A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stayed at a hotel near LAX

Wasn't much to write about until I saw this in the shower.


chelwi said...

You found Nemo!

Kara said...

lol Notabride! That is a cute surprise in the shower.

Dan'l said...

Is that soap?

Anonymous said...

A little friend to keep you company in the shower while you're away from home. :)

blaqbird said...


Sarah said...

What a cute surprise :) did you keep him?

Deb said...

very cute little friend.

redelf said...

It's eyes follow you everywhere.

Diane said...

Hope you're heading to San Diego dude!!

Artfulife said...

Some little kid somewhere is very sad they have lost their bath toy LoL.

lady vengeance said...

that fish out of water looks pretty LOST. sorry. had to do it.

Unknown said...

There are some hotels that let you rent a "companion." The companion is usually a fish. So maybe you ordered a "companion" and had no idea.

VaporVixen said...

Hehehe, awesome surprise!

The Angarolas said...

Don't lie - that's one of your new summer toys! ha

Tales of Whimsy said...

cutest fish ever!

Amy McMean said...

that's a fun surprise...unless it's a fun surprise left over from the last guest.

daniellespencer said...

What did you name him? I would probably name him Morton personally.

bgprodarts said...

Be careful it could be a spycam!! As a celebrity this is a very concern for you. Ask Erin Andrews from ESPN. That cute little fish could be the front for a den of seedy smut peddlers. Watch out.

Anonymous said...

aw, some poor kid left it there :(

Dawn said...

That makes for an entirely different showering experience.

James Hamlet said...

Have you seen my father?


yellowdoggranny said...

you found my ducky....thanks dude..send it to west, texas...c.o.d....his little brothers were missing him.

Jalixx3 said...

A momentous occasion!

ArtforLife42 said...

this is priceless. :)

just started playing the xbox LOST game. Wow. it's pretty intense, that smoke monster is freaky! Was wondering if you all did the voices or just a few of you...And, have you played it?

WittyNickname said...

seriously, you crack me up! I can always count on your blog to put a smile on my face!

James Hernandez said...


You see the coolest things in the shower! Me I just see the occasionial cockroach or spider. Yes I live in Tallahassee! Bug capital of the free world!

Malea said...

You are THE reservoir for priceless bits of useless information. Never stop blogging.

Erin said...

Awww. It does look like Nemo. And it looks surprised. Not expecting to have to share the shower, perhaps?

Sue Wacvet said...

Jorge! You have to visit this blog! This guy is a riot! http://barenakedhurley.blogspot.com/

mabochda said...

i bet someone is missing that little fish!

Unknown said...

Jorge, We were arriving in Honolulu today from Sacramento and swore we saw you at the airport wearing a reddish shirt and flip-flops. About noon Hawaii time. We thought it was awesome but didn't want to bother you. Jeff and Krissy

MadProphet said...

Jorge - that's a Babel fish! Quick - stick it in your ear and you'll never need a translator again!

Mom2haylil said...

Seriously if ANYONE else had checked into the room, I don't think there would have been a fish- these things find YOU. Interesting....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hi Jorge

You were in LA and didn't stop by to say Hey? Well dash it all, sorry I missed you.lol hehe just kidding you.
Hope you will have a great rest of your holidays until Lost begins shooting again.
Love your rubber fishy. Did you take him on a trip to Hawaii?


Spazzy said...

Serioulsy, I only recently came across your blog and I love that you are a "normal" person but I use that term loosely, lol.

Josep L Cardo said...

The fish is fine, but ...

Where is the duck?!

No ducks no shower my friend.


Great fish

JimPel said...

I think I see a camera in its mouth. I'd watch out. You don't want any video's of you and that fish showing up on the internet.

Nicole said...

I would love to find something like that in the shower!

Christina Bauer said...

Adorable!!! Seems a bit odd, though, to have that in the shower at a hotel room.

Courtney Liss said...

You posted this at 11:11! Hope you made a wish!

nollyposh said...


Peppermint Twist said...

Whoa, dude. Too funny. Anyway, I'm going through LOST withdrawal so I decided to read your blog to at least get me a Jorge fix. And this July 22nd entry did the trick *LOL*! Thanks for being you.

Edna, a.k.a. Lockefan from the 'lage

J.D. said...

You found Nemo!

Scarletcat said...

Dang man! You got a cutie little fishy friend and all I got at a Westin in San Diego was someones dirty gray socks! :-(

Unknown said...

I have that exact same fish - its part of a set of a whole lot of little fish - I bought it for my baby cousin, but they live at my house for when I look after her - its the only way I get her to get in the bath!

Sonya --Dime Store Thrift said...

That is seriously cracking me up!!

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ValMo said...

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Does it mean that someone left it there and the shower hasn't been cleaned? Or was someone trying to be cute/funny? Either way, I'm a little concerned.