A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm diggin' these bags

I posted about them before
But now that I'm using them I have to say they are pretty sweet.
The drawstring is really the selling point for me. It's so much easier than knotting or trying to find a twist-tie.

I just need to pick up a second pack because when I'm at the store I use them up in no time.

P.S. The first time I used them I even got bag credits for them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about these... I always wondered if they really work.

Lynn Faruque said...

Thank you!! I need those.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Can you tell us where you find them?

Beth said...

If you have a Dollar Tree/Dollar Store nearby, you can get mesh drawstring bags 3/$1. They're washable and reuseable. Mesh laundry bags that are for your "delicates" work well, too. They have zippers instead of drawstrings.

Unknown said...

I bought some! Thanks!

shar said...

Whole Foods sells the bags.

Eugen Caitaz said...

Cool bags! Only vitamins, bravo!

Eugen Caitaz said...

It is a pity that in my country don't sale these bags :(

Topanga said...

Are the made of a mosquito netting type of stuff? I've never seen them. What I really want is a bag that breathes but has a small enough mesh that fruit flies can't land on what's inside it. So if I have a bunch of bananas hanging on the banana hanger on the kitchen counter, I'd be able to cinch a breathable bag over them but still keep the fruit flies off. It's gotten to the point that I don't even buy fresh fruit in the summer time anymore. The swarms of fruit flies just grossed me out too much. I suppose the fruit flies would still hang around the bananas if they were in a breathable bag, but at least they wouldn't be on them, eating on them, pooping on them and laying eggs and whatever all else fruit flies do. Same goes with bowls of fresh fruit like peaches, pears and apples. Fruit fly magnets. I hate eating fruit when I know there's been flies pooping on it even though I do wash them well. It's just a turn off.

yellowdoggranny said...

I've looked for them here in town, but our two little dollar stores havne't got them yet..

Anonymous said...

Wow, Topanga. Way to ruin fruit for everyone! Jorge, kudos for helping the environment. Long time lurker who loves your sense of humor and, of course, a huge Lost fan. Keep up the good work!

Joan Crawford said...

Oh, Sweet Topanga, not to make it worse, but, the fruit fly eggs are already on the fruit you buy. There is no escape! Yum!

Tokyo Biker Mommy said...

Here they are with a link to buy from them or a list of locations:

James Hernandez said...


Bag credits? Only in America!

Unknown said...

Topanga--perhaps cheesecloth would work for you? Or unbleached cotton sewn into bags?

LOSTabais esperando said...

Hi Jorge!We are two brothers of Spain, and we have done a blog of Lost,we are love Hurley,and we want taht you were writing to us a commentary in our blog.Sorry for our english! Bye!


Tales of Whimsy said...

I gotta try these :)

nollyposh said...

Good on you! X:-)

Movie Star Wife said...

I have a message for you from my 7 year old. She said to say hi to you and, "tell him I watch his show LOST and I like him a lot." How cute is that?

OurWanderingAdventures said...

Very cool! I will have to check some out now!

Marqi Macri said...

Genial blog! me encanto!. saludos desde argentina! sabes hablar español Jorge? Me encanta Costa Rica, pero nada se compara con Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina!. Tenes que venir a conocernos!

Nice Blog Dude! i love it!. greetings from argentina! do u speak spanish Jorge? I love Costa Rica, but nothing can compare to Ushuaia,Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. U have to visit us!

Jodi said...

I'm liking them too! Maybe I'll pick up a bunch of them. It will be my effort to go green.

Topanga said...

LOL! Joan Crawford I know because I inhale swarms of the wee buggers when I stroll through the produce section of my local supermarket. It makes me feel like John Coffey in "The Green Mile".

Melissa said...

I just bought two sets of the bags from http://washableproducebags.com/.

Looks like they'll ship internationally.

Whole Foods is at least 40 mins away in Warwick(ok, not that far but I'd have to cross *two* bridges {sarcasm} - if you lived on Aquidneck Island you'd understand)

María said...

Jorge!! You are the best in Lost!
You are magnific actor.
I love Lost is my favourite tv program.
Do an amazing job.

Unknown said...

Could somebody tell a guy from Germany what "bag credit" is?

Is that if you bag your produce or for every item and what is actually credited?

I know it's a technicality but we don't have people who bag your items over here and nobody would even think about crediting you anything for bagging your stuff yourself so I was wondering what this means in case I visit the US again so I know what to expect. Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, loving the two photos you posted. You got potential. Please come visit my site rosacea treatment when you got time.

Anonymous said...

I forgot about those! Maybe they look good w/ the right outfit? I didn't like skinny jeans when I first saw them. lol. Please come visit my site eczema treatment when you got time.

Megan said...

I use bags like that for my groceries and I love it when I get credit for them, it makes my day!

Das Mutter said...

THANK you. Every time I go in to the store with my green bags, I wonder why there aren't green bags for the produce. Apparently there are and I'm not as brilliant or innovative as I thought, but happy nonetheless. LOL

Unknown said...

Wow, figs... i NEWES saw them in usa.... or maybe I was there in wrong season (spring, summer, autumn and winter) :/, do you by any chance have 5th season? :wondering deeply:

Lori said...

I'm late to the party here, but thanks so much for posting about these bags! I just got mine in the mail today and am looking forward to using them.