW I'm getting a pony! I won't be able to go to sleep tonight! AAAAAHHH!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! My wife and I really had fun seeing the cast from Lost and being the first to check out the premiere. I posted some pictures to my facebook page, enjoy!


Daniel DLS Lee Soon said...

i'll gladly post a few. U were nice enough to bump fists with me after signing a few autographs. Can't wait to see the rest of the premiere in HD tomorrow nite!

Alicia Marcoleta said...

Hi Jorge! I couldn't make it to the premiere, but I read that it was awesome. I'm going to Oahu in 2 weeks, finally!! Are you guys still shooting the final season? I hope so! It would be incredible to get the chance to meet you and the rest of the cast.

Greetings from Chile! :D

Unknown said...

I was looking at the picture you took Jorge, and correct me if I'm wrong, but is that Adewale and Rodrigo Santoro up there on stage in that photo with you?

jennY said...

i emailed ya mine...was so great to meet ya Jorge!

If anyone else wants to check out my pics...here they are


Andrea said...

This girl put some cool Lost valentines on her blog. You should check them out: http://jennyology.blogspot.com/2010/01/tv-valentines.html

Rachel said...

ha speaking of baby names, I work with a guy who is naming his daugher Kate Juliet...after lost of course.......and if it is a boy, Jack Sawyer....I don't see Hurley on any list.

Derio said...

hello! Jorge , when Lost the last seson ends, Do U still post in this blog?? Is a really good blog and I wanna continue follow your personal adventures.

I hope do U undertand my poor english.

Veterinaria Tete said...

hola, desde latinoamerica queriendo ver la serie!!!! Felicitaciones!

Unknown said...

i have lots of pics

Jeanna said...

We had a little party and I put photos on Facebook here:

christa said...

here you go bruu:


~T said...

My friend Megan went all out on the LOST theme party. Check out pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/koog05/sets/72157623377877022/ of the cool stuff she got/made for us!

Ty said...

I have a bunch from the premiere...including the lady handing you the baby...and its hilarious! I just have to go through them and edit them.